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Messages - Sir_Simon_Jekyll

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General Discussion / Re: Any of you sad fucks remember...
« on: March 13, 2014, 10:32:43 am »
I was on battle just trying to survive as a peasant a knight came charging in at me but someone piked his horse and he fell on the floor in front of me.

I hacked down with my falchion and noticed my name in green for a change.

Started playing native multi then checked the servers and noticed everyone was playing a mod called CRPG more than the native servers thought I would give it a go.

I must say I was expecting from the Strategus description a multilayer version of native however found the persistent stats and never went back to native.

I remember being proud of my light leather armor and Byzantium helmet and thought now I look the shit.

EPIC Story Raz very well written

I just missed it came on and wondered why so many people were on duel but I respect anyone who has the stones to one duel for that amount of money.

General Discussion / Re: A few annoying issues
« on: June 21, 2013, 03:03:40 am »
Why on earth are people replying to this now? This was when I first started and I do not like having my rampant noobism and bad spelling brought up again  :?

General Discussion / Re: CRPG metaphor for society?
« on: December 20, 2012, 06:53:27 pm »
My metaphor for society is put a man on a horse or in a car and he does not give a damn about pedestrians!!

General Discussion / Re: Where did you learn about Mount & Blade?
« on: December 20, 2012, 06:37:18 pm »
Was looking at Rome total war vids on you tube saw the original and decided to give it a go. Have never looked back as I have been looking for this game for a long time having used to have to make do with "Dynasty warriors"  :? I cant even look at that game now!

I would also like to point out that the duke was willing to beg an arrogant spanish general to reinforce him so less brits would die at talavera.

Would Napolion have done that?

I think we can all agree on the answer to theat one.

General Discussion / A couple of quick questions
« on: May 22, 2011, 07:34:53 pm »
If anyone can help me I would just like to know as I have been unable to find a solution anywhere else.

1. Can you delete your old characters once you change your name as they are still there on the Website though when you try to click them it logs you out.

A small thing I know but messy :(.

2. When you share an IP with someone is the damage or anything reduced as when I play with a friend his hits barely damage me in low class Armour yet I have seen him kill others.

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed that?.

General Discussion / Re: Hoping for some feedback on a few views
« on: February 02, 2011, 11:46:18 pm »
Because the mod in question in a small section of a situation I used to make a point got involved with an inaccurate playback of events, I got some facts out there, people jumped in, I answered each reply and so on, and my once well thought out post degenerated into a stream of rubbish.

General Discussion / Re: Hoping for some feedback on a few views
« on: February 02, 2011, 04:02:20 pm »
You started a nice discussion and then threw it away in the first page. I'd like to quote myself here:

I was not abusive towards Lilith before she was hostile to me in the slightest, infact I was not hostile to anyone at all, I even apologised for theteam kill and said I would do it again because it was self defense. I was banned after the supposed warning for saying she was childish for goading me into doing it again so she could ban me. I only raged here because she made it seem like she warned me then I told her what I thought of her warning then she banned me. So I simply tried to get the facts out there. I started a nice discussion as was my goal and was prevoked into turning it around.

General Discussion / Re: Hoping for some feedback on a few views
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:59:26 pm »
No you don't. But you have to follow the rules they set. Continue to do so and you won't be banned.

I've never had a problem with admins. Not because I have ever talked to any of them, or they are my friends, or because I suck up. It is because I know how to play nice and how to treat other players with respect. Honestly, all you need to do is PM Lilith and explain the situation. Not suck up, not kowtow - just say "Hey I know I was wrong. You know I'm smart enough not to TK again. Can I get an unban at some point?"

Don't derail your own thread (which I thought was a pretty great discussion on how not to get banned) by providing a living counterexample of how to get banned, and stay that way. Or maybe that is the plan? :P

I don't need to explain the situation she knows it well enough to manipulate the facts in her favour. I didn't do it again, and never said anything after her threat other than to point out it was a threat. I don't care if I am unbanned or not!!!!! I did not start this post to get unbanned! I couldn't care less about the ban itself. I was prevoked into debating this event by her!

General Discussion / Re: Hoping for some feedback on a few views
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:57:14 pm »
Apologise to who and for what exactly?

General Discussion / Re: Hoping for some feedback on a few views
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:42:20 pm »
I am here to play. Simple. I do not interact with mods or seek points in anyway so the fact they are there given my nature usually of following well stated set rules to the letter means little to me. The mods and I have not clashed before this incident and wouldn't again. Why should I care about them one way or the other? I play Because its fun. I don't have to like the coalition government because I am a citizen on the united kingdom.

General Discussion / Re: Hoping for some feedback on a few views
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:37:14 pm »
I do not fail to see the reason I was banned. I was banned for my attitude, what your are saying is I fail to see why the mod is saying I was banned. Two entirly different things. It is not that I had to be right. At this point I was fed up anyway with the administration of this game. I had seen brown nosers allowed to run amok because they suck up to mods, I have seen mods team kill, I have seen a multitude of power abuse and I wasn't go to stand for it I am not whining. I do not care, I was prevoked into this debate by he mod who prevoked me originally. She lied to make her decision seem just and based on fact when the truth is she banned me for attitude be ir right or wrong. My point stands, by the rules I should have been warned and if I repeat offended then ban me, if I dont then don't ban me, if  offend you, mute me. I detect liars for a living! it isn't hard to do it with a second rate one on a forum when everything is this straight forward. You are write, I should have said 'I am wrong, fair enough' That is what should have been done, instead I chose to stand up for my act which is in its own way prevoking a debate or her to over use her power. But I didn't. I am not whining, merely replying to her and then veryone else who jumped to her defense.

General Discussion / Re: Hoping for some feedback on a few views
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:30:44 pm »
I apologised to the guy I team killed on the day! I am not apologising to a mod, the mod does not deserve the apology. The problem is I am not a sheep. I team killed I held up my hand. I was met with hostility. Believe me I could be far crueller should I wish and far more abusive, but I choose to approach the issue fairly. I was 'permenantly banned' for one team kill AFTER a warning when I did not do it again.

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