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Messages - Rhodri_of_Wessex

Pages: [1] 2
cRPG Technical problems / Re: Small issue with custom banners.
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:18:45 am »
Up, you know what you're right, I think I misread the dates on this thing.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Small issue with custom banners.
« on: August 24, 2013, 05:24:49 pm »
You don't need the clan banner slot number.

On click on Clan tab
Click on Banner
Then click on Custom/exclusive (whatever it's called)
Then upload the file you want to be your banner

I've just tried this but the "Custom/Exclusive" tab won't high-light or become "clickable" so it won't allow me to upload the banner.

"Specify regular or upload an exlusive banner." Just remains blank and unresponsive to everything.

cRPG Technical problems / Small issue with custom banners.
« on: August 24, 2013, 05:16:42 pm »
Hail to everyone here, I've come about a bit of an issue, while I have won an auction concerning a custom banner for my clan, I only have the auction sales number and not the actual clan banner-slot number.

If someone could direct me to where I could figure this information out, I would greatly appreciate it.

Auction Sales # is #5136.

NA (Official) / Ban Request Occitan_Mobile
« on: August 05, 2013, 07:56:40 am »
After assisting him with a kill at 10:55 PM (PST) The round soon ended and the comes up to me and promptly team kills me at the end of the round for no reason. I'd like to see justice done and have him banned.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« on: July 07, 2013, 08:39:50 pm »
Goonsquad eh? Makes sense, you act like a nonsensical and irrational fool.

I'm seeing a pattern too, people with Admin who shouldn't have it, plenty of people in the community voicing their discontent towards them and the arbitrary argument that they the actions of Admins are just only because they have power.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] EyeBeat
« on: July 06, 2013, 02:36:25 pm »
So this Badmin is going around abusing power and tripping around muting people he disagrees with or discussing the possibility of him being a cheat. This guy should be removed from his position before innocent folks start getting abused.

I'm seeing that he has been an issue since last year in 2012 and possibly longer, how the fuck does this clown still have admin powers?!

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Desire/ Nightingale
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:03:33 am »
Loving the nutcupping of the admins eh?

You guys can't do any wrong in each others eyes hmm?

Kicking some asshole who nearly teamkilled me pales in comparison.

If he takes a half point of damage then so be it, maybe you fucks with power should learn a little thing called discretion hmm?

Discretion - Definition #2 "The freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation."

This means instead of getting all ban happy, you could investigate the situation instead of banning hmm?

If any of you think that it's appropriate to just start banning people for no reason other than what you can pull out of your ass, that I really question the hell out of who is allowed to have power as admins, because it seems you bastards think it's ok to abuse your powers however you see fit!

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Desire/ Nightingale
« on: June 12, 2013, 03:20:42 pm »
Just another hot-head admin who jumps the gun and bans for no good reason.

You didn't bother to inquire what was going on you just issued a ban.

But you would probably argue (Rhodri, the logs should you damaged some HoC guy and Torkik [or however you spell his name)

and truth I did damage them, but not with any intent.. the HoC guy was hit by the end of the swing of my poleaxe, (early game swinging, everyone does it.)
As for the teamwounder the guy damaged me at least 6 times, nearly killed me, I reported him 4/5 times, and when I decided to get my payback by spamming the E-key (kick) into his chest about five times, he takes a half point of damage and you find that grounds to ban him, and more importantly ME for 12 hours?!?

You know what Desire, I'd love to have a well spoken and elegant way to express how I feel towards you in words, but all I'm coming up with is "FUCK U BADMIN!"

Seriously, get your shit straight Desire.

Also to coincide with the "Puppy Rule" of this thread, I present an image of my pup Cherokee, enjoy.

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NA (Official) / Re: More admin aboose.
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:45:42 pm »
*bump again

I'm getting tired of bumping this, seriously where is a goddamn admin who does the job right instead of abusing power?

NA (Official) / Re: More admin aboose.
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:01:36 am »

I'd like to get this resolved as soon as possible, an unjustly placed ban is unfair to myself as a player who has done nothing wrong to deserve it.

NA (Official) / More admin aboose.
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:09:56 am »
Hey looks like I was banned again from the NA server, was playing siege and this time I was banned for absolutely no reason.

Don't know who the Badmin is this time, but there was literally no reasoning behind it, no votes, no words. Some scrublet slashed me half to death got 4/5 ctrl-m's on him so I returned the favor by F-spamming (kicking) that person in the chest. Next thing I know, I'm banned from NA.

So which Badmin wants to fess up, and which one wants to actually remove this ban, a representation of an abuse of power?

NA (Official) / Re: Unband demand - Admin Abuse
« on: May 25, 2013, 02:56:23 am »
Ah some good old fashioned forum/community dick sucking, whatever I'll stick out the ban, it's obvious that I wont be able to get through the thick skulls (made thicker with as much dick as they've taken in them.) of you people.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Hospitaller_Span
« on: May 25, 2013, 01:29:44 am »
You seem to again conveniently leave out the part where the admin abused his powers.

NA (Official) / Re: Unband demand - Admin Abuse
« on: May 25, 2013, 01:28:18 am »
The reason you stated here for the poll was

You seem to conveniently miss the point where the outrage was sourced from his admin abuse.

NA (Official) / Re: Unband demand - Admin Abuse
« on: May 25, 2013, 01:25:24 am »
I didn't poll about teamwounding you git, and if the guy was kicked (which isn't a ban) at a majority VOTE (that's how democracy works) he likely deserved it in the eyes of the people. That's why we have the ability TO VOTE. If you dont want polls, you disable them.

Span got his poll for a kick because he was admin abusing.

That called poll abuse

It's called admin abuse and if the admin can't handle a kick VOTE (where the people have a say) then he has absolutely no fucking business being an admin. Besides the kick vote was in response to him muting me after I told him to basically fuck off for the friendly-fire count (complete accident after he died from a hammer strike, was probably low health and butthurt even though it was an assist)

Point is if you allow asshats to administrate and moderate your game you're going to end up with dead/dying community and surprise surprise this community is almost fucking dead.

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