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Messages - ahrims

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General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 03:15:51 am »
Well i am done for now peace

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 03:09:38 am »
true but if u get ban from that server, you shouldn't be been from almost all of the NA servers that have some people in them at least.

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 03:04:13 am »
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General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:59:14 am »
Maybe you should reread the thread and look at what you are saying.

I'm permabanned from all servers! Now I have to play on EU, and I have 140 ping!

What. This looks like something a chat robot would spit out after you ask it "do you like to play video games?"

And then you quoted yourself and replied to your own statement. I don't even  :shock:

Your friend and his clan were mostly banned for TKs and trolling? But they didn't break a real rule like cheating, and they were the BEST pvp players in the entire population. Which there is none of, since no one plays this game.

I'm not frustrated or upset, nor am I spending any effort on this. You make no sense and are ignoring anything helpful that people say to you. Please, I just want you to understand the gravity of the situation!

You are actin' a fool! Chill out! The melee combat is great, and no other game has a similar system! Don't hate all admins for one incident. In the future, let them know when someone is teamhitting you and then justice will be served!

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Don't be that guy.

You do sound upset, and you're putting a lot effort looking for pics and going back.  Get at my sister!  You point is still invalided. lol to easy

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:56:37 am »
get at me miss piggy?

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:48:19 am »
You got a 20hr ban after you TKed me. I hit your horse while we were fighting a guy at a fence and then when you got up you killed me as we were walking away from his dead body.

I hit the horse once by accident and it died, TBH you rode straight into it as I was taking a shot at the dude at the fence. The rule is you don't revenge team wound or team kill. No discusion or shitting around on that, it has to be enforced or shit just gets out of hand.

Also you can press M when some one team wounds you or your horse and if that happens 5 times they get a short ban, so try that next time.

wasn't you, was guy in full cloth with polearm and you say you shot something? So don't make stuff up pal, only TKED once

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:22:49 am »
Why? It's not too late for anything. But I would suggest that you stop posting for ten minutes, sit down, eat and/or drink something tasty, and try to decide whether you are upset and pissed off or not. If you decide that you are pissed off, ask yourself if this could influence your actions.

Currently I see the following thing: you log in to a server, get attacked, defend yourself and get banned. That's mean, I give you that.

But what you are doing now doesn't help you a single bit, you just make yourself unpopular on the forums. You see that your arguments get invalidated, and you rage more and more. That's the reason why you can't stop writing here, you want to "save" the situation, but it's already lost. I suggest that you calm down, accept that something unlucky happened, you raged, now you released some air, it's time to say okay "I give up, tomorrow I will keep on playing."


If I was raging, you would know.  I am playing a game atm.  And I am about to get a drink, but for now I am going to respond to you.  And because I made this post its getting people active in this little talked that no one probably really talked about.  It gets off track but back on and you proved my point.

"Currently I see the following thing: you log in to a server, get attacked, defend yourself and get banned. That's mean, I give you that."  Pretty much it

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:15:47 am »
Several posters including the very first reply told you why you got banned, let you know it wasn't permanent, tried to help you avoid future punishment, etc...

You've ignored every single one of them and just spewed nonsense. Posting three times in a row. Claiming that your friends/clan/friend's clan got mass banned BUT PLEASE DONT REVEAL THEIR IDENTITIES! Your fan-made mod of an independent studio's game has less players than Call of Duty! =)

You are not even capable of lucid conversation.  :?

You still fail at what I am trying to get though...O well =)

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:11:50 am »
I can only agree.

However, you must've felt how hard it is to get the directional combat mechanics at first.
For it to become real competitive and successful, it has to have a less steep learning curve.

That means either two things. It has to be dumbed down, or Directional melee attack systems have to be in more games, which might lead to dumbing down again.

And I don't think it would do any good.

Well idk if you looked at Age of Conan, the movement in the game was great, was fucking awesome.  But company failed and cared to pvers and now look at that game.  Pretty much dead.  But yea usally most games are getting dumb down for the stay to home everyday farther. 

