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Messages - Tretter

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Loom giveaway
« on: September 13, 2014, 07:01:05 pm »
18 24

General Discussion / Re: Loom giveaway
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:47:11 pm »
Nomad Sabre, Scimitar, Niuweidao, Liuyedao, or Arabian Cavalry Sword

General Discussion / Re: WPP Sum and Cost Formula Rework(Includes WM)
« on: November 10, 2013, 08:54:31 am »
Yall make me log in for this shit.

So using the formula from *source omitted*:

damage = (1 + 0.08 * PS)(0.85 + 0.0015 * WPF) * BASEDAMAGE + STR / 5

if you are only interested in damage bonus, here is a table of new and old damages for a weapon with base damage 40 (average greatsword damage)

BaseDamage: 40

str ps agi wm if wpfold wpfnew damold damnew
36 12 3 0 11 111 20 86.8936 76.192
33 11 6 2 8    123 76 84.3944 79.0928
30 10 9 3 7 130 100 81.24 78
27 9 12 4 6 138 121 78.1216 76.3672
24   8   15   5   5   146   139   74.9264   74.2376
21   7   18   6   4   154   155   71.6544   71.748
18   6   21   7   3   163   170   68.3944   69.016
15   5   24   8   2   172   184   65.048    66.056
12   4   27   9   1   180   198   61.536   62.9616

These are the generic level 30 builds which are most commonly used. As you can see, WPF plays almost no part in the damage calculation, and full str builds are still more than viable under the changes. The major fault with the current system is the insanely low swingspeed increase per wpf (something like .0001 per WPF if i remember correctly? so 200 wpf is 2% increase...) and the fact that STR gives 1 hp per raw stat, and is tied to iron flesh. Neither of these issues are addressed, so I don't know what this change accomplishes.

I will make a note that none of this includes speedbonuses, which I have no idea how to factor in. Also, 27/12 or 30/9 will be the new cheese builds that everyone complains about. 

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request: Multiple
« on: May 28, 2013, 06:11:19 am »
Should this even be dignified with a response? Trying to prevent someone from killing people with a catapult while they are dueling? Why bring ban requests into this when you know you are in the wrong.

Strategus Issues / a
« on: December 10, 2012, 08:27:17 am »

Strategus Issues / a
« on: December 10, 2012, 08:21:50 am »

Strategus Issues / Fixed
« on: December 10, 2012, 08:16:08 am »

I dont know who you saw doing that, but it wasnt me. The only time I placed a siege ladder was trying to get to their siege tower. As for friendly clans? I know no-one from Druzhina, and the castle was an NPC castle.

The only time i saw anyone say anything, I said I would stop, placing ladders, even though I didnt know why you wanted me to stop, since I didnt place many.

Can someone explain why I was banned mid fight? I was trying to make a siege ladder to their siege tower, but people told me to stop. I said I would stop but was banned. I had a horrible KD ratio but i had 300+ ping the entire game. I did manage to destroy many ladders, and made several successful runs on their forward spawn point and main spawn point. These are all valuable things for the team, or so I thought.

Can anyone explain how you can waste siege ladders on defense of an NPC city anyway? I threw a total of two ladders, and died with one. Out of 75 total, that isn't significant.

Sorry to anyone I inconvenienced.

Closed Requests / Cancle request.
« on: February 25, 2012, 04:20:54 am »
Was a 24 hour ban, and is over now. Sorry.

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