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Messages - LA_DiamonD

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Must be a relative of Attacking

Man with nickname, that sounds, as "manning the siege tower" has started an idea. I've continue it, and got a jack-pot. I've found, that name "Attacking" still free. So, the main idea isn't mine.

Best regards, your Wormhole/Attacking )

Announcements / Re: - The patch of destiny
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:15:11 pm »
MMMMM..... dislike this patch at all, about  rising the lvls. Look, what you did, developers: you've increased the distance between spammers/OP players, and balanced/new players. So, spammers/OP will go stronger, and a so. New players, as good as balanced builds, will start to think whick profeciency he would like to spamm in.
27 str, and 2h man crashed with one strike my War Horse +3. With Riding 8, i have no chance to charge such enemy. What do you actually wanted to improve with this patch? I repeat again, you've increased the distance between builds. What the point of it?

2h Warhamme
r - is upgraded Goedendag. More damage, more usefull, spamm at your service! Any spammer must have now!

Moving to the next thing, just think logical, and see:

Ashwood Pike   166sm     2kg     - can't use on the horseback, can't sheath                     
Svaerdstav       166sm     2.3kg  -----------------------------------------------------                     - guys, are u sure ? Might be, u just want to remove Ashwood pike from the game? Or you would like to say, that the same lengh, with greater weigh weapon easy to fit onto your back, or, actually WHAT?

Horses were hardly nefed. Just a crash of balance

With regards, your Wormhole/Attacking.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Incorrect Authorization Key
« on: January 21, 2014, 01:20:50 pm »
Got the same problem, start from this day. Have never saw such thing before. Could it be the problem of the last patch, or a so?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Ping Problems
« on: December 28, 2013, 09:13:50 pm »
Hello all, this is Wormhole/Attacking.
For a first part, i want you to forgive me, for my broken english.

The solution in my mind is next: go to your Router's webpage. there (i recommend) add to the DHCP table all your devices, assign to all devices IP adreses. Now, find on your router a page, (should calls, like QoS). There you can assign a priority for ports and/or IP(s), you've setted before. Actually you can assign priority to MAC-adress, but i not recommeded it. for example, i have a table, like that:

Web Surf      80   tcp   0~512   High
HTTPS      443   tcp   0~512   High
File Transfer      80   tcp   512~   Low
File Transfer      443   tcp   512~   Low
Warband Server   7250   tcp/udp      Highest
John-book      any      Lowest
John-pc   192.168.04      any      Lowest
Eve-Online   26000   tcp/udp      Highest
Warband   55000,7240   tcp/udp      Highest - look, here i've assigned the highest priority for Warband ports to my main PC (with ip Make sure, that in the game you have unchecked "use random client port" and the values (ports) are the same - in game, and in your router settings.

Next page i decided priority at all:

Incoming transmission
Values, %         min            max
Highest            80              100
High                 50              80
Medium            5                80
Low                 3                 80
Lowest            2                 25

Outgoing trasmission
Value, %
Highest    100
High         90
Medium    80
Low         80
Lowest    80

The second value (max) making a limit in % from total connection speed.

As you can see, only Warband (+ WB server, and another game "Eve-online")  applications can use the full connection speed. Nevermind, if i will download anything, or so, my download speed will be limited to 80%, the least speed capacity should be enought for a game. In same time the pockets from my IP, with ports  55000,7240 - has the highest priority for sending/recieving.

Well. i hope, i give you to know, what should you do. Just make a priority for your PC, and assign a Warband ports to max priority.

General Discussion / Re: Wipe c-rpg ( yes or no )!!!
« on: October 30, 2013, 07:18:26 pm »
Finally this day has came.

What, actually you talking about ?! What wipe? Peasants with long daggers will keep killing whole enemy's team, as it continues for a 2-3 last monthes. Peasants with throwing daggers will help them in the case. What are you waiting from wipe? That peasants only need 3 more retires, and they are full-equiped to kill 5+ people during the round. Add there, that anybody will now have +0 armor, and imagine, how fast you will die, after the wipe... ahahaha lol. this suggestion, even badder, than to keep all crap as is.

Open your eyes, finally. Wipe is not the way to save the mod.

Just... trash the c-rpg, sad about that, but now, we'll be free...

Nobody will waste a time, to kill some over-powered (high-lvled, MW full-fitted), with the hate inside about that life-looser, that sitting down in his screen 24/7 to kill more and more, and ever there will not be enough.

