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Messages - maximilian

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: words....
« on: May 09, 2012, 07:27:51 pm »
jash you are so "LOL" person..... 

1:i didnt left the part that i team hit you in the end.

2:i didnt go away before you make a "LOL" ban pooll for me , i stay and it didnt pass....

The point of all this fight is because : i just report you for teamhitting me for the second time and you started all this shit ... RAGING and teamhitting me 5 TIMES IN A ROW......because you CANT ACCEPT TO BE REPORTED FOR TEAMHITTING.... this is the true.

Closed Requests / words....
« on: May 09, 2012, 04:00:44 pm »
i was playing on crpg eu 2 siege, and  "NORD/JASH" teamhit me 1 time and i didnt press m  and he didnt say sorry, then after , again  he team hit me and i press "m" to report him, and what? he team hit me like 5 times in a row on porpuse ...........  then i  make pull to ban him but nothing...     then this bastard dog.. come to me to break my ball again and he was hoping that i rage and i teamhit him , and after all this... i teamhit him two times  and i go away... and then he start to say that now he will make me ban because he have pics..........   ok  now admin  maybe  he can have screenshot abaut my "end" rage teamhit  but, i  leave to you admin the judgment about  : who start to break the rules?  me ?=that in the end i rage and i teamhit him  or Nord JASH that after he have been reported fo teamhitting  he start to rage and he kill me  hitting me like 5 times and then he project on porpuse to  making some bad to me and he follow me breaking my ball untill i rage ....
ps= sorry for my english ,its not the best. :lol:

Pages: [1]