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Messages - Whyno_the_Grey

Pages: [1]
Well, it was my fault and I'm sorry for that. I clicked not this box what I should cause I was late to school and I was made everything fast not looking what I do exactly. After school I went to cinema with a girl, so I can't do anything with this. Sorry one more time and you can be sure that facts like this one will not have place anymore.

Other / Re: Nordmen
« on: November 03, 2011, 01:09:36 pm »
Nothing happened just like that, and everything had own reason. So please check logs why that happened and please ban Templar, not me :) Thank you. I'm not feeling guilty, and all guys who played with me (Not only the_Greys) will cofirm that, it's Templar_Grey fault :)

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