About spamm-weapons, IMO there could be few adds, like:

1). All spamm weapons, like Awlpike, Scimmitar, Miodao, Goedendag (may be, even Warspear) should get such speed, that will make to possible to block after getting hitted.
2). What about to make something, like a ping-limiter (i mean to force any ping, that less, then the value setted on the server to fixed) These could give same chance to all players, for example, set it to 60, may be less. Men, that spamming with they spammitars and ping 16-20 will shut the fuck up, finally. As good, as any another spammers, IMHO. I'm talking about that, because all those spammers really not giving to play for many people...

Suggestions Corner / Suggestion about Archers (only)
« on: July 14, 2013, 11:37:00 am »
Hello, everyone, this is Wormhole. This means, that the "broken english" going below  :D

So, about Archers.
So many yells to/from archers i ever hearing. Archers yelling, that they need to be buffed. Them targets want to nerf archers.
Developers are only trying to find a middle in this chaos. They trying to "play" with speed-damage settings, and nothing changing at all.

And i remember someone's very right words: no need to try to change speed/damage of bows.
Have to just add cooldown timer, while archer start to run. Some kind of stamina.
There is my vision, how should it looks like:

Archer need to manuver, while shooting. he need maximum 2-2,5 seconds move to avoid incoming arrows, then he can shoot.
So, let's make it so: If archer running (moving) more, than 2.5-3 seconds, his accuraty becoming much badder, and aim narrowing get slower. To cooldown this, he will need to rest: for example, he can stay still, and only turning to look around - for 2 seconds, or just walking (NO RUNNING) for 3 seconds.

To mark, that the cooldown timer has beed started - an arrow icon becoming another-colored, like orange, or a so, nevermind.

What will we get:
We will aviod archers, that leaving melee fight, taking bow and shoot you into the head, on the run, when you folowing him - the damnest part.
And i guess much-much more.

All numerals were just as example, for you to understand, what actually i suggest and what will we receive from such cooldown.

Hello all, this is Wormhole.
I would like to learn you how to use the latest bug with nudge using, untill it not fixex by developers.
All case is in that after you switching from any type of weapons to 1-handed weapon you can use nudge immediately.
Uh, you are an archer? don't scare about incoming infantry close no more! Just wait with the charged bow/crossbow untill enemy will come, then shoot, fast switch your one-handed and nudge the enemy. Don't lose the moment and hit him fast with your one-handed!
May be you are a polearm soldier? So, don't scare to hold your long range melee weapon even, while enemy is coming! Just fight as always, and when enemy come too close use the same tactic. Just make it all quick:
Pole-strike => blocking sound => switching to one-handed => nudge => one-handed strike => kick => strike again.

See? You did 2 hits to enemy, that just came.

When i started to speak about this bug it in the chat, some one told me: "don't cry". And i wished to say about this tactic to all players. So, good luck with it. learn how to fight use bugs.

Just one additional thing: use light nudge, so not hold block to nudge.

Well, hello, everyone, It's Wormhole!
Yeah, first thing, that i want to say, is to bring a pardon for my broken english, but im sure, that you will understand, what am i talking about.

Some people know me as polearm-user. It took long time for me to choose a class, that i like more, than all others. But today, (actually it was night here) i remembered about some very important inuque middle-ages weapon. You know, im talking about Chain Mace. I am correctely don't know, is the "Flail" a special type of such chain-maces weapons, or it is original name. Let me call it Chain mace.

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My vision of the key futures of this amazing weapon:

Type: one-handed

Weight: it should has enought, like warhammer, or, even greater.

Lenght (weapon reach): it's a long-range one-handed weapon, that's much longer, than any one-handed axe. So, i think, about 90-100, or, even longer.

Speed: long-range + heavy weight, difficult to control after you've start your strike... IMO the speed of such weapon, ofcause, should be low. 94-95 should be enough. By the way, slow speed will give a new breath to horsemen, that like to get full speed on, and smash the enemy with one hit.

Damage type (swings only :!:): here is, where the question is. I don't know, what's going on in the game engine :cry:, basically this weapon good against shields, because it crashing the shields with mass and the big ball size. So, should it be cut? But in same time, this weapon, actually has pierce, or, even blunt damage (in the reality, such weapon presents as ball-pierced, and simple ball versions). In my opinion, that weapon should has pierce damage, because knockdown of the blunt could make it too cheat. Well, if it possible to make the damage pierce, but in same time with bonus against shields - IMO, ideal. If there is a problems with, i'm have the next suggestion. The secondary mode of the weapon can be a pierce, and primary - as cut. Such way choice could make it easy to set up, by making difirence between cut and pierce modes for more exact balance of the weapon. About how to understand what the mode is on... well, i think it could be only icon changing. Something, like Chain mace with shield (i'm sure, that all immediately understood, what the mode is it   :wink:), and lonely chain-mace icon for pierce.

