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Messages - XXTNTXX

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Reset your character. The problem is known and we got safeguards on other pages, but for some reason forgot the stats page.

Thanks a lot Harald, I see my character was back.

It has been fixed Harald, Thanks a lot!

As we received the free full respec, I tried to see the possibility to build the new character. However, there is a terrible bug in "save stats" of the crpg website. If you try to make a "Skipped the fun" character to test first, it is very easy to make you lost your "Regular" character. This is what it happened:

1. In any browser (mine is Firefox), open a new tab (Tab 1), go to and login, make a "Skipped the fun" character (if you already have one, just choose it). And you can see the Overview of this Character.

2. Open a tab (Tab 2) (must be the same browser), go to and choose your "Regular" character (e.g. my 33 level character). And you can see the Overview of Character of this "Regular" character. You may test different setup of points but without "Save stats" (That was what I did.).

3. Back to Tab 1 with "Skipped the fun" character, put the points and set stats for testing this "Skipped the fun" character, and click "Save stats". You will see a message as "Are you sure you want to apply these changes? This cannot be undone.". You will definitely choose "Yes", because this is just a "Skipped the fun" character. But!!!!! The real happening is that it actually changes your "Regular" character in another tab (Tab 2), and this cannot be undone!!!!

This just happened on me and wasted my 33 level character! Now I understand that when I open a new tab (Tab 2) with my "Regular" character, the browser will only remember the latest selected character. The problem is that when you click "Save stats" of the previous selected character in the old tab (Tab 1), the procedures shown to you is exactly same as you are just changing the stats of the current character in front of you. And you definitely will select "Yes". But in fact, this changes the character you latest selected in another tab (tab 2) of the browser.

I also observed that this only happened when the points you added for character in Tab 1 are applicable for character in Tab 2. For example, if character in Tab 2 has 10 Agility, you set 12  Agility for character in Tab 1 and "save stats", and character in Tab 2 will change to 12 Agility; but if you only set 8 Agility for character in Tab 1, the character in Tab 2 will still keep 10 Agility.

Kindly moderators and adimins! Please help me to get my 33 level character back. As this was caused by the bug of website, please give me a full respec for this character. My character's name is stnovots. Thanks a lot in here!!!
My suggestion for future improvement is: Please change the message shown after clicking "Save stats". The message should contain the highlighted character name that you want to change.

As we received the free full respec, I tried to see the possibility to build the new character. However, there is a terrible bug in "save stats" of the crpg website. If you try to make a "Skipped the fun" character to test first, it is very easy to make you lost your "Regular" character. This is what it happened:

1. In any browser (mine is Firefox), open a new tab (Tab 1), go to and login, make a "Skipped the fun" character (if you already have one, just choose it). And you can see the Overview of this Character.

2. Open a tab (Tab 2) (must be the same browser), go to and choose your "Regular" character (e.g. my 33 level character). And you can see the Overview of Character of this "Regular" character. You may test different setup of points but without "Save stats" (That was what I did.).

3. Back to Tab 1 with "Skipped the fun" character, put the points and set stats for testing this "Skipped the fun" character, and click "Save stats". You will see a message as "Are you sure you want to apply these changes? This cannot be undone.". You will definitely choose "Yes", because this is just a "Skipped the fun" character. But!!!!! The real happening is that it actually changes your "Regular" character in another tab (Tab 2), and this cannot be undone!!!!

This just happened on me and wasted my 33 level character! Now I understand that when I open a new tab (Tab 2) with my "Regular" character, the browser will only remember the latest selected character. The problem is that when you click "Save stats" of the previous selected character in the old tab (Tab 1), the procedures shown to you is exactly same as you are just changing the stats of the current character in front of you. And you definitely will select "Yes". But in fact, this changes the character you latest selected in another tab (tab 2) of the browser.

I also observed that this only happened when the points you added for character in Tab 1 are applicable for character in Tab 2. For example, if character in Tab 2 has 10 Agility, you set 12  Agility for character in Tab 1 and "save stats", and character in Tab 2 will change to 12 Agility; but if you only set 8 Agility for character in Tab 1, the character in Tab 2 will still keep 10 Agility.

Kindly moderators and adimins! Please help me to get my 33 level character back. As this was caused by the bug of website, please give me a full respec for this character. My character's name is stnovots. Thanks a lot in here!!!
My suggestion for future improvement is: Please change the message shown after clicking "Save stats". The message should contain the highlighted character name that you want to change.

General Discussion / What happened to Spathion???
« on: March 09, 2013, 02:26:52 pm »
Spathion on website is 0 slot, but in game it is actually 1 slot.

Compared with Knightly Arming Sword, Spathion is 0.1 heavier than Knightly Arming Sword, but more expensive, and all the other parameters are same, if it is 1 slot.
So I cannot understand what the point of Spathion is.  If it is actually a 1 slot weapon, then who will use a weapon more expensive and heavier?

Or it should be 0 slot? But if it is 0 slot, I think it will mess all 1h weapons. Why other weapons within 102 length are not 0 slot?

