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Messages - cen

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: new member freshman beat
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:06:58 pm »
doesn't not BRAIN DISEASES... just give him MATH PROBLEM is good okay.. is make math completed faster

now have GUN TO SHOOT ENEMY with!! VERY USEFUL SHOOTING GUN is disguised like Pilgrim!!

General Off Topic / Re: Your impressions of the person above.
« on: August 16, 2012, 04:09:14 am »
person is above me is dancing are with sword!!! battlefield dance is making scared for the enemies when deathdance make a lot of death!!

General Discussion / Re: new member freshman beat
« on: August 15, 2012, 09:55:40 pm »
I is discovered how to unlock permanent stick into inventory! NOW I FIGHT with stick! :) VERY HAPPY

i see other persons is often such as Talazar who performing very well also with stick that SHOOTS STICKS.. i maybe is going to use stick that also shoots sticks and carry more stick for attack my enemys with directly

it is a very happy day!!!!!!

General Discussion / Re: new member freshman beat
« on: August 15, 2012, 07:54:15 am »
It is against the rules to spawn without a weapon - its considered "leeching" since you cant reliably contribute.

So just equip a weapon that you spawn with, doesn't matter what it is.


Araxiel was joking.  Look at his avatar  :rolleyes:

what server for new member to go to?

General Discussion / Re: new member freshman beat
« on: August 15, 2012, 07:39:38 am »
I will hide a stick for you inside the ruins on the "field by the river" map.

not sure is persistant world? can stick trading to others????!

General Discussion / Re: new member freshman beat
« on: August 15, 2012, 07:22:55 am »
What I saw yesterday was PhantomZero telling you to get a stick or something.

stick is good because i can equip stick i find on ground not high enough level for other weapon

General Discussion / Re: new member freshman beat
« on: August 15, 2012, 07:17:02 am »
As long as you're contributing to the team, people won't be mad at can try distracting kill hoggers or flanking and smacking people in the back.

no worry there, I make good human shield!

General Discussion / Re: new member freshman beat
« on: August 15, 2012, 07:03:49 am »
I think you translated this with google or something else, but I think you complain about the fact that you get raped because you can´t afford high tier equipment and see all the other people around with this expensive equipment.

YES, it is nomal. cRpg is no easy game for beginners, it will take you quite a while to gain enough money to afford both better equipment and the upkeep you have to pay for it.
But basicly, the most important thing in this game is skill. Skill can´t be bought in the shop, you have to work hard to improve your skill.
Just search the forums, there are a lot of threads which explain what to do in order to gain enough money and what is the most effective way to practice this game.
But actually everything is based on this formula: Play, and you will get better.

(sorry, I would explain it more detailled but I´m tired as fuck  :P )

No. I get team killed by angry teamates who yell that I am not using good gear upon spawn.

General Discussion / new member freshman beat
« on: August 15, 2012, 06:53:45 am »
Is it normal for new member to get freshman beating? Member very angry that I not have endgame equipment or weapons yet at low level and teammates beat me into ground very much!

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