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General Discussion / Re: Some shitty shit on shitRPG
« on: December 21, 2015, 05:51:45 pm »
another one

Let me try to explain what was happening, so you get a better understanding of the mechanics.  Notice from 0:19-0:20 I tried to set you up by making an obvious attack to your right, and then immediately after you blocked I tried to hit you with a swing to your left.  You were out of position though (you kept moving to your right, which was the direction I wanted to go) so that meant my attack to your left was coming from the outside.  Your counter swing was also coming from the outside, but because you just blocked, Warband mechanics meant it was my turn to block.

Immediately after that I set you up with another attack from the outside to your right, which you blocked, and then I moved immediately to your right to try another left swing.  You moved left and tried to attack from the left, which meant my swing was now starting from the inside while you were still swinging from the outside.  Because of that, my attack happened first.  Schoi already told you most of the counters to it: "To avoid the double swing you have several options a kick, another block, chamber, jump away and swing, s key, etc."  But I'd like to add one more: Move in the direction they're going to try to move.  Turn their inside swing to an outside swing.  Essentially, you're trying to out-double-swing your opponent.  Just by countering their foot work, you eliminate their ability to double swing you.  I remembered on that same day Kale went for a double swing on me, but because I was moving where he wanted to go, I managed to get something as slow as an overhead to land before his second swing could hit me.

It's kind of difficult understand what an "inside" swing looks like, but this is a pretty good look:
(Skip to 6m52s)

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This might be obvious to you now since it sounds like you have people on voice chat able to explain things to you while you play, but this post is for anyone else in the community who might be a little new who doesn't understand what's happening yet.  Yes the servers are terrible at the moment, but a lot of the times, people's attacks are entirely intentional.  I hope you keep playing and dueling, Ufoinsky.  Just like blocking, eventually the footwork becomes something you don't even think about after a time.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: FCC Fiefs
« on: December 08, 2013, 02:57:52 am »
Tibault has:

+3 Bodkins
+3 Horn Bows
+3 Heraldic Tabard
+3 Cuir Bouilli over Mail
Rus Helmets are just regular but someone got it down to no tax so I may as well mention that.
+3 Mail mittens
+2 Military Pick
+3 Arabian Cavalry Sword
+3 Maul (The one that costs 21gp)
+3 Two Handed Sword
+3 Greatmaul
+3 Long Spear
+3 Long Maul
+3 Long Axe

New Knudarr Castle has (Assuming the GOBLLINs haven't resetted it):
+3 Great Lance
+3 Lance
+3 Heavy Lance
+3 Spear
+3 War Spear
+3 Long Espada Eslanova
+3 Broad Short Sword
+3 Scimitar
+3 Knightly Heater Shield
+3 Destriers
+3 Rounceys
I don't remember if I took donkeys all the way to +3.
+3 Sarranid Mail Shirt

Smattering of other things I think to fully equip an army, even if not everything is +3.

General Discussion / Re: BEST JUMP PICTURE
« on: December 01, 2013, 06:10:37 pm »
Here is me and Aldo forming part of the base of the pyramid!

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Diplomacy / Outside the Gates of New Tilbaut Castle...
« on: November 17, 2013, 05:34:54 am »
On the vast wasteland collectively known as the space between New Knundarr Castle and New Tilbaut Castle, a vast retinue crossed the landscape.  Smiths, donkey breeders, pokey-stick-technology-specialists, the people of MAID_AMELIA_BEDILIA_OF_BIRD followed their noble lady and eventually arrived at their destination.  AMELIA asked her scribe to compose a message to all the nobles of New Calradia, but unfortunately forgot to ask him to translate it first.

Vous êtes invités au 14eme anniversaire d'Amélia! 
Date: 17 Septembre 
Heure: 20:00h - 21:00h 
Lieu: Château Tilbaut
Tenue: Filles- Robe ou jupe Garcons- Chandails unis et pantalons assortis

« on: September 21, 2013, 08:55:22 pm »
Let me remind everyone for the 10th time that I actually am preparing something on Strategus, it's just taking for fucking ever because apparently that's how the god damn devs intended things to be.

"Izzit mine cake?!" asked an excited Amelia energetically.  "I 'as been waiting forzever so be ack . . .ack . . ack know ledgeded zat I existed sev'ral tendays ago an' still zere is no one wis my cake!"  she finishes with some pepper.  Placing a finger on her lip, she then adds after a bit of thought, "Oh, but pls, include no ze sing you call peanuts, for zey are poison to me.  If is preferrable askt, I say to you I like ze chocolat cake," she then nods twice, seemingly in agreement with herself.

"Sank you!  You ar' so sweet!"

