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Messages - Masen

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Masens, native armor with new textures.
« on: March 30, 2013, 03:01:29 pm »
it's very awesome !

I think someone should add a simple mod where you can choose your own color for EACH armor you own... would be so epic and the END of kuyak clone...!

That sounds very complicated, isatis.

I mean it sounds very complicated in my ears. A mod were you can choose freely your colors, if I got the message right.

But what we can atleast do, me included. Is making the c-rpg armor shop a bit more colorful :)

Want to be a arabic soldier? Sure

Want to be a red cultist arabic bandit? Sure

Want to be a merc with cuir boilli? Sure

Want to be a soldier that serves the black legion with a black cuir boilli? Sure

What you suggested, would be one awesome attachment and I would support it with all cause.

But as far as I can see, this is the easiest and only way. :/

OPS, my fault. Seems like there is a mod that does exactly as you suggested. Anyway it changes color after your banner. Helmets aren't included I think and some perhaps want to have a different color on their apparel other than their clan color.

But since it seems like no one posts any replies on this thread, etc and that no one really wants variations in armors etc.

I think that I don't need to do anything at all and just continue with my singleplayer modification.

General Discussion / Re: Masens, native armor with new textures.
« on: March 30, 2013, 02:33:44 pm »
Take a picture ingame, check out in what folder it is, visit , select computer, the folder, open, start upload and copy the BBCode (that is in [*img]link[*/img]). Best to put it in a spoiler as well.

Good idea of course, there are already some projects like this, for example of Korgoth: http://bundle of sticksh%27s-retextures/ .

Thank you for your help, I am very thankfull :)

General Discussion / Masens, native armor with new textures.
« on: March 30, 2013, 02:24:32 pm »
Not sure where else to put this, I've always liked the arabic style. So that is what i changed the textures of first.
If people would like to have armor, but with different colors depending on their style, I can think of recoloring them. (Warning I am a newbie at texturing and modelling)

If people would like to have varieties, like the Khergit Lamellar Vest, Vaegir Lamellar Vest, Black Lamellar Vest.

I will create a black version for the Cuir Boulli, and a darker version for Sarranid Leather Armor, with a red band instead of yellow.

From on there, I can think of recoloring other items, that people might suggest.

Please reply, if you are with the idea of items with different colors/textures.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Throwing Swords, Melee for Throwing Daggers
« on: July 18, 2012, 09:32:13 am »
Just make every one handed sword have a secondary throw ability and theres only one sword each slot.

I would love going around picking up dead peoples swords and throwing them at people.

I'm afraid as far as I know its only possible to switch from 2 stances (X) on some weapons. For example if every onehanded would be throwable they must remove the 2h mode from Langes Messer and replace it with a throw ability. Or do you only mean light weapons?

Also is it expected that I am to make these throwing onehanded weapons / swords. I dont have any problem doing them, and it ain't hard really...

I'm just curious how you mean and what people expect.

Suggestions Corner / Throwing Swords, Melee for Throwing Daggers
« on: July 17, 2012, 09:36:08 am »
As the title depicts, I think it would be very funny to have Throwing Swords. I mean we got afterall Throwing Hammers, why not Throwing Swords? It aint anything unrealistic with that and it is slightly easier to throw them or difficult (depends) then a Throwing Axe.

*POSSIBLE STATS FOR* Throwing Sword (melee) - Length of a Simple Sword or Short Sword, Damage of a Simple Sword but maybe slower.
*POSSIBLE STATS FOR* Throwing Sword - No bonus against shield, slower than a throwing axe, higher damage then a Francisca but lower then a Throwing Axe, Amount 2 or 3.

Now when that has been dealt with, I think it would be good if we would include a melee mode for Throwing Daggers and Knives... I mean... we got melee for Throwing Stones... Don't know if i have to say more on that point.

Stats for Throwing Daggers should have higher melee damage then throwing knives, but throwing knives should be faster. They should also be weaker then the common Dagger, or Knife.

I hope some people will think of this as a good suggestion and vote it up for it to exist within cRPG.

Thank you for taking your time reading this post, and have a good day!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Horse Xbow nerf.
« on: July 10, 2012, 03:41:31 pm »
This is ridiculously, in fact so ridiculous that I bothered the time logging in and posting a comment.

Nerf HC? Are you serious? I mean serious as Sirius(Serious) Black, from Harry Potter?

Its you'r fault if you run around as a mainstream Kuyak Clone with a razorsharp butterknife the size of a door with a pike length.
Everyone needs a bane.

Those who deny shield usage will find Ranged annoying, and Mounted Ranged a nightmare.
Those who wield shields doesn't fear ranged cavalry THAT much.

Kuyak Clone: But hooow! Will we stop these Horse Crossbowmen!

Simple... Horse Crossbowmens bane is the Bowman or Crossbowman.

A horse crossbowman can't reload his xbow faster than the bowman can pick a arrow and fire it in his face or on the horse before its to late.

In my opinon is this topic a blasphemy. HC shouldnt be nerfed in any way, it is good as it is.
If anything should be nerfed it is definitely the mainstream Kuyak 2h

The Kuyak Clone's bane --- Horse Crossbowman, Horse Archer
The Horse Crossbowmans bane --- Bowman, Crossbowman, maybe even Horse Archer

Faction Halls / Re: [Magyar] (Recruiting mainly Cav)
« on: March 14, 2012, 04:45:47 pm »
Ave Caesar

cRPG Technical problems / Cloned character WIERD BUG
« on: February 04, 2012, 01:19:27 am »
Hi i really need help with this. I made a character a time before lets call him X.
i leveled up to lv 17 with X and then changed name into. Y_X        Y= Clantag

On somehow X is still there and Y_X
The strange thing is X is not the generation he should be wich is 3 but 1 and all stats reset
X is also stuck at level 17 while Y_X wich is the same character is lv 25.

But now the real deal is here. Why the hell is X my main char and bugged as hell with no stats and stuck at the same level, while Y_X is just a alternate and has the generation he should be???!!!???!??!?

I have a feeling only a administrator can help me with this.

I would appreciate help very dearly!!! Please help me   :(

Strategus Issues / Cloned character WEIRD BUG
« on: February 03, 2012, 08:47:34 pm »
Hi i really need help with this. I made a character a time before lets call him X.
i leveled up to lv 17 with X and then changed name into. Y_X        Y= Clantag

On somehow X is still there and Y_X
The strange thing is X is not the generation he should be wich is 3 but 1 and all stats reset
X is also stuck at level 17 while Y_X wich is the same character is lv 25.

But now the real deal is here. Why the hell is X my main char and bugged as hell with no stats and stuck at the same level, while Y_X is just a alternate and has the generation he should be???!!!???!??!?

I have a feeling only a administrator can help me with this.

I would appreciate help very dearly!!! Please help me   :(

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