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Messages - Pentecost

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Scheduling / Re: NA Event Server Bookings
« on: August 11, 2014, 04:12:08 am »
[Event/Tournament abbreviation] OCNA 3s
[Teams involved] Second Wind vs. Cockmeat
[Date & time] Wednesday August 13 @ 8 Central (9 EST)

I was unable to get in touch with the team captain of the team mine was scheduled to play this week (The 99%) despite sustained efforts to do so through both steam and the forums. Their team also apparently did not play their previous match.

NA (Official) / Ban request: HoC_RedDeath
« on: July 28, 2014, 06:15:18 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: Ascalon
2. Name of offending character(s): HoC_RedDeath
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: Sunday July 27 @ ~7:12 PM EST on NA1
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: Got couched in the back while fighting someone else by HoC_RedDeath. I would have let it go if it was an accident, but, as the screenshot shows, it clearly was not.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: No idea. As far as I know, I have no history with this player.
6. Multiple Screenshots:
(click to show/hide)
7. Names of players that can witness what happened: Anyone whose name is in the above screenshot. (I thought I had a scoreboard screenshot as well, but it apparently didn't save.)

edit: forgot to include timezone

Scheduling / Re: NA Event Server Bookings
« on: July 23, 2014, 05:08:00 pm »
[Event/Tournament abbreviation] OCNA 3s
[Teams involved] Second Wind vs. JayJrod Goldi and the Dick
[Date & time] July 23 @ 11:30 AM EST

Team Name: Second Wind
In-Game Tag: Zwei
List of Team Members: Caladbolg, Croxetti, Duc_Volpe
Team Captain and Contact Details: You can contact me on Steam ( or through TS (

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA Melee Duel Tournament
« on: June 20, 2014, 04:20:42 pm »
Player Name: Caladbolg
Contact Details: Forum or website

General Discussion / Re: Some good weapons with the recent speed buff
« on: February 28, 2014, 09:54:03 pm »
The Swiss Halberd now has a base speed of 92 with a 28p thrust and a 37 cut overhead that also has a bonus vs. shields. I was seriously contemplating renaming my STF to "Leatherface" after playing around with it the other day, because it felt like I was running around with a chainsaw.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Crime
« on: February 28, 2014, 06:13:58 pm »
I'm a little confused.  I thought chadz changed it to 1000+prosperity before crime kicks in.  I saw a fief that had 1500 then it dropped to 800 so under the threshold.  I set my path to it overnight.  I wake up the next morning and it still has 14% crime rate and I lost 60 troops and some gold even though it was still under 900 S&D.

Does crime slowly decrease once its under the threshold?  What is the rate of decay if thats the case?

Kesh, it looks like the way it works is that a fief with crime will have the crime rate go down if its S&D is below 1000+fief prosperity at a rate of 1% per 2 hours. In the example you provided above, that particular fief would need 28 hours of being below 1000+fief prosperity to get to 0% crime.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Flambard stats
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:19:13 am »
The Flambard is actually reasonably popular on NA. I have no idea why EU players would ignore it, especially given how much they love all of the gigantic 2hs like the Danish and Miaodao.

In any case, something you happened to overlook in your appraisal of the Flambard is that it has special (read: much better) modifiers for when you halfsword it. Every other 2h loses 2 speed and 6 swing damage to gain 6 thrust damage; the Flambard on the other hand loses no speed and only 2 swing damage to gain the same 6 thrust damage. This means that at +3, it has a 41 cut swing with a 28 pierce thrust at 95 speed in halfsword mode. Those are easily the best halfsword stats in the game, on top of what is already a very good weapon in its primary mode.

Basically, it sacrifices a little bit of power to become much more versatile than most of the other weapons in its category. It might not be the first pick of your typical Kuyak + Heavy Gauntlets + Vaegir War Mask minmaxer who has 180 2h wpf and 0 in other categories, but that guy has the other options you listed available.

Diplomacy / Re: Lord Stuttersteppe, Catastrophe of his pants.
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:41:36 pm »
You know, Evil_Eye_Ernie, perhaps you should look in the mirror before you accuse others of talking big without being able to produce results.

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I don't remember your battle performance in the previous round being much better either.