Diplomacy / Re: Free Companies of Calradia's Free Trade Fiefs
« on: June 22, 2013, 02:58:14 am »
"Ah, 'ello.  Is been awhile.  Wine?  I is having newe develolepements to be bringing you.  Firs', you seeing me improve mine graspe of ze common tongue.  Is studiing very much as yue can telle, why, is was only a year ago I speak not a... sniff?  Lick?  Sometink," she says before giggling softly.  Amelia swishes the wine in her glass absentmindedly before speaking again.

"Aniway, you are 'ere on business and so I shalle no delay you any longre.  Come," she beckons, getting up from her chair and picking up a sheathed blade.  "Zis is what I offer yue at a price."

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After letting you examine the weapon, she lowers her voice to a hush, looking suspiciously side to side before speaking.  "Do not say zis out loude... but I is havink anozer sing for sell.  Do not let ze overlorde 'ear of zis zo!  She askted me to create sarranid guarde armour and I says to her, 'psfht!  Zat is so unpretty!'  So I secretely make somesing else, come, see!"

(click to show/hide)

Diplomacy / Re: Free Companies of Calradia's Free Trade Fiefs
« on: May 24, 2013, 01:29:42 am »
"We at Newe Knundarr Castle art now sportingeth ze latest technologiée wis regardes to ze construction and polish of ze sing commonly knowingeth as ze 'Greate Lance.'"

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"Mon workers, zey barelying makingth a profit at zis prices, and I threaten zem with whip to make zem carve more!

But I is havinge a dilemma.  Mine engineers will get lazy wisout a projecte to keep zeir mind occupide.  So I is having been thinkingth, we are requirering manifique one-handed swordes to wield!  Unfortunately zis is beyonde mine expertise, as wis my genetic disability of being ze feminine dispozition, I 'ave only been able to wield blades if I use both 'ands.  So, I turn to you, mighty manly man who can fighte wis only one 'and.  What is a manly sworde designe is being your preference?  Mine thinking is of ze beautiful Long Espada Eslavona... ze length, ze taper, it is enough to bring a fire to mine loins.  Bute I do not knowe in zese matters.  What is your preference?"

She beckons down the hall, and a well-dressed man with a mustache walks over with a scroll.  Amelia herself had decided to get up, seemingly finished with the conversation.

"Pierre, please show our guest ze other toys mine engineers 'ave been toying wiz zese dayes."

(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Re: I've had fun but the time has come.
« on: May 03, 2013, 10:07:15 pm »
ill miss u 5eva  :cry:
(cuz dats 1 more thn 4eva

Diplomacy / Re: Free Companies of Calradia's Free Trade Fiefs
« on: May 03, 2013, 10:03:54 pm »
Knudarr castle Has:

+3 destriers
+3 rouncies
+3 lances
+3 heavy lances
+3 knightly heater shields

Don't forget the +3 scimitars and +3 short broadswords!

(Also SHHHH DON'T TELL KESH but I am totally going to be heirlooming +3 plated chargers soon :3)

Diplomacy / Re: War of the Birds
« on: April 02, 2013, 10:16:30 pm »
Godkingqueen, noo!

Why Canary, why!   :cry:

I-I thought we were b-birds of a feather . . .  :cry:

General Discussion / Re: Name your flaws here
« on: April 02, 2013, 09:40:40 pm »
Isn't riding the only option at this point?  Just because you do not have enough weapon points to make use of any of the other skills?  :(

Diplomacy / Re: FCC Alliance with Hospitallers
« on: April 01, 2013, 07:11:06 pm »
My Godking would approve of this unity of goodness and love.

General Discussion / Re: Name your flaws here
« on: April 01, 2013, 07:08:06 pm »
I don't attack people who hold up a peace sign to me (upblock, backing away, no intention to attack me.)
I don't attack peasants if they act really cute (trying desperately to survive and not attack me.)
I like to let people get up.
I don't like to gang up on an enemy.
I try to duel people like, all the time.

I am like the worst teammate ever ;_;.  Sometimes when the enemy team is full of peasants or full of people who don't attack me or both, I literally have no idea what to do because I can't attack anyone!  Luckily some of my more understanding friends understand my crippling disability and start shooting me.

Also if I see a gigantic blob of melee (It doesn't matter if there are teammates in my way or not) I am like a moth to a flame with my 'X' button in tow.  I . . . can't . . . not . . . try . . .!

General Discussion / Re: NA 2v2 Tournament 7pm EST THIS SATURDAY
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:47:20 pm »

General Discussion / Re: NA 2v2 Tournament 7pm EST THIS SATURDAY
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:40:58 pm »
Dammit.  I'm too late :(

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