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Messages - AssPunisher

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General Discussion / Re: Dear Admins, please be aware of this
« on: February 08, 2011, 02:46:46 pm »
What? Arbitrary? Don't be ridiculous.

I paid for my admin status, and I'm guessing all the other admins did the same. It's only 30 Euro, not like it's an exclusive club or anything. Oh, and you have to send cmpx or ptx a bit of cash otherwise they don't lock the admin abuse threads for you.

The only admin who I know for a fact didn't pay is Alex, and that's because he spammed chadz with weird requests ('add a map that's a replica of Mount Rushmore', 'I want a special triangular wizard hat that only I can wear', 'Can you add a voice command that goes 'zap' so I can press it when I kill someone?', 'We have ladders, but not stepladders, what's with that chadz?', 'can you code rashes and warts? I want my character to be unique with some skin conditions', 'did you get the idea for cRPG from drinking lots of coffee? That's where I get all my ideas', 'can you make my character 35% taller than everyone else's please?', just some examples). He was added as an admin to cut down on the spam.

Anyway, there's a clear selection process. Though NA admins are different - they get paid for it because they're registered as a charity, after having to put up with people like you. Or so I heard. Through the grapevine!

Well you must be full of it because I paid exactly 30 euros for barely a month of play and didn't receive any admin status. Though I did get flamed by other admins for bringing forth the suggestion on how to help you act in more mature and consistent manner. Listening to your egos crying was hilarious and pathethic at the same time so I had to lock the thread the very same day.

I still check here from time to time to see if things have improved but didn't think I would post again. But letting bullshit slip away is just not in my nature.

General Discussion / Re: the vast majority of the EU_cRPG_1 admin team
« on: January 26, 2011, 11:10:23 am »
You're right, I should check the donation list before I ban people just to check if they're donators. In fact, we'll need the exact info on who donated how much so that the more you donate, the more offences you may commit.

Fail IQ.
Every single player you ban for vague reasons might be a a donor, not to say their donations and support might have been even more generous then your own. Some of you admins act like you're the only ones responsible for keeping this mod up and running but even if that was true, and its not, such behaviour would be wrong.

This community has been lectured by developers lately on how it should be tolerant toward admins because its humanly to make mistakes, yet players often get instanly banned without a warning for making mistake on the servers. I can tolerate mistakes but I can't tolerate bullshit.

Just wanted to make this last point clear. And try not to ruin this community and mod, its really fun and I enjoyed it while it lasted. Cheers

General Discussion / Re: the vast majority of the EU_cRPG_1 admin team
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:09:36 pm »
When you realize admins think its fine to ban donators without a warning then its time to pack your shit and move on.

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General Discussion / Re: the vast majority of the EU_cRPG_1 admin team
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:54:07 pm »
I'm not sure if you are kidding or not.

If you are not - how fucking spoiled are you? You really think that admins are supposed to just fly around and watch people? For real? They are not getting paid - they are given some extra priviledges because they are trusted members of the community. No one EVER thought about them as cRPG cops that do nothing else but look around for criminals. They are there so there is someone that can enforce stuff if people try to abuse the system, in whatever way. And as far as I am concerned, they are also free to just ignore being admin if they feel like it, because I can truly understand that it is a tiresome priviledge.

(Note: this is not about this topic, but in general, I have no idea what this thread is even about)
About admin abuse: no one is perfect, I have taken that into account. People can do wrong decisions, that happens, it is not good, but nothing that surprises me. It is a problem if it happens more frequently or more.. biased against someone in particular, but nothing like that has happened so far afaik.

To the point: if you feel like there is admin abuse, report it in the forum, as has been done, obviously. We will probably not check it out in detail, there is not enough time for that, but there might be consequences if something happens more than afew times.

In the future, there might be a more democratic approach - eventually the possibility to elect and unelect admins, because after all, they are supposed to represent the community.

I completely missed this post so I'll answer you plain and simple: I was joking for the most part but was dead serious about "sharing the load" part - beacuse its really hard and I want to help, you know.

Seeing how this "job" is done here I assure you that I'm more than qualified to kick and ban people for vague reasons. As of this moment I'm ready to accept all adminstrating privileges and act irresponsibly without being paid. I don't want to be considered as a spoiled person that has no understanding for the time consuming efforts our admins undego every day. I'm a grown up man and I can do it to. Thank you.

General Discussion / Re: Concerning Game Admins
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:56:50 pm »
And yet somehow I still can't take you seriously. Funny that.

Uuuh you got me there.  :rolleyes:

No reason to discuss this topic any further as it has been discussed too many times before. Idea is in the OP so admins take it or leave it. Locking thread now.

General Discussion / Re: Concerning Game Admins
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:50:58 pm »
What do you mean?

Forum joke... back to being serious now.

General Discussion / Re: Concerning Game Admins
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:46:59 pm »
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On a serious note, I think AssPunisher should be made a special admin, with no ban/remove ban powers, and no kicks etc, but only the ability/responsibility to sit all day in spectate mode and screenshot misbehaviour. To help this along, you can delete his character and make him a permanent level 1 peasant, so he can concentrate on spectating.

I don't know what came into me while opening this thread, our admins are great!

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General Discussion / Re: Concerning Game Admins
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:38:46 pm »
So I need to convert to christianity, start spectrating hours a day without playing to admin? Are you serious mr, or are you just unprecise?

