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Messages - MCake_JL

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: throwing is broken
« on: April 10, 2012, 07:15:36 pm »
Hard to take you seriously complaining about "OP" "unfun" stuff when you are a guy who consistenly does well in charts playing one of the most OP classes in the game (cav), a class that relies on attacking distracted people from behind for unopposed kills (something most people consider "unfun"), and now you're here complaining about the only active defences people have against cav backstabbers (ranged attacks), and using wildly exaggerated #s ?? 90% for a negative speed bonus axe hit??? it takes 2-4 of those to drop a horse, even when horse charges me and I nail it full speed, point blank it doesn't drop 1 shot unless I hit it's absurdly miniscule head box. Meanwhile Mr. Horselancer will drop me 1-shot, with a nonheadshot, in my decent 60ish armor.

Usually headshot 1 hit kills ~ the problem isnt the hit box, it's easy enough to hit a charging horses head.

The problem is with the time it doesn't 1 hit kill; since you score an awesome headshot into a horse - which doesn't affect it anyhow, and the sword or lance kills you instantly -> that kind of sucks. But aim for the body instead, it's do-able.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: throwing is broken
« on: April 09, 2012, 05:37:53 pm »

no, it inaccurate enough,it takes a lot of skill to kill cav(except cav direct charging you), i believe dont need to make it worse, damage output is imo fine.

and as pure thrower its still not very acurate...

To be honest, I don't think accuracy has too much a correlation with hitting the cav.

Since the way with hitting the horse/horseman is waiting until the very last moment, until you have a biggest target as possible - hence at that time a difference in accuracy shouldn't affect it too much. The important issues is more not freaking out, and waiting till the last second possible, rather than the accuracy, imo.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: throwing is broken
« on: April 09, 2012, 01:00:57 am »
As a hybrid thrower, I think throwing is strong enough for its purposes.

Rather using throwing to kill, it's mainly for weakening the enemy, staggering so they get killed by someone else, killing weakened enemies or hunting down those that are running away.

I actually think that throwing requires more skill only because it is inaccurate, the art is to hit the enemy without it being accurate - and going for headshots is still completely possible. What I would suggest is adding more damage but making it less accurate. That way the skillful throwers will fare better than less skillful ones and people will spam throw less.

(Skill as in being able to get closer to target and leave again, prediction of where people will dodge -> note that due to the randomness of dodging, a perfect aiming throw might not even be that good, instead it is somewhat a skill to use the randomness to counter to another randomness)

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