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Messages - Revernd_Gorice

Pages: [1]
"puts clans together on public servers is a terrible idea."
yes autoblance is just worser then native and this wasnt easy to achieve surely  ....  :mad:
i simply have to say again:

still "trying" to keep clans relatively on the same team.
...and this is the problem
-because it is pressing on every free non clan gamer and every smaller clan at the public gaming servers already.

-Not only that clan trained  teamwork with ts and all the jazz would be unfair enough for the team who has none it even gives differences about 10+ more gamers at xactly the team who has the clanstack too.

- Even the multiplier resest doesnt work or helps at most times.

_So if you are no or small clan gamer and you dont want to serve or /and profit within dominating clan it is the next conclude not to play.

Cheers Reverend_Gorice

Suggestions Corner / Regular Troops vs. Heroes on strat
« on: April 28, 2014, 01:36:07 pm »
me still thinks i ´d be cooler to have stats and level upgrade for Army-troops seperately ;  instead of using the  Heroes stats everywhere and every-ticket.
Heroes could appear with their very skills  AND EQUIP only if they are realy arround on map position to participate on encounters who shall be in a limited map reach.
Troops upgrade might lean on scripted or customized upgrade -tree perhaps with a obligatory culture decision to evaluate class advantages and disadvantages.
cheers Reverend_Gorice

Suggestions Corner / take out plz!
« on: April 13, 2014, 09:56:03 pm »
-Remove the changes from agility and other bonus wpf points-patch .  It makes ppl acting like incredible fast running monster rabbits ... even with great maul

- dadao
-long maul
-spawnkilling as a  feature ... even in strategus
there is a wonderful script that prevents new spawned troops from dealing and recieving dmg
provide standard troops for strategus instead everyone can play his hero puppet anywhere and everytime!!
so these are skilled and equipped  by standarised gold and combat expirience costs; and level up from there.
I would use  linéar weaponpoint increase instead of  levelling system anyhow...
these days everyone is a freak with 24 agi and 7 athlethics in a regular strategus army:(
and the "tactic" is about how get spawnkilling position, that lags fun.

Edit 1) restart the better and greater sieges with choosable spawns and multiple flags to conquer this didnt realy worked but was best progressive feature i´ve seen for long time.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Stuttering issue again! with framrate drops now
« on: January 27, 2014, 03:40:11 pm »
In both cases i didnt had the issue a few patches ago even with clusterfuck.
And what did  you changed about GPU and isnt it CPU?

WSE2 Beta / Stuttering issue again! with framrate drops now
« on: January 21, 2014, 08:13:23 pm »
i have a problem with framerate droping below 40 it apeared in certain maps and inscene areas first.
The flag area seemed to be the most affected one. Several ppl reported same problem about the areas-stuttering
This came with one of the updates of crpg sry but me thinks there are problems with the newer version.

Faction Halls / Re: [Fenris] Wolves of Fenris (EU & NA, invite only)
« on: January 18, 2014, 10:23:03 pm »
my Mp nick is Reverend_Gorice theses days ReverendGorice_of_Swadia but the Tag will disappear soon.

Id like to join your clan and yes im far older then 20 years.

I play a shielder /2hand -hybrid and have riding 5- 6. Current level is 30.

My place is in germany but i hope my english is understandable somehow. ?:)

I understood and accept your clan rules.

Best regards Reverend_Gorice

WSE2 Beta / Re: Stuttering Isssue. (FPS is fine though.)
« on: December 30, 2013, 04:30:53 pm »
Same here
annyone mentioned the game version?
Me once updated normal mount &blade to 1.58 and with the quick launcher CRPG seems to use it asswell!   does it?
I had no version 1.43 on my pc and crpg mod folder was in the 1.58 module folder.
Tried to downgrade version to 1.43 and report hhere...

Tryn to say only this:
Have the bots spawning at different places every time e.g.  :

1st round north
2nd round south or east or north again.
3rd round west  and so far........
the point is not where exactly they spawn but that  YOU DONT KNOW  and have need to scout etc.

Meneldur out

Lately i was on unknown invasion map and had no clue from wjhere the eenemy bots will spawn/ 'Attack from!
Nest thought was  IT SHOULD BE THAT WAY.

SO: Have different spawns each round and wave for tha invasion mode to give the defender more problems and tactical challange!!!
should be possible by easy script too let em use different spawn_points i guess.
Best Regards Meneldur

Closed Requests / Re: Ami i realy banned from all servers?
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:04:07 pm »
That Swanky dude  even provoked me by e-kick to give report if i ve done the same. lol
After that he insisted to fight at my postion the rest of the round. His spear fast spinning fight style might be great at 1 on 1 but on wall with multiple combatants it gives me 50% to hit him instead of enemy on every strike i start.
As i started i was just shoked how common it is to hit teamates.... but ok swanky im gonna remamber that.

Closed Requests / Unban Request
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:53:27 pm »
I played yesterday with char. nick Reverend_Gorice. For some reason Today i am banned from all offical EU servers.
I d like to get unbanned or if not to know for what im banned for.

oh there it is  nice to know.  Swanky...

Closed Requests / Ami i realy banned from all servers?
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:45:35 pm »
Er Hi
since new update i can join servers only for a glimpse. After about 3 sec. it kicks me of the server. That spells native message "You are kicked from the server" and  a custom " You are banned from the server" in violet.
Happens at  all European servers i tried so far.
So am i banned ? And if yes for what?

Beginner's Help and Guides / cant repair heirloomed item
« on: January 04, 2013, 04:10:46 pm »
Sorry but,
im in panic about my heirloom point....
simple like that: at my heirloomed sword that is damaged (unusable now) the repair option did never show  up!
Not in chipped and not in cracked stage.
Any help ideas?

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