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Messages - Banzai!!!

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Beginner's Help and Guides / How much money do you loose per gen as cav?
« on: December 18, 2012, 12:09:40 am »
I am first gen but when I retire I was planning on going cav second gen but I want to know how much money I will be loosing for that generation.
I will be selling my loompoint obviously but I would be quite dissapointed if I burnt away 400k+ of gold.
Currently I run around with 27Ks worth of equipment and have been able to make money from this.

My equipment:
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However as cav for next gen I wanted to throw these items into the mix:
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Sadly these items all together would mean I'd be riding around in just under 100Ks worth of equipment :( How much money out of say 400K would dissapear roughly?

What equipment do you ride around in?
How much money do you loose on average per generation as cav?
Perhaps you personally make money instead? Again if so how much?

I see people run around on plated chargers and full plated armour and so there build must cost atleast 200K+... Are they able to afford this all on one loompoint?

I believe the warhorse, large warhorse and charger should be heraldic in which they would look like the following:

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Large Warhorse:
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The Heraldic Horses are available in a submod for CRPG found here,26475.0.html

However this hasn't been updated in sometime and due to the following updates the submod is now quite buggy and so I think that the devs should take the heraldic horses from this submod and make them official.

I would also like to see historically accurate banners added!!!

Currently unless you are in a clan you get no access to clan banners which means now people who aren't in a clan are now left with just the standard warband banners from native.

Having said this I believe only a few CRPG clans have banners that look "Medieval" and so instead of going back to the system before where everyone could use a clan banner the devs should just make Medieval looking banners that replace the current native one's.

They should add coat of arms like this to replace the native banners:
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I just want CRPG to look less fantasy and more real and look like this!!!:
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Do it for the sake of us RPers!!!

Realism Discussion / Re: The Longbowman
« on: June 26, 2012, 01:45:08 pm »
To look like a proper longbowmen I would actually change that helmet to this:

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But the trouble is that I am only first gen and so money is a bit of an issue and Im having to wear these items just to make money as an archer:

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I agree that accuracy needs to be less affected by weight but to propose that someone wearing your armour setup would be paying the same amount as someone in plate armour is insane!!! All this would achieve is that archers like myself who are only gen 1 and have little money would now be wearing less armour and so would be kiting even more which is what people are complainging about the most.

So YES to archer penalty being reduced but NO to archers paying the same amount of money in medium armour as to infantry in plate armour!!!

Beginner's Help and Guides / How effective is High PD archers?
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:02:34 pm »
Quick Question!

How effective is 9PD? I know it makes you less accurate but how much of a punch does it give having that much PD from anyone's experience?

I ask cause I was wondering how effective a build like this would be:

Strength: 27

Skills to attributes: 8

Power Strike: 7
Athletics: 3
Power Draw: 9
Weapon Master: 4

Archery: 140

I was thinking that with this build instead of aiming for other archers (which would be useless due to being innacurate at long range) I could get close to enemy inf and fire away and provide more of a close range support role that has a nasty bite.

Anyone tried a high PD build and if so what was it like and most important DID IT WORK????

For those that are confused to what it actually is, its called a hand cannon basically it was simply a metal pipe that had gun powder put down it and a rock , or lead ball. It was fired by a piece of flaming rope put down in a open hole. It was introduced to Europe around 14th Century I believe and was one of if not the first firearm to be made.

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This one above apparently fired 10 bullet so these things came in all shapes and sizes.

So my point is that these aren't pistols and were very innacurate and long to reload but the good thing about them was they packed a big punch.



I think you are missing the point its not about me finding them or you having known about it for ages its about whether they should be added or not seeing as the models are already there  :D

I was browsing the CRPG folders with OpenBrf when I came across these two models below:

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So does this mean we could have firearms put in through a patch in the future?

What's interesting is these files are already in the CRPG folder so the models and textures have already been made however im not sure if there are animations for these models although what with there being so many mods with firearms in I believe it would be possible to perhaps get permission to use a firearms animation if an animation hasn't been created to go allong with these models.

So what are your thoughts on this do you want to see firearms added into CRPG?

Im coming closer now to finishing my first gen and so because of this I have been thinking about what I will go as my next gen and so I am debating whether for next generation to play as cavalry or as an infantrymen.

