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Messages - Lookbehind

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General Discussion / Re: Fix List v210
« on: January 12, 2011, 10:45:10 am »
- Construction sites destroy the balance in siege mode, I would suggest removing them. With only 6,5 minutes now, it takes too much time to destroy all the construction sites blocking key points for attackers.

- Some polearms / 2h swords have an insane attack speed, considering the damage they do. Some 120+ length weapons (animations) seem to swing faster than my 70 length military pick, which is ridiculous and results in too much spamming.

- Capturing the flag in siege mode should only be possible within the time limit. At the moment, if there are still attackers near the flag at 0:00, the round does not end. In some castles this makes it too hard to defend.

- Autobalance in siege switches too many people each and every round. First round switch is ok, but after this, it should be more balanced and not again switch 25% of the people to the other team and it continues to do this every round. This does not improve teamplay and might keep the multiplier (too) low for a lot of people that get switched every time.

- Archery buff is fine. There were hardly any archers left in siege mode, while we need them the most in these servers. I never saw a reason to seriously nerf them, use a shield if you get hit. I hardly ever got hit with my 1h/shield character and by choosing a 2h character, you know that the tradeoff is less defence.

you can do 1-30 in 1 day if you play 10h like all, than mod is pretty much done.     except upkeep.      is like playng native
This is exactly the same feeling I had when I started again with the new patch. Before the patch there was this "magical goal" to level up enough and save up enough money for some decent armor and/or a good horse and in the meantime improving your fighting skills (just like you have in every RPG). By playing 1-2 hours a day it would take quite some time to reach that goal, but the journey towards it was the thing that was so much fun, because every day you could see you were getting a little closer to some of your goals.
And I think that's what making a game (and an RPG especially) fun, the journey towards your goals. Once you've reached them it's okay, but playing without any goals gets imo boring very soon.

With this patch, most of my former goals are unreachable, because you can't upkeep a good horse and some decent armor. The second thing is that the "journey" is almost removed, because a) most of my former goals are gone and b) you reach the soft cap level 30 quite fast and after that, there is almost nothing.

If tincans were such a problem pre-patch (not really in my opinion) why not just make them dead-slow with their plate armor (only able to walk instead of running and maybe also decrease attack speed)? The current upkeep system seems to have the goal to almost remove plate armor from the game, mostly because it had too many benefits and almost no downsides. Introduce for example some of the possible downsides I mentioned and an upkeep system might even not be necessary anymore, because with some finetuning the tincan:medium armor ratio would balance itself.

Well, just my opinion and hopefully some constructive feedback to the devs.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.200 Released
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:17:28 pm »
Strange, I was certain someone would've mentioned this by now: Siege.

Item damage is a bit unfair for defenders, and exp/gold bonus is ridiculous for attackers. Battle is fine, it became much more fun with the patch, but siege is seriously broken.
This remark about siege is absolutely true.
There is no longer an objective for attackers in a siege match, because when they've got their x5 multiplier, why would you capture the flag within 6 minutes if you can do it in 10 or 11?
I've played a few matches with this patch and attackers even 'ordered' other team mates to 'not capture the flag'. Attackers did even run away from it to avoid the round (and the gold and xp flow) to end.

The other issue with siege is now that being a defender really sucks, because:
1) your multiplier will be reset to 1 after your first round as defender even if your team did a great job to hold out for like 10 minutes
2) your items will be damaged, so defenders get an extra penalty for just being defenders

I know we all have to get used to the changes, and it is easy to say it was 'better the way it was before the patch', but in the case of sieges I would definitely agree with that statement, since both teams then got rewarded for their efforts and defenders had a good chance to "win" (by defending the castle for more than 6 minutes).

Wouldn't it be possible to change the multiplier in sieges depending on the time the defenders defended the castle? If the flag was captured after like 6 minutes (out of 12) both teams get an increased multiplier of 0.5 for the next round. And if it was captured after 3 minutes, the defenders get an increase multiplier of 0,25 and attackers of 0,75.
The multiplier could for example be reset if the map changes.
And depending on this time: item repair cost for attackers if they used over 6 minutes to capture the flag, and repair cost for defenders if the flag got captured in less than 6 minutes?
I think that might restore the objective of sieges.

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