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Messages - Axel Raby

Pages: [1]
Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU] Thomek
« on: July 29, 2013, 04:27:09 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I really need to change my settings. I just saw a light generated from it, but never a fire.


Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU] Thomek
« on: July 29, 2013, 02:27:54 pm »
It looks exactly like a standard katana, but it generates light near it.
Nothing special.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Weapon speed
« on: July 22, 2013, 12:53:32 am »
Just check this thread. There's something about swing speed and wpf. I can't help much. ;)

General Off Topic / Re: Your drug-related experiences go here
« on: July 20, 2013, 10:37:53 pm »
I .. I drink tea.

That's hardcore.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add Weapons - Flambard and Flammard
« on: July 20, 2013, 07:11:14 pm »
The second sword, Flammard, looks really nice. I would buy that.
I won't say anything about statistics of those swords, because I have no idea how to make a balanced one.

Anyway, good idea.


I will stay with mouse and a keyboard. All kinds of joysticks or other controllers aren't for me, I just suck with them - even more than with a mouse.
Good luck anyway.


Axel Raby            123
Virusia               123

... just kidding, it's okay.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Historical Discussion / Re: How was real melee like?
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:30:48 pm »
I think medieval fighting would be completely brutal. Just swinging little blocking. In a crowd of thousands you wouldn't have much room to block apart from batting the weapon out the way. You would be tripping over dying comrades, punching people in the face while being shot at from raining arrows as one impales your best friends left eye you watch helplesdly . You then get stabbed in the side while your attention is diverted to your now shish-kebabed friend. You fall onto your knees as people trip over you. You watch as the world fades out in agonizing pain, your comrades pushing forward, punching, bashing, biting, stabbing your enemies. Your second best friend trips over you and promptly falls onto an enemies spear, with your last few breaths you wildly swing at your foes ankles, toppling him onto you where you violently stab at him. Unable to move with your final breath, you watch in the distance to see... a naked guy on a plated charger bump through the whole enemy army made up of thousands of warriors who are promptly executed by your army while they are on the ground. 1000000 xp

This is a good description of battle, but from the point of view of an european peasant, viking, or an egyptian soldier.
In Europe, if some knigth were fighting 1 versus 1, they didn't kill each other. Now why. Because it wasn't worth it. A knight probably had fiefs and he earned a lot of money from that. That's why, if one of those knights lost the fight, he was took as a slave and had to pay money to the guy that won. But if You were a peasant, noone really cared. He killed You and what? You were useless if someone took You as a slave. Of course, some knights died. If it was a king, if someone had a chance - he would kill him, of course. By the way it was really hard. A knight had, let's say, 5 squires to carry his stuff, take care of his horse, and to help him in battle. Even without them, he probably had armor - a good armor. I heard once, that when French king fell of his horse, peasants were standing near him for 5 minutes, looking for a hole where to put a knife.

So, in my perspective, it was of course a big mess, but there weren't that many knights dying. There were many dead bodies and I can't even imagine the smell. After the battle, noone really went to the battlefield, just because noone could stay there, because of the smell that was coming from it.


Historical Discussion / Re: How was real melee like?
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:36:13 pm »
Too much to write - really. Just watch this:

Maybe it's not about knights in full plate armor fighting each other on horses (probably armored ones, haha), but it's still interesting. Really nice presentation about shield and sword fighting.

If I had to use one word to describe how real melee was, I would say: chaos.

Maybe I will write more tomorrow, but I have to educate myself first, and I am lazy.


Game Balance Discussion / Re: genious idea about horses !
« on: July 16, 2013, 10:59:34 pm »
I guess this was a single special case, and most likely the book was referring to the Lithuanians, because I am quite sure the Polish and the Teutonics did armour their horses.

As I think about it now - probably yes, because of the needed crushing power of the cavalry charge, to break through enemy lines.

I found this link after short googling, and you could probably find many more if you spend some time.

What I want to say - I didn't really focus on the horse armor in medieval times, but more overall about battles and all of those knights fighting with each other. If something that I said is false - sorry then, but I remembered that when I was reading some article. At list I wasn't wrong in 100%. Thanks for the discussion.


Game Balance Discussion / Re: genious idea about horses !
« on: July 16, 2013, 10:24:02 pm »
I was talking about medieval ages around year 1410, specifically about Battle of Grunwald. I read articles of some historians about equipement of knights, who have fought in this battle, and nothing there was written about horse armor - there were said, that they had no armor at all. The speed of the horse, and it's manouverability was crucial on the battlefield.

What you've said is probably true, but not in the times that I thought and wrote about.

I don't know what to write more, anyway - thanks for the discussion.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: genious idea about horses !
« on: July 16, 2013, 09:52:01 pm »
For a lot of You guys it makes sense, but not for me. The fact is, when a horse was hitted in battle, let's say by an arrow, it didn't slow down. It was running even faster, becase of the big adrenaline that wound gave it. Any additional wound was like an steroid. Of course, it didn't last long - the horse died in action, or just survived the battle and noticed, that it was hurt.

 If You guys really want this game to be realistic in 100%, or close to that, Plated Chargers, horses with an armor of plates on it, or any at all, should be removed aswell. In medieval times horses weren't 'dressed' with armor - not even with, let's call it, a 'cloak' of cloth. Horses with heavy armor, or any at all, were used only in tournaments - just because it made them slow and un-manouverable.

So, in my opinion, it shouldn't be added to the game.


<it's a wall of text, so sorry in advance for any mistakes>

Suggestions Corner / Re: Healing class, PVE, quests?
« on: July 15, 2013, 07:34:52 pm »
The 2 main things are siege and battle. During a siege, I dont think a bear would walk along and start attacking people. During an upcoming battle I also dont think that any sane animal would seek to come closer but rather get the fuck away from screaming stinking apes with weapons.

In medieval ages boars were 2, or maybe even 3 times bigger than they are nowdays. Sadly, or not, they were hunted and killed. The big ones died hundreds of years ago. Boars, of course, weren't the biggest
animals living in the forest back there. Look in the internet for Bos primigenius. That was a beast! Imagine yourself a bull that's weight was 1000 kg. It lived in the woods in Europe. Good  for us, or not, that it extincted.

According to the thread - just no.

#Riddaren - Thanks, I am not a beggar anymore! ;)

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