Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Polearm build question
« on: May 10, 2012, 12:11:42 am »Well the build you gave is perfect for war spear/shield. If you are only sometimes going to bring a shield, I would only go 4 shield, 6 IF.
I don't think shortened spear/shield/2 slot polearm is that effective. The shortened spear is so short that it hardly gives you a range bonus over stabbing with one of the longer polearms in 2h mode. If you want to poke and have a dueling weapon, you can just do bamboo spear/2 slot duelling polearm.
War spear/Red tassel spear are both great for poking and duelling weapons though. I think for the style you want to go, they work the best as they are great with and without a shield out. This set up would work best with your build.
Well I want to carry a shield for sure, if just to block arrows and stop a flag cap.
I'll try dueling with a warspear and see how that works out for me. Thanks for the feedback