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Messages - SRomeda

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Double EXP Fridays
« on: July 06, 2012, 10:41:21 am »
If this is done I would not play on any day of the week except Friday to make sure all of my time playing is spent with the best gains possible.

reported for not having fun

Suggestions Corner / Double EXP Fridays
« on: July 06, 2012, 12:18:28 am »
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Suggestions Corner / Re: upkeep costs vs. new players
« on: July 03, 2012, 05:07:40 am »
Malevolent... I would really appreciate that. I don't have any wpf in one handed because I'm a dedicated archer build, so I suppose using a steel pickaxe is completely out of the question

Suggestions Corner / upkeep costs vs. new players
« on: July 03, 2012, 04:41:49 am »

Being that the CRPG team is trying to encourage community expansion, I was going to hand in some feedback from the current upkeep system. A friend and I have been playing for about a month or so and we've found it very difficult to make money in general... Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm probably gonna be told that I have too expensive of gear but let me put things in perspective:

I wear-
peasantish clothes (gambeson body armor/leather gloves/cheap hat/black cheap boots)
horn bow
tartar arrows/bodkin arrows
liuyedao (I switched from the steel pick because it kept breaking so much)

He and I seem to have to repair at least 200-400 gold worth of shit PER ROUND(ish). He plays a 2h knight build so it makes sense that he would have to have upkeep problems, but I shouldn't be having anything near that. I had 12k two days ago and now it seems to have vanished from my frequent repairs. Isn't that a little bit silly? Shouldn't there be a certain amount of time given before a weapon can break? I'd really like to keep playing but I feel like this kind of upkeep is unreasonable.

Maybe we've both been going through a period of bad luck, but the devs should consider limiting /this much/ upkeep drain.

...sorry if I'm ignorant.

Suggestions Corner / battle "event" addon - THE WITCH
« on: June 13, 2012, 06:10:05 pm »
I personally would like to BURN WITCHES, but, unfortunately, crpg doesn't have any.

Battlemode should have a witch appear for a round (a randomly selected player) once every few hours. It'd work like a juggernaut, where the witch would have ridiculous speed, strength, and also be completely rogue (able to attack either team). Maybe some kind of black robe and hat would be in order too, but that's all aesthetics.

The witch would ride dat brilliant 10 ex until someone ended the spree. The witch's slayer would be awarded premium bankage and dosh.

cRPG Technical problems / unable to adjust role
« on: April 29, 2012, 08:23:23 pm »
I deleted my old main 3 or so days ago because I STF and got bored, and now my new "main" is still considered an alternate (I made him while I still had my old MC). So uh, what's up with that? :( I'd really appreciate marketplace use.

Also, it says my next STF will be available on may 6th, which doesn't make sense because that would imply that I skipped the fun extremely recently rather than at least 6-7 days ago... please assist!

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