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Messages - Phelps14

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Where do I go for a SP Reset?
« on: December 19, 2013, 09:14:21 am »
I dumped my points into bow..... on my 2h main ><

Whose dick do I have to suck to get another reset on my main?

NA (Official) / Rhodri_Taliesin
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:37:40 pm »

Guy rages on archers.
Proceeds to tk the archers on his team.

General Discussion / Re: Connecting to forums from stats site broken?
« on: November 30, 2012, 12:02:35 am »
Having similar issues.

Phelps for Ohio?

Strategus General Discussion / A Call to Arms
« on: December 21, 2011, 08:30:25 pm »
As one of the "New Kids" on the block we Redditors are having a GREAT time with cRPG and Strategus.  We apologize for the TK's and appreciate the warm welcomes!

Any who, this is a video I made quick last night and thought you guys might enjoy a watch.

As the Steam Sale for Warband is today I encourage ALL cRPGers to spread your propaganda. Recruit your friends, family and co-workers to take the Call to Arms!  For 7$ on steam, the game is a steal. I feel we need to spread the word of this great game and the Mods which we hold so dear to us.

See you all on the battlefield and have a great holiday!  :mrgreen:

Diplomacy / Re: An Alliance Arises - The Knights of New
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:29:21 pm »
And how we are not going to scare off these new players by acting like dicks and ganging up on them with 20 clan alliances to boost our ego about how you can win while outnumbering them 10 to 1 agaisnt new players??  Right??  I said right???  Thank you.

We are always up for a good challenge.  Hehe.

Just remember playing with Reddit is like playing with fire.

Peace and Prosperity to all!  :D

I need to find another game... Been here way toooo damn long

ManO... You could always consider training the next generation of us new-blood redditors. We are still wet behind the ears.

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Because the communist kitten is pretty medieval right?
Please let us have the Reddit Coat of Arms.  We are bringing many players into the community and we would really appreciate this favor.
Por Favor Senor! :D

Faction Halls / Re: [Reddit Brigade] We only bacon at midnight (NA Faction)
« on: December 03, 2011, 09:27:11 am »

A date that will live in infamy.
We are here and we would like to stake our claim.


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