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Messages - Natermotor

Pages: [1] 2
Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:42:19 am »
Updated with new TS! Again!

Also, welcome to our newest recruit, Amkash!

Have a good time here man.

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 11, 2013, 03:37:45 am »
Updated with new TS info!

Diplomacy / Re: Strat 4 NA Border Policy List
« on: February 09, 2013, 02:24:07 am »
Faction (and included clans): Imperium Romanum
Holdings: New Ismirala
Border Policy: Open to members of FLOTT.  Closed to all others. 
Contact: Private message on the forums is fine.

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:18:22 am »
A little late but:

I completely agree with this as having 5 shield skill boosts your shield damage bonus by 16%, lets you pick up better shields if yours breaks, and makes you faster with your shield. The 2 IF on the other hand only gives you 4 health (something you basically don't even notice).

I've used a STF to test out both.  Right now on my main I have 5 shield and 0 IF.  The issue with the board isn't the damage, it's the speed.  The 5 shield helps some with that, but not a whole lot.  The IF does enable you to perhaps take another hit.  It's basically personal preferance, though I think most would choose the faster shield.


Diplomacy / Re: Free Lands of the Tundra
« on: February 07, 2013, 11:55:07 pm »
Imperium Romanum shows their full support to this new agreement.  Free trade abound!

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 07, 2013, 12:42:31 am »
Just imagine only 5 of you, with war darts, oh the spam!  :lol:

Oh the wonderful teamwork and multis! :D

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 06, 2013, 11:59:33 pm »
You've got ismirala now, take good care of should have a fuckton of gear but I am not sure entirely how much. Probably ~600 tickets of very good gear.

Enjoy it m8s

Thanks Sandy, we plan to.

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 06, 2013, 01:31:39 pm »
I believe that the wardarts even fit the Roman Plumbata from the later end of Rome too! (though plumbata are thrown underhand I'm pretty sure...)

As a side note: how do you manage upkeep while having those two throwing lances?

Actually stay fairly even. I may have lost 3-4k from repairs total after around 5 levels (25-30). We do, however, get quite lucky and often roll x5's.

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 06, 2013, 03:35:06 am »
I know it'll be daunting, but once you feel secure, don't be afraid to FIGHT in strat!

You don't get swag points for trading, you know! Really, I just want to see an army that uses throwing weapons heavily. There are wardarts in ismirala for throwing on a budget, too!

I plan to.


I have decided to wave the requirement to be past the first generation if you are a shielder!  We desperately need more of you guys to make ourselves more effective on the battlefield.  So everyone help me out and tell any decent shielder you see that Imperium Romanum is recruiting!  :D


Diplomacy / Re: Wars and Alliances - NA and EU
« on: February 05, 2013, 04:47:44 am »
It would be awesome if you would add Imperium Romanum.  We are a part of TAMDA, 5 people, 1 fief ATM.

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 05, 2013, 03:25:24 am »
This sounds awesome.  Really looking forward to strat battles with this theme - see red roman helmets used for once.  Kind of sad that the only bows that match this theme are the bottom 2 bows as they had weak archery, though you could argue their eastern mercenaries near the end of the western roman empire had nomad/horn bows.  Lots of stones could act as the slingers.  Plenty of javelins/throwing spears and some of the really short stabbing 1-handers with heavy board shields.  Just make sure to recruit a lot of strength thrower/shielders and you can pummel your opponents roman style.  Good luck to you guys.

Thanks man.  The Romans did have horn bows for at least part of their era, as well as having composite bows with one limb shorter than the other (similar to the Yumi)


We are in the process of transferring Ismirala from the Frisians to us, and we have joined TAMDA.

Diplomacy / Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« on: February 04, 2013, 09:33:48 pm »
Don't the Frisians own Ismirala again?

We're getting it in 1-3 days from the Frisians.

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:54:41 pm »
then you would need to sacrifice either the only 2 IF you have, leaving you even more vurlnerable(allright you have a big ass shield but its still nice to take that extra hit) or you would have to sacrifice ath, which I advice against doing so ;), cause if you'd sec your wm you'd have a lack of wpf to accomodate both melee and throwing together. 3 shield board shield is actually pretty durable, i played it as 30/9 heavy hoplite(sultan erens build) and its durable and it destroys with ashwood and war spear.

I tend to agree.  I have found that when you use the lances, the sword and shield actually become more of a "secondary weapon."  And if timed correctly, the board shield isn't that slow.  I do plan to try the 5 shield tho in a STF at some point.

Welcome to our newest recruit, by the way, MrTea!

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 01, 2013, 05:34:25 pm »
2nd page already, free bump for the brave legionnaires of roma.  8-)

The brave men of Roma salute your kindness sir!  8-)

Faction Halls / Re: [Roma]Imperium Romanum(Recruiting NA)
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:20:48 am »
Welcome to our newest member, Tacabro!

Welcome recruit Varros!

Enjoy your time here men.

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