« on: August 04, 2012, 10:20:13 pm »
I would like to apply for the forum moderator position on behalf of the Mighty Panos. He is currently unable to post his own application for reasons that are of no significance to his application.
Maturity - Extremely mature. He has shown this in his dealings within the community time after time over the past years.
Intelligence - Highly intelligent, You can check his posting history. You can see all of his posts are well thought out and written to an extremely high standard. You can almost feel the presence of his intellect oozing out of your monitor when you read these works of art.
Cool-Headedness - Incredibly Cool-headed. He is always calm and collected and his posts on this forum are highly rational. In the extremely rare situations where he has been confronted or met with aggression he has always reacted passively and attempted to diffuse the situation. When this method has failed him he falls back upon the rules of the forum and always ensures the correct course of action is taken.
Charm - This man is a legend. He is adored by all of the C-RPG community and has close connections with the english, German, Turkish and eastern European communities. He is highly empathetic and knows how to meet the needs of our extremely diverse community. Beyond this he is a regular poster and is already well known and respected.
I would also like to add that Panos speaks several languages fluently and would be able to help out with translation.
I would like to vouch for Panos and would encourage anyone else who feels this way to post in this thread, I am sure there are many of you. This is the man for the job and he is most deserving of this prestigious position within our community. To give it to anyone else would not just be an insult to Panos but to the entire community.
Dont forget to UPVOTE to show your support!