General Discussion / Re: Get light crossbow back to 1 slot?
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:44:31 pm »
Something most people forget, xbows tend to lose significant damage when raining, as well as shooting at length. Anything beyond mid range and the xbow will hit you like a wet noodle especially if raining.

Another thing most people forget, if you have horse, your slots should be at least doubled, as 8 not 4. But of course, it should take a little longer time when you take weapons from horse.

Crossbow is powerful, because in reality it is powerful. Same thing for horse. But most people in game want some kind of balance to remove the powerful things, not reality.

On the other hand, the upkeep system already gave the balance. But it seems that lots of people forget the upkeep system and only look at which is too powerful. When you get hit by powerful things, don’t forget that they have to pay more upkeep on that. For example, this time changing light crossbow to 2 slots just destroyed the build of sword-shield horse crossbowman. But do people know, for a reasonable sword-shield horse crossbowman, it needs at least 4000 gold for upkeep. As this amount of upkeep, it is generally not possible to earn gold, but only to lose gold. I cannot understand why to nerf light crossbow for horse crossbowman, as upkeep already gave the balance.

General Discussion / Get light crossbow back to 1 slot?
« on: March 06, 2013, 06:25:58 pm »
Just want to see how many people like or dislike Light Crossbow changed to 2 slots.

please revert light xbow to 1 slot

General Discussion / Re: My Twin spawned on EU2!
« on: November 09, 2012, 03:23:16 pm »

I teamhitted my Twin and pressed 'M' on myself  :twisted:

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

General Discussion / Re: einstein and cRPG
« on: November 09, 2012, 03:10:48 pm »
No QQing, please, random GK member

 : :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Horses repairs: observation
« on: November 07, 2012, 04:18:24 pm »
How does the arabian have shit Hitpoints?!?!?!

HP of non-loomed horses not including "warhorses" (warhorse and above)

Steppe Horse
hit points: 85

hit points: 85

Sumpter Horse
hit points: 90

Desert Horse
hit points: 90

hit points: 95

hit points: 100

Arabian Warhorse
hit points: 100

hit points: 120

Now compare the Arabians Hitpoints to the rest..... only the destrier has more and you say the arabian has shit hp? bull shit

Arabian Warhorse has only 10 body armor, which is lowest among horses. And I had experience that 3+ light crossbow (from a horse crossbow man) may kill a full health Arabian by just 1 shot face to face during running.

General Discussion / Re: Horses repairs: observation
« on: November 07, 2012, 03:16:12 pm »
I played 4 Generations by riding arabian, and 5 Generations as 2h. From my feeling, if we really need to nerf something (in current situation, I really suggest to stop nerf anything), I prefer to nerf 2h first, not the arabian and cav. Riding arabian needs your high control tech. You need to precise control when to stop, when to jump, when to turn, which targets you may attack or not. As long as there is a little control error, arabian will be killed and you will fall down, as arabian has so poor hit points. The tech for control horse is same as the tech for control blocking. I can't understand "why so many people may only accept good blocking tech persons, but can't accept the persons with good horse control tech?!"

In the end, don't forget, all cav have much higher upkeep than infantries.

General Discussion / Re: Nerf Cav
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:23:30 pm »
This game is called Mount & Blade

Global / Re: Autoblocker unban thread
« on: June 18, 2012, 11:09:33 am »
My character 1hnovoh1 was banned. It should be because I used Autoblocker a few months ago. First, I have to say it was a very big mistake for me to use it. The reason I used it because of my curiosity and I also tried to get some advantage. I have to say I am very very regretted using it. For me, the Autoblocker is actually a junk. I always played on EU server 1. Anyone knowing 1hnovoh1 knows that I only played as cavalry with a lance and a shield. If I was on ground, I used a one hand sword and a shield. The fact is my shield is much better than Autoblocker. It was really a big mistake and I could not understand myself why I tested this junk Autoblocker on that time.
I think I tried this Autoblocker some times in short time in March or April (I am sorry I really cannot remember the exact date). And total time I used it could not be long (maybe some hours?? sorry I really cannot remember and cannot give you a detailed number). Then I never touched it. For me, I almost forgot there is an Autoblocker I tried previously. That is the reason why when I realized I was banned and could not believe it and posted on the other post,34197.0.html
I have to say thank you so much cmpxchg8b. You let me calm down and recall all the things I did. And then I remembered I actually used this junk Autoblocker in short time in March or April. I say again I am very very regretted using it. And I promise I will not use any cheating things in cRPG.
Please give me a chance, let me come back to cRPG.


cmp: very light use, unbanned in a week

I was banned, and it seems because someone thought I used Autoblocker. I always played on EU server 1. Anyone knowing me knows that I only played as cavalry with a lance and a shield. If I was on ground, I used an one hand sword and a shield. So Autoblocker is no any useful for me. How does a person always with shield use Autoblocker???? There must be something wrong.

I swear I did never use Autoblocker. I have my shield!!! Please help me to do a detailed check in the ban log (I think you should have one). Please give me some detailed information. If you think I was using Autoblocker, you should give out the solid evidence, like when, which type of program or thread..., right? Maybe this can also help me to check my own computer. Maybe some other program let you thought it was Autoblocker.

Please help me check! Thanks!!!   

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