NA (Official) / Ban request: Lord_Voren
« on: February 22, 2014, 09:07:56 am »
1. Name of victim:
2. Name of offending character(s):
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible:
Around 1 AM Central Time, NA 1
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after:
Immediately as a new round started, Lord_Voren headshotted ViperMagi with a crossbow and then said "Eqp Screen". It was obviously not an accident.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did:
Not entirely sure, but I can venture a guess. ViperMagi has ~300 average ping and, as such, generally performs rather poorly on battle. He also probably has a very limited command of English, which would limit his ability to make a ban thread. Lord_Voren probably dismissed him as being a "chinese leecher" and thought that TKing him would have little in the way of repercussions because there were no admins on at the time.
The funny part, though, is that ViperMagi was actually being more useful to his team than Lord_Voren was. Despite how he was playing with ~300 average ping, ViperMagi had more kills than Lord_Voren and was also higher on the scoreboard (see below).

6. Multiple Screenshots:
The teamkill
(click to show/hide)
The scoreboard immediately after the teamkill
(click to show/hide)
The scoreboard from a little later in the same map (compare the performances of ViperMagi and Lord_Voren)
(click to show/hide)
7. Names of players that can witness what happened:
Anyone whose name is in one of the scoreboards above.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Xbows next...?
« on: February 19, 2014, 01:53:06 am »
Crossbows have a lot of issues, but the biggest problem they have is their internal balance.

The attempt to discourage everyone from being 2h/Crossbow just resulted in many of the people who had those types of builds becoming 1h/Arbalest instead. Not much of an improvement for anyone on the receiving end of things. It doesn't help matters that there is little reason to bring anything other than an Arbalest or Heavy Crossbow right now if you are a crossbowman, and I hope the balancers plan on addressing this in the future. If all crossbows other than the Hunting Crossbow are going to remain 2 slot, then there should at least be real tradeoffs involved in deciding which one to use; I personally would recommend reviewing the scaling on their strength requirements or reload speeds.

General Discussion / Re: DTV Changes - some infos
« on: February 19, 2014, 12:47:01 am »
Rather than just lowering the number of bots, have you considered things like allowing cavalry, allowing construction sites, and enabling the shieldwall bonus? The recent changes have done a lot to make DTV interesting to play, so why not continue the trend? If you are really worried that the inclusion of these elements will allow people to cheese the mode, you can always increase the difficulty further if testing proves that they make things too easy.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Option to Not View Polls
« on: February 10, 2014, 10:39:59 pm »
I agree with SP1N 100%; nothing is worse than when you are fighting a tough opponent at low health and end up dying because someone decided to initiate a commander poll halfway into the round. Yes, it's a minor distraction, but a minor distraction at the wrong time can make all the difference. As such, I would personally welcome an option to either hide polls or automatically vote no on every single commander poll.

I also agree with what San said about some sort of disincentive or penalty for failing polls. There is a minority of people who try and use the commander poll for its intended purpose of trying to get the team to work together, but the majority of people who get commander on NA just use it to fill up chat with nonsense. These same people also tend to be ones who attempt to initiate the commander poll constantly, at every single opportunity they have to do so, and who never give up despite failing nearly every single time.

Announcements / Re: Rise and Shine: Strategus 2014, starting 15th February
« on: February 06, 2014, 08:11:43 am »
Developers, I hope that you will be keeping an eye on the NA side of the map, since we have a problem that EU does not: declining player participation. There were basically only ~300 people total signing up for battles in NA Strategus by the last few months of the previous round, which meant that even many prime time battles were unable to get 50 people for both sides without the use of hefty bribes. It was a domino effect that caused the majority of the map to go inactive or quit outright because, even if you handled the tedious micromanagement aspect of Strategus perfectly, it was virtually impossible to obtain the player support necessary for a sustained offensive (i.e. getting 50 people who will show up pretty much every night for several battles a night).

Considering that the battles in this round of Strategus are likely to offer much less experience than those of the previous round, I imagine the problem is only going to get worse rather than better. If history repeats itself and non-megafactions start getting steamrolled due to lack of mercs, it will probably make even the diehards give up on the gamemode out of frustration or boredom.

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