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Messages - Sellefis

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Different colors for Friendly arrows
« on: February 02, 2011, 12:00:20 am »
in the past i dont think they sort the animals after arrows XXD
they get the feathers that was good and enoth

and in battle i never look what arrow hit me.. i shoot back.. this are my priority targets. archers
if hes a team mate i kill him too if i dont realise this his problem why he try to kill me i have a big dot on the head
and the fire thing was not realy serius..
try to ignite wood with only one arrow XD

Suggestions Corner / Re: Different colors for Friendly arrows
« on: February 01, 2011, 05:38:03 pm »
jes im a archer but "foe and friendly arrows" are too runrealistic to be ingame.
then i like some brazier on the battlement and only burn damage against wood items. (maybe add burndamage against reed roofs to block the archers on the buildings)
this have a historic relevance not is not a sifi "green and red Laser"
the arrows are make with feathers not with colored plastic

Suggestions Corner / Re: deployable pavises
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:54:04 pm »
i like this idear
but i see many pavises blocking.
how they will be used can u seen on the siege shields
u can change your game so mutch as it can but u cant change the players

they must collapse(turn into pickupshild) if they get hit from meely weapons or kick
i will see this on defenders side for the sieges :-)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Different colors for Friendly arrows
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:48:32 pm »
i dont like this
but maybe add fire arrows against the baricade/shield/leadder..

Suggestions Corner / Re: WPF reset/refund button.
« on: January 12, 2011, 09:57:57 am »
this button is already implemented...
its called "retirement"

u level very fast since the patch...
its easy to retire with the level of 15

General Discussion / Re: Archers buffed too much
« on: January 11, 2011, 06:15:20 pm »
why we dont turn the crosshair off like in RL??
aim over the rope and a marker on the bow,,, its funny..

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maybe there somutch archers while the soldiers taken their old chars and TEST the new changes of the archery??
and at my meaning the Arrchers are not OP.. be a good meely man and kill them!! fast and deadly

i like longrange sniping.. its difficult and funny...

Postpatch 210

Strong Khergit Bow
weight 1.25
requirement 4
spd rtng 65
shoot speed 58
thrust damage 23 cut
accuracy 95

General Discussion / Re: Gold for Kills and damage
« on: January 10, 2011, 11:44:30 pm »
This is how it will be:
1. Gold for being close to the fight (like the old crpg, it keeps everyone close)
2. Extra gold for kills (this makes people fight instead of leaching)

and whats with the archers??? they dont get EXP??
i play a longrange sniping soldier but i level very slow in the old system cause i never get rly close to fight
jeah i know the new system is very fast leveling (too fast at my opinion)

General Discussion / Re: Gold for Kills and damage
« on: January 09, 2011, 12:59:05 pm »
repeated TK of same person, loss
10 xp * level of victim
5 g * level of victim

here i'm more a friend of:
10 XP * OWN level * generation
10 g * OWN level * generation

the rest of the Formula are OK.. but please don't integrate here the Win multiplier---

Suggestions Corner / Re: [cRPG Battle] - Remove Ladders
« on: January 08, 2011, 04:37:56 pm »
i vote YES..

i  like the idear to make a siege workshop where the attackers can create theyr siege constructions..
but please remove the leadders from the shop...

you buy leadders on the siegeworkshop, after 30 seconds they spawn
and if the leadder is destroyed u can create a new leadder
and on that way only 3-6 leadders can be spawned at the same time.. 
maybe we can use and edit the skript from Arch3r

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