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Messages - Cryptic_Killer

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I cannot see any NA server in the list, I can join and play EU servers at least.

You warned me once?  I'm sorry I don't sit there and read the chat meticulously that is littered with the incompetent thoughts of insecure nerds.  You banned me for 24 fucking hours for not knowing that I can't have a Swiss Halberd on a horse.  This is far too extreme of a ban for the infraction.  Definitely admin abuse.  Why not be a rational person and say..  ban me for 15 minutes or a hour as my 2nd warning?  Maybe I would have seen the warning and reacted accordingly.  Oh, you'd much rather flex your little chicken wing muscles and throw out a 24 hour ban for this instantly.  I'm not angry, I'm just shocked that your 'pro-active' thinking would conclude a 24 hour ban for something so minor.  Your justification for a 24 hour ban is weak...  Keep striking down upon thy community with great vengeance and furious anger.  Cheers

I was banned for 24 hours by Smoothrich on the NA 1 battle server for simply having a Swiss halberd on a horse.  I don't know what kind of nerd code or logic frowns upon a man using the 31 thrust of a Swiss halberd on a horse(on an unimportant note, it wasn't my intention to spawn with a horse, didn't realize it and figured I'd be stupid not to use it for mobility since I'm paying the upkeep...  efficiency will make you real monies).  Anyways, 24 hours banned on both characters on all the NA servers for equipping a Swiss halberd and not being warned.  Just wanted to point out another genuine state of the art Badministrator that thinks his admin power in a video game is nothing to test.  Keep up the fantastic work bud

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