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Messages - Laconicus

Pages: [1]
Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU] Thomek
« on: October 02, 2012, 08:11:27 pm »
Faitly sure I lost that round to the kick. And I'm fairly sure Thomek was on the Ninja side.

This must fall in to the other 20% then, not like it matters anyway. There was no good reason for what he did here and it has happened numerous times before.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU] Thomek
« on: October 02, 2012, 07:57:39 pm »
You can understand if he's doing it to lots of infantry who have no chance to get him, but look at all the cav, this is ridiculous.

Nations Cup / Re: UK Team thread
« on: September 28, 2012, 10:57:32 am »
I'll play if you want me to

General Discussion / Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« on: August 24, 2012, 02:55:01 pm »
Sorry Laconicus, it is not. It is VERY obvious to see who had some love from enemies, and who didn't. Exceptions are the "falling" victims, but... fukit 8-)

You know how much ironflesh they have etc? Sure you can see someone has been hit, but you will never know what it would take to finish them off.

General Discussion / Re: New Valor System
« on: August 24, 2012, 12:26:50 pm »
I think the proximity bonus needs to go and ranged calc needs looking at. I think the potential for lots of points is already there when fighting in a group you don't really need an additional bonus.

General Discussion / Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« on: August 24, 2012, 11:50:18 am »
Sorry Dave its still guesswork to a degree.

General Discussion / Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« on: August 24, 2012, 11:38:01 am »
First of all, I don't know anybody who needs to hit someone 10 times to kill, unless they aren't a melee class.

In that context, people usually die in 3-4 hits, and that is why I believe that disabling the player altogether is much more important than just taking off the damage from him, where he still poses threat to your team.

You're nit picking to suggest I even think 10 hits would be required it was simply an example. Like teeth has said, you never have an indication on how wounded someone is so why should you be rewarded for luck? Anyone trying to hit another player is trying to kill them, actually causing them to die is fortunate nothing more.

I do however think there is a problem with ranged calculation though

General Discussion / Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« on: August 24, 2012, 10:45:13 am »
Argument would not be making sense if the actual damage would be wounding(reducing capabilities to fight).

In cRPG damage dealt does nothing except lower HP, and, like I said, someone with 1% HP left can kill many.

You don't seem to get it. If someone required say 10 hits to kill, one player had dealt 9 of those and the other 1, why should the 1 hit be entitled to more points? I understand the last hit has disabled the player but such a system is too circumstantial to be considered fair. The last hit couldnt have happened without the hard work of the other player.

General Discussion / Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« on: August 24, 2012, 10:12:07 am »
Kills shouldnt be worth more at all, as they wouldn't be achieved without the damage already dealt to that person. The arguement that a killing hit is worth more just doesn't make sense.

The reason you see hoplites do well is because they are primarily a support class. I get many kills and high score to finish high on scoreboards, perhaps some people here need to focus more on their teamplay rather than being self proclaimed heroes landing killing blows.

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