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Messages - green727

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General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:10:20 am »
CRPG! CRPG! I will pay a lot for CRPG to come back :)

But either way, I wish you all the best chadz. It's incredible what you and your team has done, and the awesome community you have built. Keep moving moving forward.

General / Re: Keep it going
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:44:54 pm »
I up-voted it and funded the project. I hope it gets more attention!  :mrgreen:

Historical Discussion / Re: Opinions
« on: May 13, 2014, 10:01:59 pm »
I can attest to Canary being an anal prick.  :(

Unban he!

General Discussion / Re: Number of players declining
« on: January 16, 2014, 10:59:34 pm »
I blame people not being patient enough to learn how to play and get everything set up correctly, not anything related to the game itself really. This game is still a blast.

NA (Official) / Unban request: Gooser_III
« on: June 10, 2013, 04:18:03 am »
Gooser is goin through some tough times right now and he is sincerely apologetic for his past bans. He has served close to a month now and still has about 20 days to go on his current ban. This is just a plea to end the ban now because it seemed quite extreme for what he did, regardless of past offenses.

This is the greatest video game community I've ever been a part of.
Some friends and myself have been making some stupid video compilations of our game play and I thought it would be a good time to share them:

**There is some profanity**

I'm sure a lot of it is just annoying but I hope you can find some entertainment in it.

Thanks for the good times!

Game Admin Feedback / Re: Elune (NA)
« on: April 29, 2013, 09:53:00 pm »
according to server rules:

No leeching

    OK: Being a bad player and getting no kills
    NOT OK: Standing around away from keyboard. If you're away, switch to spectator mode
    NOT OK: Running around without no weapon. Not contributing is leeching, naked runners don't contribute. This point does not apply to Rageball, as long as you are actually playing the game.
    NOT OK: Autorunning your char to enemy to die

double negative aside, this means spawning without a weapon is against the rules, as is running around without a weapon during the round. Even if you just retired you should at least equip a cudgel or some other peasant weapon and contribute to the fight. I don't know the surrounding details, but this could be why you were kicked/banned.

Okay thanks for that. This was the problem, I didn't have a weapon that I could use but I had just bought one and was waiting for it to show up in-game. I spawned twice: once with clothes I could wear and a second time for someone reason they didn't show up which is when I got kicked. She was incredibly impatient even as a tried to explain that I would spawn with a weapon next round due to my retirement. I thought I might be able to run around and find one. Big deal  = /

Game Admin Feedback / Re: Elune (NA)
« on: April 29, 2013, 08:59:37 pm »
if no explanation was given, how do you know it was because you were naked?

I'm just trying to guess why lol. I found out she thought I was leeching because I was waiting for my weapon to show up. I don't see how leeching is anything but standing there doing nothing; I was active in the fights and trying to find a weapon I could use... It literally all happened within two rounds. So impatient.

NA (Official) / Unban request: DDS_Butter_B_Busterburr_II
« on: April 29, 2013, 08:44:35 pm »
I was banned from NA 1 with no explanation given... Elune constantly kicked me out because I had just retired and had not yet received the weapon I could wield at spawn. Unbelievable. How are people so anal allowed admin especially when they don't even say a thing to you in warning?

Game Admin Feedback / Elune (NA)
« on: April 29, 2013, 08:41:27 pm »
Constantly kicking me after retiring because I'm naked or something... No explanation given.

She just seems very unreasonable in her judgement especially considering that there is very little communication with the accused.

Closed Requests / Banned?
« on: July 17, 2012, 04:44:40 am »
I was banned from NA2...After getting harassed and killed by some guy named Ceaser V at spawn point.

Not sure what the slots are about and why it matters who is next to them but you can switch ours to E-1-3 for Niemand

THAT is good for anything? Dude. You're starting to loose your minimum requirements/standarts. :(

Edit: And if you seriously mean that: Please give them another slot. Put a nice banner next to the green sun... one that is able to compete. Not something like... whatever it wants to be. that loses without even putting up a fight.

Banners are serious business man. Gotta keep this game serious because the fate of the world is depending on us and our banners. Gotta get good banners or else, I don't even know, the world is gonna go.

crpg ... never wondered what means rp ?

Yes, but do you actually role play that you are some sort of mid-evil knights? No one talks like that in chat or anything.

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