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Messages - Vasilio

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Thank you, where can I contact this admin?

yes I did, I fell behind the side of the hill (if you read what I said prior) and got stuck.

and again, how am I supposed to know its glitched? Why is it my fault I was spawned into an apparently glitched area? I could of just been kicked and warned but instead I just get banned for a unknown period of time.

great rebuttal

if you reread what I said you will see why I couldn't get out. Its unfair that I am to be punished for what is an actual map fault.

I didn't know it was a map exploit as I spawned in the area, I didn't bother to get out because I'm a ranged fighter.

all that was said in the screenshots was "thats abuz", "thats bannable" "u punk" but that could of been directed at anyone as there were 100 or so other players at the time with a big chat going on (you didn't even bother to say my name either apparently). Does the area even look glitched to you? Its not like I decided to camp in there because I was aware people couldn't get me, nor did you call me out by name so what you said over chat could of been directed at anyone (especially when I don't even know your name). Another problem I had was I saw you running side to side because I thought I had timed out or something (a problem for router users),  I was aiming at you for a fairly long time before I killed you once (at 3.59 and then you were hanging around from about 4.30 to 5.30, for a while I was just looking at you which obviously shows a lack of malicious intent), what else am I supposed to do? When I'm sitting stuck, can't get out because 3 enemies are trying to get me? I was in this little area and this guy just shows up and oggles at me, what else am I supposed to do?

I did actually try to escape when 3 other enemies came at me but got lodged behind the side of the hill.

it just seems like I got banned for spawning in a glitched area without realizing. Your multiple warnings appear to actually be just two statements apparently directed at me (because I should instantly know you were talking to me), the ban seems unfair seeing this was my only first infraction (the emphasis that there were 100 or so other players without you actually saying my name for a warning).

but I spawned in the area, and I don't recall anyone telling me to get out though I wasn't really focusing on chat

at first I thought I had a connection loss or something as people kept running backwards and forwards

though if you feel like extending a ban due to a map fault then go ahead, guess I'll have to find some other server to play on :/

Hello I have been banned from all the EU servers with no explanation given.

Yesterday I was playing on one of the servers and just shooting people with my crossbow when suddenly I was kicked and banned from every EU server for no reason. I don't understand why, I wasn't cheating and no one I was breaking any rules or doing something wrong and I was just banned. This is kind of frustrating especially when I have no idea what on earth I did.


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