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Messages - Kuujis

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General Off Topic / Re: Why do you drink
« on: September 04, 2015, 12:33:09 pm »
Because in IT you just NEED TO BE on that EDGE:
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General Off Topic / Re: Look whos in the news today
« on: September 03, 2015, 08:46:48 am »
Now the bank can brace itself for a flurry of politically-incorrect pictures being uploaded for credit cards :D I know I WILL  8-)

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: August 18, 2015, 08:18:56 am »
Since things are heating up - need to move this closer to top  :rolleyes:

Now I can't say all the russians are idiots... makes me sad.

General Off Topic / Re: Other Ways of Buying Games
« on: August 12, 2015, 02:49:22 pm »
Despite others AND me not being burned by g2a or similar cdkey stores - they ARE shady at best... For example:

Use at your own risk.

General Off Topic / Re: The Tragedy of the Commons
« on: August 10, 2015, 09:56:58 am »
In 2 words, for the ADD guys'n'gals:

"Don't breed".

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:13:46 am »
You know I have to admit Ukraine's government is prob very much to blame here, for not being transparently corrupt enough. Any proper Cold War 2.0 regime would be letting US and Russia woo and bribe them for decades without provoking one side too much. I guess overthrowing your democratically elected President a week after he announces some trade deal with Russia is bad for business and kinda awful negotiating lol.

It sounds like to me the West wants to invest in infrastructure and crap in Ukraine, aka open up McDonalds and steal oil prob lol or whatever, while Russia gets lots of cheap exports from Eastern Ukraine factories while Russia gives them fuel electricity etc? None of this shit is mutually exclusive in the first place..

If those idiots sat down and made a deal that made it legally binding and abundantly the USA prob is more interested in building businesses in Ukraine with loads of kickbacks down the line to Dick Cheney (Haliburton) or whoever is still pulling the strings, not NATO bases. Why would we want to nuke our only ride to the International Space Station?

I mean.. wouldn't Ukraine be more productive with more investment and fair trade by America AND Russia?

Quick google of Ukraine and Haliburton and it sounds pretty on point and extremely retarded.

America putting sanctions on Russia for their unlawful military intervention in Ukraine probably does more to damage Ukraine's economy instead of Russia's in the end I bet, since Russia is Ukraine's chief line of credit and primary trade partner. And the whole reason US officials are probably mad in the first place is how much money is being lost. Sanctions could be harming the country as bad as the neverending embarrassingly melodramatic secession attempts by random cities that are so painfully obvious as FSB operations from top to bottom staffed by drunk slav rednecks who get free vodka for waving a Russian made DPR flag around like its the fourth of july. This shit should've stopped after those idiots shot down a commericial airliner with big boy weapons that don't belong outside of first world (and I guess Russia counts too heh) militaries with real chains of command and crap.

Poor Ukraine. Is Russia just being greedy or is no one even negotiating in good faith to begin with?

Maybe we really should send someone like Donald Trump over there lmao, he'll figure out how to make everyone rich so no one gets all butt hurt about a deal and overthrows their lawful government or indiscriminately shells civilian packed cities with artillery or whatever for another year. This shit started out as contract negotiations about some loan crap that left half of Ukraine livid over the terms, maybe just rewind time if possible and make a better deal or something that has some profit and prosperity in it for all of us civilized people, East Vs West crap isn't even cool when both sides are actually more worried about crazy fucker islamic jihadists anyways. PPl make conspiracy theories to explain our shitty, downward spiraling globally corrupt international economy and immature, greedy leaders having temper tantrums when they don't get their way lol

You are discussing things from a reasonable perspective, GIVEN THAT ALL THE PLAYERS act REASONABLY. Would you call an artificial war reasonable? Would you call reasonable denying Ukraine its right of choice? ala - "if you sign that agreement with EU, our treaties on borders and other are null and void" (which is what some punk from russian government said to Ukraine just before all hell broke loose)? russia is NOT a reasonable partner in any sort of negotiations, until it comes to its senses. Unfortunately - its that simple...