I obviously missunderstood what decalogue means. Can we move on now please?

General Discussion / Re: Concerning Game Admins
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:37:00 pm »
Lastly, I'd like to thank, the admins who've conducted themselves fairly, and unbiased and have kept a cool head throughout any issues regarding critisizm of their abilities. Admins like you, are glue to the community and the servers wouldn't be the same without them.


General Discussion / Re: Concerning Game Admins
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:28:35 pm »
I'm not being arrogant. I'm giving you my honest reaction. No need to requote your own post, i read it.
What, you are just gonna respond by saying: "No, you are arrogant instead"? Is that what it has come to?

Do you get why your post rubs me the wrong way?

If you read it again (or the qouted part at least) carefully you will notice it wasn't directed to you. No reason to get mad over it. Keep doing a good job, thats all. And of course, thanks for your efforts.

My wordbook translates decalogue to the 10 commandment of the bible.. wtf?
I was not wrong. Ok, notice my nick, Lilith. Then, think.. uhm, you want to force-convert me to a christian just to be an admin? AND Im not allowed to play on the server I admin? How am I gonna admin then, sit there spectrating people for hours without pay?
Just the thought of that makes me a:
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I don't believe in God, and I don't think anyone will mind you playing while admin at the same time. It was a copy-pasted part from the link provided, as clearly stated in my OP.

General Discussion / Re: Concerning Game Admins
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:21:48 pm »
I have banned ONE guy for repeated teamkilling (Morn). He knew what he was doing and he sure as hell understood why he was banned. Then he wrote a short essay promising not to misbehave again and i unbanned him.

Mr. "AssPunisher", who are you to lecture me on my adminning? There are rules, we enforce them. I do not find your post 'motivating', i find it arrogant and somewhat misguided.

It is very hard to do good adminning and still enjoy the game. I spend hours spectating, often franticly clicking to get to the right player, struggling with the huge and hard to use player list to find yet another idiot who is ruining the game by unreachable roofcamping, teamkilling or hiding. And then i kick him or her, only to see the same person rejoin moments later and continue like nothing has happened.

It's hard work. It's ungrateful work. People lie, distort what happened and generally try anything to make the admins look bad afther they've been banned.
We have to constantly monitor all the ban- and unban-requests. We have to constantly stay in contact with eachother. It's hard to keep enjoying the game like that.

All i see lately are snobish and sometimes whiney 'waah waah- the admins abooze'-type of posts. Never once a thank you or a 'well done'.

That said, i do think some of my collegue admins could work on keeping up the appearance of professionalism. But please remember, these are all volunteers.

Given these cicrumstances I think it is fair to assume that some admins don't truly understand responsibilities that come with privileges of being a game admin.

Game Admins must:
    * have good knowledge of the decalogue and how it is to be interpreted
    * be able to conduct themselves in a professional manner when communicating with players

The only person being arrogant here is you. Didn't read past that sentence.

General Discussion / Re: Concerning Game Admins
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:17:32 pm »
Gonna quote chadz from the other thread, incase you have missed it..Also i think it fits this thread nicely.

Yeah I've missed that. I liked that funny part the most - "...they are trusted members of the community..." :)

Nvm me then, there is a cool link for any admin to check it out if he/she wishes so. Other than that...

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General Discussion / Concerning Game Admins
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:02:51 pm »
As we've all witnessed, communication between community and game admins is not going quite well lately. I know many of you don't even care to say the least, but the point is that something has to change if we want to see the bright future for our loving mod.

Reading through numerous unban requsts here and on Taleworlds forum I've noticed that many players didn't even know the real reason for being banned. And while we can argue that some just act innocent and others were banned for good reasons regardless, this clearly shows that there is a complete lack of communication from admins' part before executing the harshest penalty on the players. Reading some of the arguments from admins here was also discouraging. As I can recall in one case recently questioning admin's decision for a kick with a stupid and childish response "U mad?" resulted in an instant ban. This is not a way to treat your community that helps keeping this mod running with donations.

Given these cicrumstances I think it is fair to assume that some admins don't truly understand responsibilities that come with privileges of being a game admin. This is a just a small part of what can be found in the link I ran into (link provided in the spoiler section).

Game Admins must:
    * be honest and a desire to apply the rules to all players evenly
    * have a good sense of the game
    * have good knowledge of the decalogue and how it is to be interpreted
    * possess the ability to weigh the facts of a given situation and to make a decision accordingly
    * be able to conduct themselves in a professional manner when communicating with players
    * no longer be active player on the server they admin

What our admins need is a similar guidline that will help them enforce the rules in a mature and consistent manner. There will always be those that will try to harm the gameplay experience of others for one reason or the other so, your community relies on your adminstrative skills to prevent this from happening, but right now it seems you often do the opposite. If this doesn't motivate you enough at least do it for the love of this mod.
Thanks in advance.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Retirement for casual players
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:46:56 pm »
Obviously for some of us reaching level 31 is not just a matter of days or few weeks. It takes a hell of a lot of time to get there and it feels like a huge accomplishment once we do. Now, that kid in us also wants a chance to have that small, barely significant modifier on his toy. In return being doomed to mid levels for almost eternity is a bit too harsh. Cmon just look at us...

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General Discussion / Re: nerfed archer again
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:54:18 am »
Archers stop complaining. Come join horse archers to see what really means being nerfed.  :)

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