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Messages - Bignasty389

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General Discussion / Re: What class is OP
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:30:58 am »
HX is currently the most over-powered class in battle mode.

The standard build only requires 7 str, with the rest stacked into agility. They are the fastest horseman, and deal considerably more damage than horse archers with greater ability to perform "clutch" close range shots. They are only vulnerable to other horse archers, but with far superior damage and speed they can still compete if the archer does not manage to interrupt reloads. They can dodge foot archers and xbowman easily on open maps due to good maneuver used against long travel time for projectiles. They should have their speed reduced by 25% while loading crossbows, they should take a greater WPF loss when moving to make charging armed infantry (with the prospect of hitting them with a bolt, and then ramming them) more of a risk, should have their reload speed increased by 25%, and should be allowed to use the regular crossbow. This would reduce the HX's ability to constantly pester without running away first, and it would make them more vulnerable to horse archers. With the ability to use a regular crossbow, HX's would take more str, resulting in even greater reduction in mobility, while giving them a solid niche as a tank buster.

The greatest thing about HX is their ability to manhandle heavy cavalry. Give them more tools to put a hurting on shieldless tin cans on foot and on horseback, while reducing their ability to snipe people at high speeds for incredible damage.

Also, don't remove nudge, but implement a shield bash. I know people keep saying this would make shields overpowered, but it would be an appropriate addition to the class in response to nudging. The shield bash speed would be between a nudge and a kick depending on the weight of the shield, with frequency of use dependent on shield skill, with similar range greater than a nudge but less than a kick. The shield bash should not stun for long enough to guarantee a hit, only to break an attack or parry and force the opponent onto the defensive. Shields require a considerable investment in agility to use and should a greater defensively than simply soaking up damage. Shield users should have some capability of remaining a threat while holding ground and playing defensively. As it stands, shielders playing defensively are kick fodder. This would also give more viability to buckler use. Reduce the "force field" effect of bucklers and force users to actively attempt to catch oncoming projectiles by positioning their shield up or down. In a fight there is little reason to take a sheild over a 2handed weapon when you are familiar with the blocking system due to the sheer damage and "spamability" of 2handers. With a shield bash we would see less strength stacking dedicated 2handers (and according to this thread, most people agree it is the most over powered class after HX) and more balanced spec'd 2handed users with some points in shield, carrying a 1hander and shield as well as a 2handed weapon into combat. This would give hoplites the ability to create range with their spears.

This would not make shields over powered it would only incentivize players (especially 2handed players) to utilize axes. Axes are currently far inferior to swords in their applications, give players a reason to bring an axe instead of a sword. Shields should not be and never were just an anti-arrow device.

problem with this one is that if a 1h is faster than you and you're a shielder, there is quite literally nothing you can do to counter this, if he has basic blocking skills he will just facehug you, nudge, kick, hit, wrinse repeat until shielder dies ...

That is the price you pay for building a slow shield character with no ranged options. You could have taken power throw which absolutely counters anyone with a one-hander which would barely modify your build. You also have the option of unequipping your shield and fighting the one-hander using the same tactics he's using against you.

You can't complain after buidling a strength crutch shield player. You can choose to carry a spear to counter cavalry, a light or heavy shield to absorb any ranged attacks, and you could have taken power throw to kill anyone without a shield before they get to you but you chose not to do that. That is your fault. Agility characters are your one weakness, otherwise you would be uncounterable.

Now, xbow cavalry are one of the most "uncounterable" classes in the game. They are weak to horse archers, so they are not entirely uncounterable. The problem here is that, in order to use a bow one needs to devote a certain portion of their stat points towards getting their power draw up or else they will be useless against anything above light armor. Xbow cavalry on the other hand need only 7 strength to use the light crossbow and the rest can be dedicated to riding, horse archery, and wpf. This means that xbow cavalry built and outfitted correctly should be able to outrun and outmaneuver a horse archer. This becomes a very serious issue, because the only weakness of a horse crossbowman is the time it takes to reload their crossbow and their vulnerability to ranged... But crossbow cavalry is the fastest and most maneuverable class in the game and can easily dodge stationary archers. Due to the accuracy and "Point and shoot" firing mechanic, they cannot be defeated by infantry using spears, and they can kill infantry using shields. I bolt can be readied and held in the firing position indefinitely which means that a shielder must either eat a horse charge, or open themselves to attack before the moment of impact. A crossbow can be fire accurately at this range before a swing is lifted and dealt. The xbowman with good accuracy always has the advantage. Pikeman are destroyed, spearmen with shields suffer the same problems as anyone else with shields (The shield only forces the cavalryman to use his horse, only if the xbowcav cannot make those close shots is he at risk).

Hopefully a dev can hear me, because I do think this is an issue to the game. I've played the class, it is not difficult to get down because you cannot be caught and ultimately beats everything besides very good horse archers. A horse xbowman is capable of dodging a stationary archer's shots indefinitely when retreating because of their speed and narrow profile compared to the travel time of arrows.

The weakness of the crossbow is the vulnerability of the user during reload. When a horse xbowman is reloading, force his speed and maneuver to drop by 20% or so and extend the reload time by 25% while on horseback, lower the accuracy of crossbows shot at high speed, while allowing the option to use the regular crossbow and taking the focus away slightly from massive agi stacks. It will force them to play more tactically, as they will not be able to reload and fire indefinitely without fear of being caught. They will be much more vulnerable to horse archers who themselves have extreme weaknesses. This will balance the game considerably while still allowing xbow cav to use hit an run tactics against targets using heavy armor. This will help create a more defined niche for xbow cavalry as the counter to heavy lancer cavalry and infantry as opposed to a class which counters everything if given enough time and space.

Currently, xbow cav on a relatively open map is the most difficult class to counter and there is a reason it has become the favorite of trolls and delayers. They take awhile to win, but they are the fastest class in the game with a considerable potential for damage against even the most heavily armored of targets without even a single skill point spent in offensive skills.

Spam / Re: cRPG Patch Notes
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:07:21 am »
Fuck you too!

Sign me up! Give me some damn info, nobody is in your teamspeak!

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