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Messages - Counterhorror

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / Re: Crime
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:16:02 pm »
You're still thinking like last Strat, a 9k heavily armed defense isn't 'low troops', dumping 9k heavily armed into every fief means at least 4-5 attacks unless you cap right away, plenty of time to come reinforce, so very easy to own way more land than you have active players - just like happened by the end of last Strat.

Crime punishes everyone the same as long as they dont adapt. In lazy factions it means no garrison and high crime, easy to capture, in more organized factions it means that S/D is no longer something you want to stockpile and cry when someone uses it, it's now something you want to encourage people to use.

This is true but then crime should reset once taken by a new faction. so it does not punish whoever takes it. because right now its really stupid. you take a village. you clear it out then you have to wait tons of time for the crime to go down before you can defend it again.

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