Slots: 1 slot.

 :!: Special abilities :!:

1) Bonus against shields.
2) Unbalanced
3) Weapon has no thrust type of strike. (If you against, please imagine how will it looks like then :lol:)
4) Availible for horsemen.

1) Cannot be use for a block. (Let me explain. This weapon usually used with shield, and actually i cannot imagine, how you will hold such weapon to block :shock:. I'm even queit about ingame annimation of that. In same time should be available to block using a strike, like you using a knife, while defending. If you lost your shield, well, this weapon using 1 slot, so, take care about to have one more weapon, if you won't shows your scared dances  :mrgreen:
2) Can't sheath. I think it's also interesting part. Should be easely decide it later, only after the weapon passed test in the game. Depends on people's opinion

If you like the idea, there are a lot of modificatiots of a Chain mace, that can has ingame difference between each others:

More damage, more weight, less speed, OR, less lenght, etc. :
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You know what it means :mrgreen::
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Do you really need a comment? :mrgreen:
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If you'll start own searches you will find Blunt version of the Chain mace.

General Discussion / Weapons with secondary damage mode
« on: June 04, 2013, 05:58:45 pm »
Hello everybody, actually thought to speak to admins mostely. Is it somehow possible to add to the site more info about weapons with secondary damage mode? You know what i mean. At this moment, all players should buy a weapon with secondary mode, enter the game - and only after that he will see how much damage weapon doing in secondary mode. I'm even quiet about how much damage weapon doing in secondary mode after each heairloom...

For example, untill this day, i thought, that German Poleaxe making cut damage such count as pirce in secondary mode. Today was surprized, when i saw in the game cut = 42, pierce = 28.

In my opinion it's a big miss.

Excuse me please, for my broken english.

With best wishes, Wormhole.

WSE2 Beta / Re: "This beta client has expired."
« on: April 01, 2013, 12:07:02 am »
Same thing

General Discussion / One-handed knockdowners vs. Polearm knockdowners
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:47:06 pm »
Hey everyone. As the first thing, that i want to say - is to bring sorries for my "brocken english". I want to ask how can all of you imagine this:
One-handed Warhammer (or almost ANY other blunt one-handed weapon) have damage 31 blunt (weight 2.5), in the same time, as Polearm (look: two-handed, for example Long hafted knobbed mace) have damage 29 blunt and weight 2.8.

Dear developers, take into one hand 2.5 kg hammer and knock use it on the wall. Then take 2.8 kg club into two hands and make a same. Are you still sure, that your one-handed hammer made more destrucive (and with the greater speed (97) vs. two-handed polearm with less weight (in calculating for a each hand (1,4 kg), and total weight 2.8, speed 93)? And the damage of polearm less as well as speed, than one-handed hammer. So your one-handed attack is faster, than two-handed-optimized weapon? Or, may be damage of your one-handed attack is greater? What the hell is going on ?

May be your one-handed character have right hand more, that twice stronger, than left hand? In this way, may be have to make additional skills for left hand and right hand, that improve current hand strenght, to explain current balance?

Items was taken as examples. All one-handed blunt weapons vs. two-handed blunt, as good as polearms clear ultimate-weapons, IMHO

Announcements / One-handed knockdowners vs. Polearm knockdowners
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:30:39 pm »
Hey everyone. As the first thing, that i want to say - is to bring sorries for my "brocken english". I want to ask how can all of you imagine this:
One-handed Warhammer (or almost ANY other blunt one-handed weapon) have damage 31 blunt (weight 2.5), in the same time, as Polearm (look: two-handed, for example Long hafted knobbed mace) have damage 29 blunt and weight 2.8.

Dear developers, take into one hand 2.5 kg hammer and knock use it on the wall. Then take 2.8 kg club into two hands and make a same. Are you still sure, that your one-handed hammer made more destrucive (and with the greater speed (97) vs. two-handed polearm with less weight (in calculating for a each hand (1,4 kg), and total weight 2.8, speed 93)? And the damage of polearm less as well as speed, than one-handed hammer. So your one-handed attack is faster, than two-handed-optimized weapon? Or, may be damage of your one-handed attack is greater? What the hell is going on ?

May be your one-handed character have right hand more, that twice stronger, than left hand? In this way, may be have to make additional skills for left hand and right hand, that improve current hand strenght, to explain current balance?

Items was taken as examples. All one-handed blunt weapons vs. two-handed blunt, as good as polearms clear ultimate-weapons, IMHO

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