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Messages - Count_RisArch

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EU (Official) / Re: [BAN] ghetto_blaster_the_selecta
« on: March 02, 2018, 03:49:49 pm »
I can confirm he was throwing javelins (or some similar throwing weapon) at jarleks horse and then at him when he dismounted.

Jarlek hadn't done any of his usual smack talking in chat towards the player in question or the mercs as a clan in this particular session, so as far as I could tell it was unprovoked.

Announcements / Re: Santa's Presents
« on: January 12, 2018, 02:01:37 am »
Well I'm late to the party but may I have some? I'll do more than just sit on your knee  :wink:


Oh hells yes!

Red Brigandine Over Mail
Red Wisby Gauntlets
Red Hose with Kneecops
Sword of War

Preferably with the sword unsheathed and resting over my shoulder or planted in the ground in true heroic fashion, see current profile pic for hair colouring!

Thank you, your talent blazes like the sun good sir!

Closed Requests / Re: childs should not be admin
« on: July 22, 2013, 03:24:47 am »
+1 Would read again...
                                     ...Can't wait for the essay!

Inb4 the game, apart from the lore, is actually nothing like Elder Scrolls games and that it's just as shit as the majority of MMO's that are touted as the next big thing.

This, and many other posts in this topic are spot on. This game will blow.

1. Shitty hotbar combat (please dont give me that horse shit "server limitations crap") Please make an mmo that's decent and doesn't use a hotbar, gimp whatever you have to to make it play smoothly and people will buy it. Not to mention that this % based "watch the casting bar" crap is everything the ES games have never been, even in the more rng days of arena and daggerfall.

2. Split the factions/races. You can no longer play the race you want to without being tied to its shitty faction, want to play a redguard while your friend plays a high elf? Bad luck! Oh and you wont be able to explore the other factions lands as they're the enemy! Only endless hours of grind playing as the other factions will open up the remainder of the world to you!

3. Set classes. Isn't the joy of ES making any character your mind can conjure? I know this would be a bastard to balance but I don't want to be an unimaginative devs idea of a mage or a warrior. Let us chose a max of 4-5 skills to level and spec into so we can make the heavy armor, dual wielding, sneak illusionist that we always dreamed of.

4. Not made by Bethesda. Why oh why did you lease your top selling and best known franchise out to an mmo company? Wow was a freak, no hotbar mmo has or ever will come close to those figures so will you greedy, moronic developers/publishers stop trying to jump on poor old bessy the cash cow, she's been milked dry.

5. This will delay Fallout 4. Bethesda will not want to run 2 games (even if it is only publishing ES online) that could compete with each other. This puts my predictions that fallout 4, a game i'm sure the majority of the fans are looking forward to infinitely more than this shitbox, back to 2014+

I am angry about this game, more angry than I thought i would be. It looks like yet another GW2/wow rip off that restricts you from doing everything you would want to do if ES was an mmo. I want this game to be good, but so far NOTHING i have seen gives me any hope, in fact the more info I receive the more angry I get. I only hope it sinks like a brick and Bethesda rapidly pave over it and never discuss or bring up the idea of another of there beloved franchise being turned into a pile of turd by a third party developer.

Tl:dr Will I buy/pre-order this game?

...I'd rather belt sand my penis.

General Discussion / Re: 2h swords
« on: November 14, 2012, 12:42:11 am »
I use 2h weapons, or at least have for 10 of my 11 gens. They're are several reasons for this, I shall list them, as follows.

1. When I first played c-rpg back in the scary pre-upkeep days I was new to multiplayer warband. I played 1h shielder and I found the amount of effort and swings required to down someone quite maddening. I then poodled off to native to learn how to rack up the k/ds the 2h pro's were getting, or at the very least kill something in less than 6 hits.

2. 2h are sexy. They look boss, no denying. Not to mention the "Cool" factor that big fucking swords have in popular culture. A choice between an elegant piece of sharpened steel handcrafted by a master sword smith for the sole purpose of war or a bit of wood with a common smithed axe head on top? Didn't take me long to chose.

3. They are easy to pick up and play with. Even I, using a heavy bastard sword on my second gen character did considerably better than I could have hoped. Competeing with the top tier players is not easy to pick up, however.

4. They have the best animations. Not in terms of there aesthetic beauty but taleworlds kind Of fluffed the extra reach you get on ALL directions of swing, compared to the other weapon types.

5. There is nothing more thrilling than an evenly matched 2h duel. This is my personal reason for staying 2h for so long, to me a good, hard fight against a well matched opponent or 2 is the reason I love Warband. Especially when you beat the long odds and walk away from an encounter with a top player or multiple players.

