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Messages - Kartoffel_Salat

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Name: Panda
Gay? (Yes/No):
Why do you want to join?: because i love the gay god

I, Panda, solemnly vow that I believe the Gay God to be the one and only true deity in Strategus. I will study and fight alongside the Holy Order of the Gay God, for they are my Brothers and Sisters. I will spread His name to every corner of the Strategus map, and fight for the sake of His righteousness. I will destroy any heretics who attempt to stain his name. Now begins my gay watch. It shall not end until my death or until I can no longer serve the Gay God.

Diplomacy / Re: Apologies to LCO
« on: October 26, 2014, 02:40:25 am »
Damn, looks like I have to apologize again.  Sorry :oops:

But you must realize that when you choose a name like 'Panda', people will fear and mistrust you.  All I did was look through the names of your faction, and decided yours was the most fearsome.  So, be honest, was it or was it not you that induced Goretooth to attack me?

No sir, I did not. Goretooth does his own thing. He's never really followed anyone, or listened.

Diplomacy / Re: Apologies to LCO
« on: October 26, 2014, 02:31:17 am »
We have reason to believe Goretooth did not act alone.  A caravan guard passing through LCO lands messaged me the other night.  He told me several weeks ago he was leaving the tavern in New Dhirim and stopped to take a piss in the back alley.  He says he saw two shadowy figures there and decided to eavesdrop.  This is what he heard:

(click to show/hide)

This leads me to believe that Goretooth was trying to improve his relations with one of the more belligerent LCO lords.  I only wish he was asked to deliver a letter or train 7 recruits instead.  But what is done is done.

As for the recompensation, Azraeyal had 1800 goods, which he could have sold at 350% at 25 silver per good which, according to my shaky math, is 157,500 silver, minus tax.  As for the punitive damages, can you really put a price on anguish and mental suffering?  Azraeyel was more like a father to his troops than a commander.  He took the time to talk to each one of them, learned about their families and their hopes and dreams, and would host a pizza night every thursday for them.  He loved them, and they loved him.

But we are reasonable men.  We will reduce the punitive damages to 500,000 silver, and round down the value of the goods to 150,000 silver, for a grand total of 650,000.  But in exchange for our magnanimity, we ask that LCO charge Goretooth with treason, and strip him of his lands and titles and boot him from the faction.  We would also like them to find the 'unidentified voice' and do the same to him.  We suspect it's Chevalier Panda.  His very name gives him away.  While I do not know Panda at all, his name suggests a homicidal maniac who will stop at nothing to spread bloodshed and mayhem over the length and breadth of Calradia.  Panda.  Ooh, just saying the name gives me shivers.

And, once LCO delivers us our generous offer, we would not use the gear and troops against them because if we did, no one would ever trust us again, plus LCO seems like a bunch of decent guys who already have their hands full fighting off Jack's plated armies. Except for Panda.  That guy freaks me out.

HIS. I find this quite offensive!!!! I am not 12 : (

NA (Official) / Ban Vangard_Kjetil and RexArmadillo
« on: July 08, 2014, 04:11:18 pm »
1. Name of your character involved; Chevalier_Panda
2. Name of offending character(s); Vangard_Kjetil & RexArmadillo
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible; inbetween 7:37am central, to 9am central
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after; The 2 of them kept spawning in with ladders and was told countless times to stop spawning in with ladders, would not listen. One stopped but kept spawning in with seige shields. The Vangard guy was nudging and kicking teammates who spawned. Rex, was making ladders, and also destroying the ladders greatsage was throwing down. They would not listen to a word anyone would say, and they understood a bit of english. They were also building skyladders as well.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did; trolling and being an overall dick.
6. Multiple Screenshots;
(click to show/hide)
7. Names of players that can witness what happened; Axeman_of_Acre, Unholy, Greatsage, and anyone else in that strat battle.

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 31, 2014, 09:33:01 am »
The thing is, if you aren't a high level, you can't have more then 15 strength for heavy cav. You HAVE to be an agi build to be heavy cav. Which is bullshit.

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 29, 2014, 05:59:14 am »
I have a champion mamluk, while yes, it is a heavy horse, and archers can't 1 shot it. It can be 1 shotted by melee. It has been one shotted on me multiple times.

So if you had 15 agi / 5 riding and were using any heavy cav from the war horse to the plated charger, you are 100% fucked and can't use your old horse? Why didn't the respec give back 9 strength?

I don't even play cav and this is just seems like a really poor choice. It's like when kingrimm got fucked by the 12->13 strength requirement on the steel pick. I hope something is done to afford cav players a respec so they can use the +3 item that their build was centered around.

I was 21/15 now i can't use any of my horses....until level 33

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 28, 2014, 11:48:11 pm »
cav should get full respec imo

Unban Essays / Re: McDeath the troll at large, Unban essay
« on: April 26, 2014, 06:46:52 am »
Why isn't he unbanned yet?

Announcements / Re:
« on: April 02, 2014, 10:17:46 pm »
good game guys. masterworks are useless

Diplomacy / Re: Ganner's claims.
« on: March 11, 2014, 10:19:01 am »
I love you Ganner

Diplomacy / Re: Ganner's claims.
« on: February 24, 2014, 07:58:35 am »
Panda you can manage the household when Ganner takes his homeland.

Fine with me <3

Diplomacy / Re: Ganner's claims.
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:06:45 pm »
I claim Ganner's claims, which means, they are still his, since we are married.

I agree with Daruvian

General Discussion / Re: giving away looms...
« on: February 03, 2014, 07:05:46 am »
May I have a loom please. I've been playing for like 2 years, and I do indeed enjoy playing the game...Especially with a good group of people I've been with. I have like 5 +3s, and 2 +2s.

I wouldn't trade that loom away at all :D

I'm looking for any xbows, horses, or 1hers.

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 14, 2013, 07:23:34 pm »

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