If you took Age of Conan movement and had the mele combat system like this.  Game would be great./ AoC mele system was great to but company failed so hard. (Funcom)

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:06:31 am »
Coming from the guy who has read literally every post on these forums (besides half of the moonspeak boards, I only pay attention to parts of the Russian forum, and bits and pieces of the Turkish and Spanish forums), I'm very curious on how much you could have possibly read for being a new guy.

This is pretty amusing, I'll give you that.

Well being that it is a school week, not much to do.  Play some games here and there, it's always fun to read forums for me at least and for this being my 2nd day banned gives me time to go back and read.  listen to my friend talk to me in vent and cyber me about the good times in this game.

Yes this is amusing =)

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:04:19 am »
Go back to those games, pal.

Clearly, this one is of too high standards for you.

This game mele combat is great, if the movement was better it would be up there being one of those best competitive games ever made.

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:02:41 am »
Those companies have a monatery interest behind those statistics. A mod team which doesn't earn any money except of voluntary donations and has to run a server from it doesn't need neither tweaked statistics nor tens of thousands of players, who would pay for the servers?

Let's keep it as simple as possible:

- New players are expected to read the rules before connecting, even if they only "try out" a game
- Admins can't tell whether you are new or not, and even if they could, there is no difference
- teamkilling someone on purpose doesn't neccessarily need a ban, but a ban isn't too harsh either. It's a question of personal evaluation of the admin.
- if players teamkill on purpose, get banned and GTX, it's no loss for the community

I understand that in this moment you didn't know what to do, and it was a reflex to kill the attacker, but on the other hand you must understand that you still have to get punished. because if there was an exception made for you, other people would want exceptions, too, and personal investigation of every teamkill by the admin, making effective administration of the servers impossible. There is no way to prove you don't know something, but if not knowing the rules would be a valid argument, you could break any rule you want and say you didn't know about it, because nobody can verify or falsify that. That's where "Ignorance is no excuse in law." origins from.

I understand the situation was... unlucky... for you... but can I expect the same empathy from you, to understand that the admin had to punish you in a way?

Seriously, if you had read the rules you would have spent a short time here in the forum and the rest of the evening ingame. Now you spent a short time ingame and the rest of the evening in the forum. Decide yourself, which is the better option. I seriously hope you learn something from it, because that little patience really pays. In CoD for exaple it's often forbidden to use the grenade launcher. If you do so and get punished, do you have the right to complain, although the rules were listed when logging in?

I go even so far and check the options before I start a new game, just to see which keys are assignet to what, and if I see some known commands like "reload" not being on my favourite reload key (r), I change it. That way, when I start a new game, I don't need to pause it constantly to change the controls. Patience rocks  :wink:

agrees...but ITS TO LATE!

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:01:11 am »
An entire clan being banned? Hmm...
Only word that comes to mind is when Haven had half of their userbase banned for exploitation using the "report" feature for free multies. In that case, well deserved.

There are no other notable clans that were skilled enough to even bother mentioning that were mass banned.

Luckily I've seen most of everything on NA, and no they were not the best PvPers (though some were pretty good like Allers), nor were they undeserved bans.

Nah I didn't say whole clan I said most from tks, trolling.  You always get people who try to cheat but you can tell it is usually just bad players.  Just saying how it is from reading these forums. =)

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:58:34 am »
but your website makes lies for numbers, and you dont have as many player as CoD, WoW or Counterstrike...

here is a video of me owning at a game much better than shit piece of shit crpg

You are an example of and upset player like this other guy who says I am crying lol.  I can play other versions of this game. haha,  You are totally misreading everything what you just posted right there.

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:55:25 am »
There is avg of at least in the 200s per day dude,  Also to the guy who is failing trying to troll me, wipe your ass of that stench.  Get at me brah because I am qqing so hard.  I am trolling a little but not really.  I didn't say I am a good pvper.  My friend (who told me to look at this game) and their clan were probably best pvpers from what I look at in these forums of this game.  But yea I just say how it is, if you don't like it then good for you.

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