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Messages - lcrispyl

Pages: [1] 2
Diplomacy / Re: Republic of Squids, Frisia, Astralis
« on: March 28, 2014, 02:08:23 am »
This Post made Me LOL inside... and maybe pee a little... not sure if it was for excitement, disbelief, or simply was to too lazy to piss in the toilet... AT this point, How can you even be trusted... Can't trust your RL friends, what makes you think I can trust them in the internets games? Sounds like a TRAP!!!!!!

Arys, you wouldn't know how to drink if it poured itself.... dirty neckbeard of a fella!!!!

Strategus Issues / Re: Possible Serious Admin Abuse
« on: March 24, 2013, 12:50:27 pm »
+1 to that post!!!!!!!!!!! above!

Strategus Issues / Re: Possible Serious Admin Abuse
« on: March 24, 2013, 12:10:59 pm »

Strategus Issues / Re: Possible Serious Admin Abuse
« on: March 24, 2013, 11:26:29 am »
I believe the admin that banned everyone on the opposite team should be stripped of all privilege's, he clearly favored his own team... with 2 minutes left in the fight. Everyone was naked... so therefore it was a scrappy fight back-peddling against 3 oncoming players is not delaying, just providing a prime time to attack. Relit you are very incorrect in your post... 2 mins left and people were still fighting doesn't clearify a ban.... sorry buddy. You are very misinformed and should read the strat fight page and terms of battle. Obviously you were the opponent in this particular fight so you side with what the admin purposed.... In fact you are very wrong in doing so or even promoting the belief that what was done was okay. People on defense were doing defensive maneuvers, sadly you could not contain the matter at hand. This strategy has been played several times in previous strat maps in NA... and now you speak on it... I call that complaining... When in fact what was done was seriously inappropriate. Look at what witchcraft did in the siege fight... camping on a tower that no one could get to then the timer ran down and all defenders spawned from the grave yet no one complained about that... Just seems like when the battle/siege doesn't favor certain clans they wine and moan and ban players when their is a timer still running... This is why I personally hate how strat has become, it seems to favor certain clans and deminish others and continue to do that... the OCC Siege for instance... they spawn with no gear at Shariz VE takes it with Eaze (like what i did there). Yet nothing is done about it... this whole strat seems to favor literally one side of the map and starve the rest it... FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMPLAIN MORE!!!!!!!!

Diplomacy / Re: Lost Legion are swines and unprofessional
« on: March 10, 2013, 10:54:39 am »
Arathian... i'm pretty sure, no i'm positive i can snap your neck with my index finger and pinky.... just saying bro come at me

Diplomacy / Re: Injustice!
« on: March 10, 2013, 10:48:02 am »
great fight tonight guys... came down to the wire! great xp and thanks for the fun!!!!

Diplomacy / Re: Semenstorm is being aggressive towards poor ascalon :(
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:11:36 am »

Diplomacy / Re: Injustice!
« on: March 09, 2013, 12:26:49 am »
Well said sandy!!!!  :D

Diplomacy / Re: Injustice!
« on: March 08, 2013, 11:46:25 pm »
"LOUD NOISE'S".... We were planning on attacking you guys about a month ago due to your lack of players (inactives, Leaves), then Frisia and Dracul combined with you making it Fimbulvetr kinda put a twist in our decision but we still went ahead as planned to get a fief that we need. As you can see the desert is kinda packed atm. We were planning on taking Tash Kulun, and maybe Malayurg castle but then Hosp came into our TS about a week prior to us attacking, and said they were going to go to war with you guys. They were going for Tash Kulun, Zagush, and Malayurg castle which in turn we didn't argue they had those fiefs before so we didn't lay claim to them. We just changed our plans and went for Kedelke. Yes perhaps we should have said "Shampoo is better, No conditioner is better.... WAR" on the Forums, so all the trolls could have their fun, but Astralis isn't as focused as we should be on the forums. It may seem that we had a coordinated attack on you guys... but in fact it kinda just took it's course. My apologies if that may have butt hurt some of you, i will provide some vaseline, baby powder, bandaids or baby wipes for you if needed to ease the pain a bit. It's not that we don't like "Ravens/NH" we do, and have for sometime now. Your a great bunch of guys and we respect all of you. With that said Lets have some fun and get in that XP it's my drug!!!!

Diplomacy / Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« on: March 07, 2013, 06:00:52 am »
FCC does what they want... case closed... they attack such a small clan for their benefit, they want to see what hosp is doing that is all. If that small faction doesn't adhere to FCC's liking then they will punish them... which makes FCC a dictator.

Diplomacy / Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« on: March 06, 2013, 08:12:03 pm »
This doesn't suprise me at all tbh, looking forward to the battles to come and the xp to be had!!!! Lost Legion! Brothers of the sword, I rather fight beside you than any army of thousands! Let no man forget how menacing we are! We are Lions!

Diplomacy / Re: Lost Legion are swines and unprofessional
« on: March 06, 2013, 05:56:07 pm »
I agree, it's not that hard to make that paper if your motivated, and not currently in a war. Friendly factions help also!!!! So it's not unusual to see a small faction have plate... for instance ascalon has some pretty sick items and he did it all on his own!!! BIG BOY PANTS ON CHECK!!!!

Diplomacy / Re: WITCHCRAFT, Demon of the tundra.
« on: March 06, 2013, 05:47:58 pm »
We need a shaman/wizard/witch!!! How does one acquire this?

Diplomacy / Re: WITCHCRAFT, Demon of the tundra.
« on: March 04, 2013, 07:22:05 am »
Twas a fun and intense fight thank you to both LL and Teutonic's for making such an event take place!!!!

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