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Messages - Edreathir

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Unable to connect to servers, need help
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:32:58 pm »

I have a major problem. When I try to connect to any cRPG server, it gets stuck on "Validating serial key" and a while after that, it says "Unable to connect to server." Multiplayer works just fine in Native and I have already tried modifying the rlg_config -file by changing "use_secure_connection = 1" to "use_secure_connection = 0". It worked for a while but the problem reappeared a couple hours later. I did not change anything between that period of time. I have also tried anything between disabling my firewall and downloading a new cRPG-client, but nothing works. On some rare occasions, the server randomly lets me in, but when I exit the server and try another server, I can't get in any servers anymore. Even the one I just left. So basically I'm unable to play. I have read basically every thread related to this problem, but nobody seems to have an answer. Please help me.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Low difficulty weapons op?
« on: November 25, 2011, 01:39:02 pm »
Seems like 60% of cRPG community disagrees with you...All the ones with at least average skills.

Yeah cool story bro. Now i feel really bad (sarcasm) :lol:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Low difficulty weapons op?
« on: November 25, 2011, 01:12:56 pm »
This would mean you want that Flamberges etc. can crushthrough blocks of weapons like wooden sticks etc.?

This would indeed take the skill out of a part of the game...

I don't think it would. Then we just disagree. Can't do anything about that.

Since when was this thread about stick's ability to block swords? That's not what the OP was talking about.

I'm pretty sure this was Vilde's point: "I think there should be some limitations to what can be blocked with what". And I don't want that you have to buy expensive weapons to be able to block, but come on. A wooden stick vs. a greatsword.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Low difficulty weapons op?
« on: November 25, 2011, 12:51:05 pm »
Look, it doesn't mean that everyone has to have the most expensive weapons in order to survive. You made that up yourself. Nobody want's to take the skill out of the game. That's why I'm facepalming so much right now. You should read more carefully, no offence.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Low difficulty weapons op?
« on: November 25, 2011, 12:40:30 pm »
Actually you can defend against a sword with a wooden stick in real life if it is about as thick as the one used ingame. It is pretty hard to cut through if it is only held at one side. Even more if the guy with the stick knows what he is doing.

Well, I suppose you have a point. Sometimes you could. But if you had a heavy two handed sword (that's not dull), I think the stick would not last many blows. If you have tried one of those IRL (I mean the sword :)), you know that it takes a lot of muscle-power to even swing them properly. That said, the blows are quite devastating. Enough to eventually break a stick we see ingame.

Oh and one more thing. @B3RS3RK: You really don't get it, do you? :lol:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Low difficulty weapons op?
« on: November 25, 2011, 12:13:07 pm »
You do realize how retarded your argument is?

Give those stick-using guys a flamberge instead. Now what happens to that guy who got killed by a stick? He dies instantly.

Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong. :| Flamberge is really slow and it's easy to beat a guy who's using it. With a faster weapon.

But now to the point of this post: Nobody wants that you will win or lose automatically based on the price of your gear. You developer, Paul, nobody wants that (what he posted here) but that was a good joke. Come on. Let me explain this problem once again.. Can you, or CAN YOU NOT, block a sword with a wooden stick? The stick will break, at least after some blows. If you don't like this thing called realism, then okay but please don't be a douchebag and post comments implying the suggestors are 'retarded'. That just isn't funny. It doesn't make you look cool. At all. Trust me.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Low difficulty weapons op?
« on: November 24, 2011, 08:14:37 pm »
We have samurai's using flamberges. Since when did you think cRPG is the most realistic of mods?

Also, while a stick blocking that might not make sense, it's good for a Skill based game as even lowliest of peasants can beat a bad plate spammer. That's what M&B's combat system has always been about.

Uhhm :lol: So, you are implying that M&B's combat system has always been about beating plate armored knights with wooden sticks? Really? Sure!,69.0.html


Suggestions Corner / Re: Low difficulty weapons op?
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:49:42 pm »
Really people..? Vilde has a point and you are completely missing or ignoring it. Do you honestly think that it's realistic or well balanced balanced that you can block a flamberge (etc.) with a wooden stick and 3 strength? :rolleyes:

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