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Messages - Makelele

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If only the topic was "The shortcomings of other people", I would definitely rate this 5/5.

I would argue that class variation has been the factor that has kept us playing for this long and separates the game from others. Certainly dealing with different opponents and situations is supposed to be the challenge. Isn't that what the battle server is supposed to be about? If playing only "real" classes would be so interesting, we could be populating only the duel server.

With the population we have these days, I see little point in nerfing ANY class to the point of uselessness, since the player won't be as likely to play at that point. Certainly everyone should feel like they can make a difference in the game, if they make the effort to. Besides, like Gravoth pointed out, the flags will spawn and they spawn quick with the limited amount of players we have right now, so what is the actual harm in having a couple of horse archers/x-bows/throwers on?

Announcements / Re:
« on: September 29, 2015, 04:16:58 pm »
Is there any chance of getting the "show damage"- feature back at some point? There was some talk of bringing it back, but it might have been forgotten or proven otherwise impossible. It always seemed like a very helpful tool for players wanting to learn about their builds and game mechanics.

General Discussion / Re: Rageball Tiem [Poll inside]
« on: September 04, 2015, 11:03:50 pm »
it's just that people don't know how to use the other shits, if everyone knew it would be fun.

Well, there is a guide that explains all the controls in Beginners Guide section in the forums, also the silly old flying tackle has been disabled for years now. These polls are all well and good, but to actually get a match going what is needed is that people are willing to be the first ones to populate the empty server.

With the player base we have left on this mod, I think the only realistic way to get a game going, is to set a weekly day and time when people should join. Even then, if players prefer to join already populated battle server over empty rageball one, nothing will change.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request/poll abuse
« on: August 21, 2015, 06:58:00 pm »
You know perfectly well that the poll was coming, that's why you iniated your own commander poll everytime you did it; to ruin the incoming kick/ban poll. Clearly people didn't think your antics were funny the first or second time you delayed, so why insist on trying peoples patience? It was just a question of who would poll your first and Hador had the quickest fingers this time.

If you insist on behaving like a troll at least you should try to be actually funny and not just irritating.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban Sandor_Clegane_von_Krems
« on: June 12, 2015, 07:35:51 pm »
Yea i did it ban me, and i nudged PGG until he rage and start to th me. But first balance this mod ffs. I come to play and have fun, instead of that 75% of players on this server are ranged and its not fun. Every round get killed by 5 archers or tked by archers. Balance system: 20 vs 10 gg. Just nerf ranged, xbow can have shield ps and deal big dmg from crossbow, and what cav have? No athletics, horse so weak that die by 2 arrows - 4 shurikens - or one bolt (talking about destier, courser etc)

Frustration to team- or class balance issues is perfectly understandable, however those issues are not solved by going full retard on servers and teamkilling willy nilly (if solved at all). You can always apply to the mods balancing team or make a contribution in some other way on these forums. I'm perfectly fine with just a warning in your case.

Let's face it, we are all playing a small,dying, mod of an old,fairly obscure game. I'm sure that the players have more in common with each other than they'd like to pretend. Might be better, if we acted appropriately in game, and stopped showing such class hostility over who put character points where.

EU (Official) / Ban Sandor_Clegane_von_Krems
« on: June 12, 2015, 06:58:47 pm »
1. Aeronwen
2. Sandor_Clegane_von_Krems
3. 17:15 GMT, EU1
4. Started as throwing rocks at me and nudge knockdowns whenever i tried to shoot(which i reported once, so he would get the point that i wasn't enjoying his antics). Escalated in to proper teamhits and finally full blown teamkill at round start in spawn.
5. Wanted to remove archers from server, apparently they killed mod. I should "stop being archer,ranged,cunt".Might have taken objection to me questioning his Krems ethos earlier.
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7. Holy_Archer, Meowzart?,Slingin_Rock?

Scene Editing / Re: Question for the other map makers.
« on: May 19, 2015, 01:12:12 am »
Add a chandelier to the centre ceiling. ez fixing.
If only life would be an old hollywood swashbuckler movie a well placed chandelier would solve all problems :)

So it seems like this bug is related to both coordinates,height AND lighting. The amount of meshes seems irrelevant, since the problem appears even with just 9 objects in a scene.