For this first gen I have been running around lately with the poleaxe and have had allot of fun with it and so im considering for second gen to use this poleaxe but instead of wearing heraldic mail surcoat I would run around with full plate armour instead.

On the otherhand Im also considering playing as cavalry instead because I had fun playing as cavalry when I respeced once in the past and so I was thinking of maybe for next generation to ride around with a large warhorse and also wearing heavy armour (perhaps not plate but transitional armour instead)

So in your opinion which would you recommend to play as based on fun, effectiveness and getting the best out of my money?

Heavy Cavalry


Heavy Infantry

(Side note: I will be funding next generation with the money I make selling my loompoint which I have already decided on definatly doing).  :D

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Hmm so looking at the Hospitaller Banner is all this white shading at the top there thats mixed with black this shine effect?

I ask because this is what I hate about it the most personally I would get rid of this and simply just have it as black and white cross just like what's been done with the Templars banner where there is no horrible shine its simply just a white and red cross.

I simply ask you make it something like this where its just a black/grey coat and a white cross, Something that looks epic but simple too and doesn't have the horrible white shiny effect mixed witht he black:

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Also reason Im being persistent about this particular banner is cause I like to roleplay in CRPG and thought it be really cool if I could ride round looking like one of these hospitallers  :D

But also thanks Casimir for directing me to the sub mod. I installed it and its great I really don't think I would have known about it unless you had mentioned it lolz  :D

Hi im new to your banner pack so forgive me if I have got this all wrong but is the hospitaller banner meant to look like this?

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As you can see the back is all white and also you will notice when you look at it at the front its all fuzzy its not full black with white cross but instead there's shades of white thats leaked all over the black.

Personally I had hoped it was going to look more like this:

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As you can see here it is simply just black and white and there is no weird white shading so I ask you now is the banner in this game meant to look like the two screenshots  I just posted where you are given a white back and have strange white fuzzyness at the front because if this is the case I am very sad :(

Than you teeth I will try to make a poll on which is the worst to play against.

When I first joined CRPG there were many great individual warriors who were able to simply ROFL Stomp Byzantium and would not allow them to have x5.

I speak of clans such as:

And a few others all had individuals who were able to rack up allot of kills on the EU battle server and stop Byzantium from getting these x5 streaks.

But now these people are gone (or I don't see them on the battle server anymore) and now Byzantium is terrorizing the server killing hundreds of us randoms and peasants and it has come to the point where it is usually if you have Byzantium on your side you are guaranteed to win.

It is no surpise that they can afford the best equipment and must be making 100,000 + gold a month with the constant x5 they get.

The smart of us peasants choose to pick the Byzantium banner and reep the rewards of absolute Byzantium domination...

I ask now that great skilled people come back to EU1 battle and end the Byzantium menace which has been going on for too long!!!

Ok this is probaly a noob question but I dont understand much point behind having good leg armour as infantry. I understand it for cavalry as your legs are what usually get hit allot but as infantry it is usually your body and sometimes your head. The only purpose I really see with leg armour as infantry is:

1. It goes well with how you look

2. It is helpful if you get shot in the leg by an arrow or bolt.

I ask the same as well for expensive gauntlet/hand armour what is the point to it as this seems to be the least of all places to be hit...

So is there really any reason to buy expensive leg armour and gauntlet armour or am I missing something and if so please enlighten me on the prupose of good leg armour and gauntlet armour  :D

Suggestions Corner / Re: Two new items for development.
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:40:39 pm »
Yes make a lobster helmet and also cuirass armour too because the current plate armours would not go well with the lobster helmet.

With both cuirass armour and a lobster helmet we could have players looking like this in CRPG:
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Anyways good luck making a lobster helmet but if you do please make Cuirass armour too!!!  :D

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: A Guide on using the Pike
« on: February 01, 2012, 08:40:11 pm »
Is it possible to be able to do 1 hit kills with a pike consistently? I ask because my current build is 26/9 and I still haven't been able to get this. I aim to get to a 30/9 build and see if having all this strength will make it possible. It doesn't help though the fact I wear plate armour with this build due to it slowing me down however it makes me take allot of hits.

Perhaps I would need a masterwork pike and a 30/9 build to do 1 hit kills with a pike?

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