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Messages - baybars

Pages: [1] 2 3
Closed Requests / please ban
« on: June 16, 2013, 03:01:18 am »
please ban kemankess, he slashed my horse 2 times on purpose at spawn as i was standing still for no reason did not apologize but didnt expect him to as it was intentional

Afaik, the Quran is an even bigger mess than both the new and old testaments. It was edited countless times, removing and adding so many contradictory parts that in the end you can interpret it as a humanist treaty, as a pamphlet for violent religious conversion and expansion or anything in between depending on what you keep. Goes to show how much holy books are the least god-given thing ever.

that is such a ridiculous claim, millions of people on the earth have memorized the quran from back to from every letter and full stop. it hasent changed, not even 1 letter has been changed since its revelation. a muslim from china recites the exact same quran as the muslim from amercia. we only have 1 version not mutliple like bible for example. the english or other language translations may have differences but we dont call them qurans only translations the original text is the same. show your proof if you are truthfull.

That's precisely why I'm still a little wary of how to pray and that very structured way of doing it and that's one of the things that differs slightly between different communities depending which hadith they follow. I reject all hadith. I don't accept any of it. I take what I get from the Quran as well as talking to other Muslim's about how they feel they best interact with God. Because ultimately that is what is important.

I think a lot of Muslim's I've met worry far to much about following something set in stone and forget ultimately what religion is about and the faith they are meant to have. For example there are Muslim's that pray 5 times a day in that set way and follow much of the Hadiths, yet they judge people, gossip, sometimes activley go out of their way to make others miserable and things like that. And that goes against much of what Islam teaches.

Anyone's faith in God is between them and God. No one else. And I think that's reflected in prayer. In my eyes you can pray how you want to.

then i believe u need to study the religeon more if that is what you believe, someone who rejects hadith totally is unjustified and clearly shows they have alot more to learn for example we have Hadith Muttawatir please research. you need to stop seeing islam as a religeon as such, islam meaning peace through submition to the one who created you. so everything from the sun, stars, moon, even oxygon, atoms basically every natural being on earth is classed as a muslim, because they follow there natural way, humans on other hand choose wether to follow there natural way ie being muslim(the one who has submitted), my advice to you would be research properly what hadith really means. without hadith yes you will be under islam but wont know how to be muslim.

to the guy who said he avoids hadith, what a seriously jahel notion, Allah tells us in quran for example prayer is prescribed on the believers, but Allah does not tell us how to pray for example, we get that from sunnah ie hadith so now if u reject hadith how do u pray? do u pray based on how u think u should? you cant reject one part of hadith and accept other ie prayer ones that is being a munafiq, hadith is bigger than just what the prophet said but its our way.

Closed Requests / Re: BAN Velit_Nicolaus
« on: April 23, 2013, 02:50:06 am »
I'm from London lol

to me mate ule always be a northerner, dont think i havent forgotten you and corsairs mockery of my accent lol never again shall i speak on mic with you lads lol

Closed Requests / Re: BAN Velit_Nicolaus
« on: April 23, 2013, 02:47:37 am »
Check, Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\cRPG\Screenshots. See if it's in there.

Also in your options, go to controls and all the way at the bottom you can assign a screenshot button which will save the screenshots in the folder above.

thanks mate you aint too bad for a northerner lol
if im standing still at the tree what reason did he have to tk me? its not like i went into his path or anything i was standing still

Closed Requests / Re: BAN Velit_Nicolaus
« on: April 23, 2013, 02:30:07 am »
when i tried to paste the screen shot in paint it just came up with black screen, this is my first ever ban request in the few years i have been playing. i wont make somehting like this up

Closed Requests / BAN Velit_Nicolaus
« on: April 23, 2013, 02:18:59 am »
please can you ban this guy, i took a screen shot but it bugged out, well im standing there checking how much xp i needed to level up and at corner of screen i saw him aiming a jarrid at me he then threw it and teamkilled me then said the f word then lold and didnt appologise. i asked him after i respawned why he did it and he never responded.

Diplomacy / Re: [Rice Eaters]: World at War II [RP]
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:31:29 am »
beautiful, i baibars first and my son zhengHe Al-Bengee approve and were and are happy to be a part of this great war!! till baibars returns again ZhengHe Al-Bengee will fight in his name!! victory to the chalipate and her allies!!!

Diplomacy / Re: [EU] THE BEAST AWAKENS
« on: April 15, 2013, 10:14:30 pm »
i approve, peasants appear from nowhere pretending to be men of the sword and are given equipment and men without lifting a finger for the initial struggle, and then they border us, what an offense, we have been struggling since the beginning of the feuds and will not stand by idly to see pretenders in the form of huscarls claim greatness without being great, death to the pretenders!!!

Diplomacy / Re: Ghuraba Declares War on Risen
« on: March 10, 2013, 04:46:37 pm »
a dynasty shall fall this day upon the glorious spear head wielded buy the might of ghuraba, your men shall quake upon seeing the might that is ghuraba to arms men for tonight we ride knee high in the blood of our enemys!!!

today all shall witness that the risen will be the FALLEN never to rise again and forgotten by history!!

Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: February 05, 2013, 03:37:48 am »
I just puked due to RPnerdophobia.

lol good one

Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: February 05, 2013, 03:08:21 am »
by the one who created us, you may be vaster in number, more feirce in actions and may intimidate other, but i swear it we do not fear no army, no man and no tyrrants, you are brave now you have numbers, but remember this we have something you will never have, the will and spirit to call ourselves free men who bow to no man, who are not affraid to speak up in the face of oppression and injustice, we do not bow down to be dry humped by kingrim and co, we are men who fight with honour, integrity and justice, know this you filthly oppressors of a free Calradia, history will know the Great Shu Hans, Fierce Rice Eeaters, Fearless Byzantiums, Mighty Ottomons and ourselves the Noble Ghurabas as the ones who rose up and fought for a free and equal Calradia.

to all whom are still on the fence i urge you to join our cause the cause of a free and just Calradia, do not fear we shall be victorios either on the battlefield or in history RISE TO THE CALL OF A FREE LAND WERE ALL MEN ARE EQUAL, we fight for the freedom of all!!!

Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: February 05, 2013, 01:53:06 am »
map looks about right to me, when will the tyranny of the eastern block end. i call on all neutral factions and factionless players to unite against the tyrants, and help free these lands from the filth that is templars and kapikulus, rise men RISE!!

Diplomacy / Re: The Caliphate of the Strangers [Ghuraba]
« on: February 04, 2013, 03:06:33 pm »
death to the kapilkulu for uniting with the crusaders, ottomons and ghuraba are the majority ummah, kapikulus have strayed!!! death to the traitors!!

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