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Messages - robownz7

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: Game crashing after every map change
« on: September 25, 2011, 05:39:12 am »
Happens in siege and battle. Goodbye x5!

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request: Smellmyfinger
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:04:47 am »
I don't have to make up lies on a forum to cover my ass. There were other people complaining about you as well. I'm sure if the admin really had nothing better to do he could find it and prove me right. I'm not asking for this. I'm asking for you to stop being an annoyance ingame.

But if you are already banned, then this thread should be closed anyway. Idle banter back and forth gets us nowhere.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request: Smellmyfinger
« on: September 22, 2011, 06:51:08 am »
I'll admit, after the 4th time of you attacking me and bringing me down to half health, I got frustrated and horse bumped you once. I'm human after all, but I didn't even provoke you in the first place, so why were you out for me?

Closed Requests / Ban Request: Smellmyfinger
« on: September 22, 2011, 06:42:27 am »
I was playing tonight on the crpg_NA1 server, and at the beginning of every round I would get team attacked by Smellmyfinger. I asked him to stop and he continued to do it anyway. After the 4th time, someone from chat said to record it and post it here so I did. I recorded it for the 3 rounds following it because he said "I have no proof". Anyway, dude is a piece of garbage and brings nothing redeeming to the game at all, I think he should be banned.

The video is here:


cRPG Technical problems / Re: Game crashing after every map change
« on: September 22, 2011, 03:19:32 am »
Runtime error for me about every other map change as well!

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