From a brief test, I noticed shadows started to fail from objects placed at around 25 height first from mid-day lighting. Both the night and dawn/dusk-lighting seem to still cast shadows normally at this height, but an object placed well over 25 in Z-axis will eventually fail to cast a shadow even at these lightings. It also seemed raising the ground under the object had no effect, so it's not a matter of actual distance to ground, but a matter of distance to magical Z=0 waterline. Also not sure if Crpg servers use only 3 light source positions per day, or how having more would affect this, but safe to say that if you place an object at around Z=25.0 height or more, the shadow will eventually bug out.

More bizarrely, the objects placement along the X-axis will also affect this bug. In my test (otherwise identical) objects that had a lower x-axis position started to lose their shadows first as I raised their heights.

In this picture 9 tables are all at height 20 (Z=20.0) and are casting their shadows as expected.
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In this picture the tables are at height 30, and the ones with lower X-axis values have started to bug.
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Scene Editing / Re: Question for the other map makers.
« on: May 18, 2015, 10:34:13 pm »
Bumping this in the vain hope that someone has solved this shadow issue or at least knows what might be causing it.

I can't seem to figure out what is causing it, maybe it is indeed coordinate related, i.e. meshes located at certain coordinates stop producing shadows, or perhaps it is connected to the amount of objects in the scene. Graphical settings don't seem to have any effect on this. I'm clueless, any help is much appreciated.

In the picture you will notice that some of the roofs are not casting shadows.
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General Discussion / Re: Rageball: the resurection
« on: February 20, 2015, 12:04:34 am »
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Yep, time for old and new players alike to start rageballin' again! Let's face it, battle and siege can sometimes get a bit repetitive and dull. Maybe even those who don't play the mod that much anymore could come visit us.

It actually just takes one or two people willing to wait for others to join and the server will fill up, so clearly there is still interest in the gamemode. Just this week we've had 17 and 15 player matches. If you are the first to join, just practise those techniques from the excellent guide or go spectator and alt-tab. Also, people seem to be willing to jump from battle and siege to eu6 quite readily if someone just asks in chat.

Rageball Sunday: We will probably have many mini-matches normally per day, but to have a reliable time at least once a week, let's make a concentrated effort to join eu6 during sundays, that way no one has an excuse :) 

General / Re: Melee: Battlegrounds Q&A
« on: November 22, 2014, 09:49:29 pm »
Are you planning on adding a gamemode similar to Rageball in the distant future, or would that be up to the modding community? I think there is genuine potential there and no other game scratches that particular itch.

Scene Editing / Rain indoors
« on: September 15, 2014, 08:11:47 pm »
Anyone know how I can disable rain/snow in an indoor scene? At least the scene editor makes it possible for it to rain indoors.

Searching Taleworld forums revealed that there is some "tf_indoors"-flag that can be applied to mark an indoor area, but I have no idea how it would be placed or if the flag is for a single mesh or the whole scene. It certainly can't be placed within the editor itself, so it's probably controlled in some of the other files.

General Discussion / Re: WIN 1 LP with picture of PEPE
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:06:25 pm »
You can never have too much of a good thing.
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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Horse Thrower Advice
« on: September 06, 2014, 03:32:00 am »
I've played the class fairly lot. Definately the most fun class to be played! Word of caution; it's very expensive to play, you can expect to lose 300k-400k gold in a generation. So make sure you can afford it.

San's build is fairly close to what I've found optimal for myself.

Level 30:
Rid 8
HA 4
PT 5   
WM 5  -> wpf 149

Save the extra point, so at level 32 you can have 18/24 with PT 6.

Scene Editing / Re: [Feedback] Maps on official servers
« on: August 17, 2014, 07:40:42 pm »
Do people still play rage ball Makelele? I missed the old days vs Paul

Sure, there are still matches, it only takes one person to have the patience to wait at an empty server. Others will join as long as there is at least someone there already. So anyone reading, be that first guy, it's a good time to practise kicks and stuff! :)

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