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Messages - Rumsfeld

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Reduce Arbalest Overnerf
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:29:35 am »
Even against archers it takes 2 shots if there is any kind of distance.

And if the person is wearing armor it's 2-3.

Str build? Forget it.

Crossbows needed a nerf from native; arbalests are just a bit overnerfed here.  You have to play one with the reload time and repair price to see it.

Suggestions Corner / Reduce Arbalest Overnerf
« on: April 17, 2013, 02:20:00 am »
I haven't played c-rpg in several months and played a few hours today to give it another try hoping arbalests had been un-nerfed a bit.  With the incredibly long Reload time their damage is just too low and they have too high a repair cost.

Super long reload time
people often survive 3 direct hits
and 1315 repair is way too high

After 6 hours of playing giving it another go I had lost money.

I appreciate the nerfing of crossbows to promote melee gameplay.  But with arbalests crazy long reload time please reduce the nerf of their damage and reduce their high repair costs.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Make the Heavy and Arbalest cheaper!
« on: October 17, 2012, 05:54:42 am »
1315 repair is pretty ridiculous considering how much the arbalest has been overnerfed.

General Discussion / Re: Did they nerf xbow ?
« on: June 25, 2012, 07:20:44 pm »
Aye the Arbalest is pretty overnerfed atm.

For perspective an arbalest doesn't kill a Peasant in DTV, and verse players it doesn't kill an average naked level 30.  And I have seen heavily armored str builds survive 4 hits.

172 wpf.

Considering the incredible reload time, 1315 repair cost, and extra slot requirement, it really needs a boost to accuracy, damage and missile speed.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How much wpf I need for +2 Arbalest.
« on: April 17, 2012, 03:53:21 pm »
I'd go with 180wpf if we are talking about +2 arbalest.



Heirloomed Arbalest gets more points in Accuracy and to "use" those additional points you need more wpf.

You can also try 172wpf


PS I am not sure about +2, but for +3 you must get 180wpf to use additional accuracy points in 100% - tested with MW Arbalest

Why 5ps instead of more IF?  Especially if you have no wpf in anything other than crossbow?

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