I concede that 2h combat is the most powerful and easiest to pick up. The most boring, definitely not, and if you aim to fight players you recognise as good or better than you are I find the mixture of footwork, manual blocking and the awesomeness of having 5ft of steel singing in your hands to be the crowing glory of the warband franchise.

My 2 pence anyways.

Tl:dr 2h are powerfull and easy for beginners to learn but are a lot of fun for experienced players too!

United Kingdom here.

I went from having 40-50 ping a week or two ago to about 100 now, as stated with a few screenshots above I find the US servers have comparable latency to the EU. This needs to be fixed, as seems like a waste of money on these "super" servers otherwise.


My ping has returned to normal, in fact its better than before running at 34-40 ping on a full eu_2. Don't know what happened but they're you go, thanks server crew! 

General Discussion / Re: Legends of c-RPG
« on: May 25, 2012, 10:35:46 pm »
There was once a dread knight clad all in blackest armour, tougher than any ordinary steel. He rode a horse all covered in fearsome plate as himself, and carried a great lance that struck fear into the heart of those who beheld it. They say his horse was bred in Hell, that the merest touch of his lance was enough to kill any man. Many brave soldiers and innocent peasants alike were mown down by the iron hooves of his steed, or impaled upon his lance. They called this legend the Finn. It is known.

Oh the Finn, what happy, grindy times they were. I remember his one man army K/D's...

I also remember when he quit. About 2 days after upkeep killed quite possibly the most hilarious poster child for crutch setup characters. And people really liked cRPG more back then?

Guild Wars / Re: Rate your beta experience
« on: May 01, 2012, 01:51:23 pm »
This is why I made a Norn in the beta actually. I never liked them in gw1 so I tried Norn just to mess around during the beta (I always make some big mistake with my first character). The Norn storyline didn't appeal to me either. I was also disappointed that they locked the asura and sylvari.

The story I didn't find too bad, I just really disliked the visuals on the characters and general setting. I've clocked a shit-load of hours on skyrim; maybe I'm just all norsed out!  :P

Next we're all rolling char, which appeal to me a lot more in that they're a deicidal bunch of industrial cat-demons. Maybe i'm just a repressed least not as repressed as the Norn though, eh  :lol:

Guild Wars / Re: Rate your beta experience
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:20:03 pm »
Ok. So i did play (a bit) but seeing as my comp is really on its last legs my experience was kinda hampered by various crashes (excluding server issues) which meant my play was kinda rubbish at times, but hey, I expected it! Time to save for a new computer!

Also, sorry people, the Norn race and starting zone are fucking crap, the server issues, zone design and my shitty comp all combined to me going "holy fuck i've wasted £50" and "what an over-hyped pos this is"...Fortunately on sunday i sneakily re-rolled human and...It was great! Despite the processor and gfx crashes every 10-15 mins I managed to get to level 8, fell in love with the Warrior's Rifle, 2h Hammer and GS and generally had a blast shooting,bashing and slashing the crap out of centaurs. The server issues by then had also leveled out so it was laggy but nothing like the launch on friday.

So really I have 2 scores, for the Norn zone and launch on friday 1/5, really even without my hardware issues it was one of the worst beta launches I've ever been in. With a fresh start on a less crowded sunday with a race I actually had some interest in, off TS and taking everything at the shitty slow pace my comp demands i'd give a generous 4/5. While I didn't experience any WvW or PvP the PvE experience made me happy enough to justify pre-purchasing the game.

Looking forward to the next event, where hopefully I'll have a nice new computer to play it on!

1st! Downloading beta client. Hype meter cranking up to max!

General Discussion / Re: Morpher's charity fest
« on: April 11, 2012, 04:28:51 pm »
Oh good sir please take pity on an unremitting debtor and bail me out of 100k owed to the most draconian members of Merciless. It the money or me kneecaps!

...Honest  :P



Suggestions Corner / Re: New Heirloom Models (and web GUI)
« on: March 17, 2012, 12:54:11 am »
Thanks for this, really good work!


Finally the games that turned me into an rpg nerd are getting an update. Huzzah! Lets hope obsidian actually crunch a significant amount of bugs for release....

...they wont, but it'll still be awesome!

Spam / Re: Rate the avatar of the above poster.
« on: March 16, 2012, 12:01:24 am »
10/10 always sfriend when I see yours I also enjoyed the post where you (or whoever started the whole thing) flipped various hair/beards.

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