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Messages - iood

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / deleted
« on: October 13, 2011, 03:48:26 am »

Announcements / Re: Possible solution to future whine
« on: April 30, 2011, 01:18:59 am »
Maybe just make everybody lvl 1 again, but they will keep their heirlooms and gen? If its possible ofc.

yeah, imagine amount of whine from ppl who had 200 xp to go before next gen.... XD

Announcements / Re: Retirement back, without name change
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:55:08 pm »
make a new char, at the site log in at your old click on change your name and it should pop up :|
and deletes ur charachter as well as all ur xp....
and whe u r lvl 28, u do not want to become lvl 1:)

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:00:45 am »
First, my english isnt good...but i have to say something about this fu***** patch...
chadz you are ruining the whole game with this patch...i played this game for soo long, some of u may know me...i was level 38, now i am lvl 28 just like a 22years old..i have to study monday till friday i just got time to play on weekend... i played so much weekends to reach the level i was.
and i have to play the whole shit again?
I played this patch for 2hours and loosing 15k gold because of repairing? i killed 14 ppl in a round...without getting hurt and have to pay 2200g for my horse? Are u serouis?
I loose gold and gold and gold... in past i played this game the whole night, now i quittted after 2 ******** hours...because there is no fun by watching your gold slipping away...
I dont want to change my armor! Why? Whats the reason for changing armor? Or do not equiping my horse! Why? that peasant can kill me? i played so much hours for my armor! i will ******** not change my armor into a leather-whatever...
This patch is supporting peasants and punishing the players who played this game from beginning.
my dream was to ride a mamluk horse with a strength of 21... now i see no reason to pay 60k gold for a horse, i may need 3k gold for repairing it!
What the **** have you done? This realy nice mod will turn into a peasant war in a few days because no one want to pay the repairingcosts...
There is no sence in it... if i want to fight with my old equipment i have to play 3 weekends as peasant?
Dont know how a person can ruin the whole game... and whats that thing with pink and neon green hairs? Do you ever seen pink hairs in chivarly? Do you want to have a new kid community? because little kids are the only group of players you will see in cRPG again...there is no correct history or chivarly feeling anymore...

i dont know what to say anymore...
please fix it...and let the knights rise again...

in honor

Finally those who could only kill afks and peasants will go away!!!! hooray!

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