As to negotiating with russia... there was this ... Merkel? She tried in world leader summit... Thought of herself as "old pal of putler", understanding him, russian language, old easter germany born, etc... Lets see what she has to say with regards to putler and negotiating with him... OH, here is the line after their midnight discussions... "dude is from another reality" (sue me if I'm wrong on the quote :P ) Sooo... who do you want to negotiate with? Puppets, who have no say? putler, who is in another reality?

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 24, 2015, 10:27:54 am »
Why are Ukrainians and Russians still killing each other? Grow up guys. Can't you just agree to some states rights bullshit in Eastern Ukraine where they pay tribute to Kiev and stay one country, but just allow Russian-flag waving Cossacks to go around beating up gays and hanging paintings of Putin everywhere or whatever the goal is?

I seriously don't understand the problem here when there is so much room for compromise. Fucking East Slav scum.
Lets see a typical russian answer:
Ukraine ...<blablabla>... Putin.putler.
NOTICE - its "UKRAINE" first, not putler. Though in fact - its the opposite :rolleyes: Once russia stops pouring its bullshit on the flames - they will die out in a month or two...

As to why putler and his sheeple want to continue still? ... well... because he is an impersonation of average trying to cling to power with the only trick available to him: war and external enemy, both of which "unify" russias sheeple-populace and help divert from the actual bullshit that the local cleptocracy is throwing up.

Also - a bit from some twatter:

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 17, 2015, 10:07:18 am »
Ukraine has acceded to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Ukraine inherited about 5,000 nuclear weapons when it became independent from the Soviet Union in 1991, making its nuclear arsenal the third-largest in the world.[83] By 1996, Ukraine had voluntarily disposed of all nuclear weapons within its territory, disassembling them in Russia.[84]

Meanwhile in Russia (taking over Ukraine in 1 max 2 days):

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This is TRAINING. For when you need to save Kursk 2 and have nothing more than a bucket and a shovel!

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 16, 2015, 10:13:09 am »
Casimir claims that state sovereignty is of utmost importance to him and then denies them exactly that by not allowing those states to decide "We want to be NATO!".
Who are you and who is Russia to decide that they shouldn't?
I can only second that. Being from one of those small ex-ussr states - joining NATO and EU were the best things that happened since we got back our independence IMO and thank god noone asked russias oppinion.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Russia
« on: July 15, 2015, 03:28:27 pm »
yep reread full version, you are right  :PIam just a man and not a spartan like u so happens that I'm wrong  :lol:

hurr durr u wrong all the time says spartan

But.... are you really russian?

Greece and Ukraine in 1 year:

Wrong thread!

But still gold  :rolleyes:

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 15, 2015, 11:30:31 am »
When 1700 civilians were killed after NATO shellings Yugoslavia. Who killed them?
You know... I want to read some sense from you "train wreck of thought", but... its just fucking whatabautism or simple autism... Since Dave has some medical expertise and diagnosed autism - I'll go with that :)

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 15, 2015, 10:51:43 am »
Ahaha, so who killed this 6000 people?
Both sides in a pointless artificial war? Or shall we go and blame comrade Kalashnikov post-portem for inventing AK-47, AK74, etc and being at fault for all those dead in Africa too?

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 15, 2015, 10:40:37 am »
So how then 6000 civilians were killed?
Because of war, which was caused by this.. oh,.. how was that shit-hole called... rUSSIA! Yeah, thats the name of the sheeple-cleptocracy! :)

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 15, 2015, 10:32:07 am »
This 6000 lifes lost because of ukrainian bombardments. I don't remember you accusing them. don't remember accusing NATO, you are just russian hater, because of that you pissed so much
Oh... so you want to tell me, that Ukrainians one day decided  "fuck this shit, its too peacefull, need some sport, lets bomb something" and just went about bombing shit? Cool story bro... care to elaborate how come pink diploma owner can spit such bullshit?

In my book its the aggressor who is at fault for starting the conflict, which in this case is a shit-hole you call "mother russia" led by the "80%+ aprroval rate" putler. In war casualties and destruction happens. This war was MADE by russia, started by russia and is being fueled by russia. So YOUR pitiful excuse for a country is at fault, not Ukraine.

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