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Messages - vespasian

Pages: [1] 2
« on: October 12, 2014, 02:56:22 pm »
 :shock: :mrgreen: Yea! We got yo Tshirt!

« on: October 12, 2014, 05:29:43 am »
just FYI that army was worth 12 million silver.

It sure felt like it :p

« on: October 12, 2014, 05:14:19 am »
I would like to say thank you to Hospitaller for putting up a good fight and being a good sport even though there were quite a few people being my old friends on my side.

also I would like to ask for peace since I made a statement, have you shitting your pants, and don't want to get murdered by these armies outside.

Good show Jack ;) that plate was brutal. Now we shall fling ourselves like lemmings against you until you are deeeeed!

Diplomacy / Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« on: October 04, 2014, 10:51:18 pm »
Ha! We'll all remember where we were on this day.  :rolleyes: :mrgreen:

Its a strat faction, not a clan. At least they wiped one shit faction from the map.

Many apologies. I only sought to describe them as they describe themselves in their obituary:

And If I may be so bold to presume, I think you mean they wiped hosp from the map. If this is the case allow me to make one further pesky observation in that Hosp seems to hold more territory than the aforementioned faction/clan that did the wiping. Considering your statement this is a curious turn of events if I do say so myself . But I digress. Best of luck.


If you aren't going to play the villain as a strat leader your clan is worthless as has been confirmed 3 years running.

Curious statement considering the state of your clan at the moment.

that's pretty much the pot calling the kettle a friend here.

I'm not sure whats happening in this thread but I'm pretty sure I enjoyed this part. That's all.

Diplomacy / Re: ASA REVEALED
« on: July 01, 2014, 06:55:50 pm »
pfff expect less. your gonna get wiped, and no one will help you, and the squids may get wiped, and everyone will help it happen. and then nothing at all will happen, at all for the rest of strat. why? cuz its like your all still in highschool

never seen a mod \ community ( especially in a war game setting ) filled to the brim with so many whiny super sensitive pussies, who can have fun \ great times with people in ts, then trow temper trantrums and lose friendships over something said or done IN A GAME?

"crpg attreacts a certain kind of player" lol, lonely, PLZ-LOVE-ME over sensitive lil fgts, you fucking crpg cunts cant even play a wargame and say GG after a campaign.

this fucking community...ive had enough of it, fuck you all, EU is gonna come destroy u \ show you how to play strat right...and all NA will do is prob write a few gay ass RPs and whine about it. Fuck NA, im done u with fgts

Best Anti Rage/Rage post in the thread! I heart you Plumbo :)

Diplomacy / Re: ASA REVEALED
« on: July 01, 2014, 12:08:02 am »
Well first I must say it's somewhat flattering to be perceived to be the head or "puppet masters" of some evil empire out to attack squids. It really is. However the truth might not be so entertaining...

I remember at the beginning of this strat when we were getting attacked on all fronts by the gayforce conglomerate, we made a trade deal in good faith with the squids so we could help pay for gear to fight back with. When our trade caravan was on the way to complete that trade deal we were ambushed by said squids and there was all sorts of shit talking about how weak we were and that we needed to be wiped. Ok, no problem. We didn't have anything to fight back with and it was a easy win for you and a good opportunity to chest thump & shit talk to a clan you knew couldn't retaliate.

I can only speak for myself and say to you that you reap what you sow. I fervently hope that this small battle serves to underscore that point. Even though this battle wont nearly be as damaging to you as getting back stabbed and loosing that trade caravan was for us at that time, I do hope that future battles will be. Best of luck...


Diplomacy / Re: NOVA SHARIZ, FOR SALE!
« on: May 17, 2014, 08:03:43 pm »
You have to own it before you can sell it. (Shariz)

As far as the "tactic" used... can't say I'm surprised considering the attacking party.


Diplomacy / Re: NA Border Patrol
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:39:50 am »

Diplomacy / Re: AOW declares war on Hospitaller
« on: March 13, 2014, 11:42:49 pm »
Clearly you're a fucking fake.

Oh, the irony.

Diplomacy / Re: Calling in our Favours...
« on: February 23, 2014, 01:32:40 am »

Further , can you undo this so we can continue discussions in the future? We are going to be close to each other it sounds For strat visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Just a question Giuseppe, why would we ever reopen negotiations with someone who secretly recorded our previous discussion edited it out of context and presented it to the community with the intent to smear us?

Just curious?

Diplomacy / Re: Calling in our Favours...
« on: February 22, 2014, 10:59:39 pm »
Hospitaller Territorial Claims: New Uzgha (only)

GayForce Territorial claims: Entire SW desert.

Terms submitted to us: Leave the desert and we will "let you leave," other wise we will wipe you out.

Negotiated counter: We'll keep/take uzgha as a "religious" capital, sign a 6 month NAP, "Demilitarize" the fief and move out of the desert as to defuse Gayforces "Security" concern and provide gayforce with an 800 man army to protect it.

In light of essentially receiving a fuck you ultimatum from gayforce to leave territory no one owned, we felt that even these terms was hosp bending over backward to try and establish good relations in a new unconquered territory.

This deal was eventually refused with a modification that we would have to supply gayforce  with 1200 troops "tomorrow?" This was not possible for us as the game has just begun and we did not have 1200 to give.:p

The recording is a classless gesture on the part of gayforce and was highly edited to focus on parts of the conversation after you hear The Gayfather call us a "pewny little clan."

At this point, with the negotiations over, the personal insults/threats were to great to bare and a timeless nerd rage justifiably ensued.

Game on Strat 5


Strategus General Discussion / Re: Memories of Strat 4
« on: December 26, 2013, 08:13:16 pm »
For me it has to be during the FCC invasion of the steppe after we lost Sungetch Castle. We had a large S&D run returning from EU into Tulbuk castle from the North. We were  totally screwed on money and could barely equip a army to meet our opponents. There was a FCC army sitting right outside of Tulbuk castle and as our S&D run approached we equipped an army (me with about 300ish troops) and put 10,000 stones on it as a decoy and sent it south.  At the last minute the attacking army swung south and hit our decoy as our S&D run pulled safely into Tulbuk Castle. We never said anything about it but I always wondered what their reaction was when they saw the loot from the battle. :mrgreen:

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