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Messages - kh_dimitri

Pages: [1]
Buy / Re: Lordly Skutatos Armour
« on: April 21, 2012, 04:31:27 pm »
Yeah, youre right, I never wanted to spend too much time on this game. Its merely a game after all. So laugh.

If you wont be needing those, and no one can satisfy your requests, you can consider selling me the lordly skutatos armour.

I will pay you 6x the original price added by 5000 due to offering tax, that is 6x3705+5000=27230 gold. The reason is one time for each set of armour promotion. Lordly armour has a +5 armour to body and leg, so I add 5 times to the original price, namely 6 times. I appreciate your work, but you know the retired armour adds merely a few points, and I purchase it only for my personal hobby. I am confident in my price, and believe it is fair enough.

You can search other offers to find what you want, but money is of course useful.

Im not forcing you, nor am desiring the item to death, but i am asking politely. You can discuss with me further or just ignore this post, but please be polite.

Buy / Lordly Skutatos Armour
« on: April 21, 2012, 12:09:15 pm »
I will pay you 6x the original price added by 5000 due to offering tax, that is 6x3705+5000=27230 gold. The reason is one time for each set of armour promotion. Lordly armour has a +5 armour to body and leg, so I add 5 times to the original price, namely 6 times. I appreciate your work, but you know the retired armour adds merely a few points, and I purchase it only for my personal hobby. I am confident in my price, and believe it is fair enough.

Therefore, if you are in need of money, and happen to possess what i want, you think about it.

Closed Requests / Re: [i][Unban] apologise for leeching - Wrenche[/i]
« on: April 19, 2012, 09:00:07 am »
Sorry to bother, I just found my ban had already ended

I see, thank you.

Sorry again, I dont know how to type in italic in the title

Closed Requests / Re: [i][Unban] apologise for leeching - Wrenche[/i]
« on: April 19, 2012, 08:06:43 am »
Sorry, I dont know how to type in italic in the title

Closed Requests / [i][Unban] apologise for leeching - Wrenche[/i]
« on: April 19, 2012, 07:59:03 am »
I met another player who was also interested in Construction, so we found a place in game to build a spawning point and tried to avoid combat. After a while, we were found by an administrator and warned of leeching. I did not make sense of this concept at that time. Since I really enjoyed this unique occasion (this is not like making friends on other occasions like social network), I continued to play with that player regardless of which camps we belonged to. Eventually, I was banned from the server.

Later I realized that I was leeching in a spy-like manner. I did not contribute to my team but still obtained automatically distributed experience and gold. This is unfair to other players both for the battle result and the share distributed. This is a selfish behavior since I ought not to have brought personal issues into the game.

I am really sorry for my behavior and request an unban. My character is named Wrenche.

Sorry for writing the following bulky paragraph, but I just want to show my awareness of my problem.

The days after I bought the Construction Site and Construction Material for curiosity, I rushed for a trial of the new items. I joined a siege server and started to experiment with them. I tried to build the big machines myself, but it freaks me out since the period for a round is limited and I had to die in order to refresh my material. Then I managed to build a weapon rack and was going to make a healing tent, when suddenly some curious players came up for a look. It annoyed me that some players enjoyed destroying these wooden devices. I quarrelled with them broadly and they apologised to me. However, after a while, an administrater showed up and deliberately told other players to destroy what i had built. I was angry again and wrangled with the administrator insisting that i did not get in the way of others. I used some irrationally strong words to express my anger and eventually got banned from the game. Later, I concluded at least two faults of mine:

1.I was leeching when I did not participate in the battle since I was doing something useless. On the one hand, I did not contribute to the team I was in. On the other hand, I still got automatically distributed experience and gold. These made it unfair to other players.

2.Evidently I have disturbed the ambiance of that game by using impolite words. Personal emotions should not be poured on others despite how they have treated you. Even if I was right, I should not disturb the smooth progression of the game selfishly.

Now I sincerely apologise for what I have done in game. I have a good understanding of leeching. I know well how to be considerate and how to perceive apparently simple things. These all due to the educative ban of the administrator. Thanks a lot for that.

Sorry to trouble you since I did not remember when and where I was banned. My character is named Wrenche.

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