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Messages - Random_Figther

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: Bug/Glitch?
« on: July 19, 2012, 03:30:37 pm »
thats what i have done, but should i delete them all againe? or?

cRPG Technical problems / Bug/Glitch?
« on: July 18, 2012, 11:00:08 pm »
I cannot get myself a main, i've deleted my old chars + main and made new ones but still cannot get a new main. Anyone knows selution? is it glitch/Bug? or is this common?

EDIT: This is the message i get: Once a character is alternate it is not possible to change that role, therefore alternates can never become main.

Faction Halls / Re: [Vikings] The Vikings (Recruiting EU - Scandinavia)
« on: November 12, 2011, 10:49:11 pm »
Wow thank you all for the welcomeing :D

We are really well how shall i putt in need of more members The Lord Tattn dosen't think we can get more memebers fast enougth for him so we migth have to close this down :S

Faction Halls / Re: [Vikings] The Vikings (Recruiting EU - Scandinavia)
« on: November 11, 2011, 09:25:52 pm »
Well As I Just Said I Type Like That

Faction Halls / Re: [Vikings] The Vikings (Recruiting EU - Scandinavia)
« on: November 11, 2011, 07:30:53 pm »
Well Thanks For The Wierd Welcome Messages And I Write Like This :P

Faction Halls / CLOSED (No Further Expansion)
« on: November 11, 2011, 02:38:34 pm »
srry guys we have not done any expansions so were closeing this project

General Discussion / Re: Could need Some Guidence how to make spoiler
« on: November 11, 2011, 02:03:15 pm »
Aight thank you guys alot helped me much :p im quite blind i noticed thanks for all help

- EliteWarrior

General Discussion / Could need Some Guidence how to make spoiler
« on: November 11, 2011, 01:54:57 pm »
well topic says it all how the hell do i make a Spoiler if you know anything feel free to reply thnx

 - EliteWarrior

Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: October 31, 2011, 05:41:59 pm »
Greetings, Im Lookeing For a Horse Archer/Lancer Clan That Mainly Use Horses I am A Horse Archer My Self And Find It quite Boring Rideing Around By My Self So My Stats Are :

Strength    15    
Agility    15    

Weapon proficiency
One Handed    13    
Two Handed    1    
Polearm    1    
Archery    136
Crossbow    1    
Throwing    1    1

Iron Flesh    0    
Power Strike    0    
Shield    0    
Athletics    1    
Riding    4    
Horse Archery    2    
Power Draw    5
Power Throw    0
Weapon Master    5

Items ::

Hide Boots
Leather Gloves
Steppe Cap
Lamellar Vest
Bodkin Arrows
Horn Bow
Steppe Horse

Beginner's Help and Guides / Setting Main Char
« on: October 14, 2011, 08:32:38 pm »
Hey guys, im back after a long breake from cRPG so i know now nothing :P

reason for his thread is to ask or find out how i sett main char anyone knows how to do it? if so pelase respond here :D

Hello, you Typed my name wrong :P its Doom_Bringer i changed it it was suppose to be Doom_Bringer and not Doom_Bringer1 jsut so you know it :)

done all that, see you on the battlefield Sir.

Hey Guys Doom Bringer1 here wanted to see if i get in your awsome clan cuss ur just awsomesauce:D

My stats are following:

Strength    18    
Agility    4    

Weapon proficiency
One Handed    15    1 point per wpf
Two Handed    87    4 points per wpf
Polearm    1    1 point per wpf
Archery    1    1 point per wpf
Crossbow    1    1 point per wpf
Throwing    1    1 point per wpf

Iron Flesh    6    3 strength per level
Power Strike    6    3 strength per level
Shield    1    3 agility per level
Athletics    1    3 agility per level
Riding    0    3 agility per level
Horse Archery    0    6 agility per level
Power Draw    0    3 strength per level
Power Throw    0    3 strength per level
Weapon Master    1    3 agility per level

My items is following:

Nordic Cornical Helmet
Druzhina Mail Shirt

thats me lads hope to see you in the future :D

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:04:38 pm »
And why you use a typo in your nick? =(

What u mean? if u mean the name it was on purpose :P

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 08, 2011, 07:01:30 pm »
Hi if u are still recruiting i wanna join u guys cuss u figth really good so il give u my stats ^^   Ingame name Random_figther
and if u use skype after what i read my account name is ::: obbylegands


lvl 26
21 str  11 agi
WPF 21 2h
Ironflesh 4   
Power Strike 5   
Shield 3   
Athletics 3   
Power Throw   7   
Weapon master 3

Gold 13459
Inventory :: Cuir Builli over Mail, Khergit Guard Helmet, Woolen Boots :P il get better soon, Throwing Lances, Flamberge.

Pages: [1]