« on: February 05, 2013, 03:08:21 am »
by the one who created us, you may be vaster in number, more feirce in actions and may intimidate other, but i swear it we do not fear no army, no man and no tyrrants, you are brave now you have numbers, but remember this we have something you will never have, the will and spirit to call ourselves free men who bow to no man, who are not affraid to speak up in the face of oppression and injustice, we do not bow down to be dry humped by kingrim and co, we are men who fight with honour, integrity and justice, know this you filthly oppressors of a free Calradia, history will know the Great Shu Hans, Fierce Rice Eeaters, Fearless Byzantiums, Mighty Ottomons and ourselves the Noble Ghurabas as the ones who rose up and fought for a free and equal Calradia.
to all whom are still on the fence i urge you to join our cause the cause of a free and just Calradia, do not fear we shall be victorios either on the battlefield or in history RISE TO THE CALL OF A FREE LAND WERE ALL MEN ARE EQUAL, we fight for the freedom of all!!!