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Messages - LLJK_Simonslays

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / Re: Experience in strategus battles
« on: October 27, 2011, 01:19:50 pm »
Good to see that you can finally see why it's so difficult to implement a proper solution :)

Another thought worth discussing - Should the losing team get less xp than the winning team? Because I'm worried that it will move good players to the side that will most likely win, thus hurting the unbalance even further. Say, a battle 1500 vs 100 - when the 100 fight bravely, should they get less xp than the big army? I don't see the reason, it's not the players fault the guy defending himself had less troops.

I don't see any reason to complicate it by having uneven xp, generally the motivation to show up and perform in a strat battle is to advance your own clan's fortunes either by aiding them in battle or showing up to contest a battle waged by their rivals. The xp issue as far as I can see is just to make sure that people show up for the less important battles.

edit- The villages actually paying the merc fee like they're supposed to would be another incentive for defenders to show up

that F.A.G. bonus is a risky activity with some serious downsides, especially when unprotected.

Not if you already have aides (to help you move the goods)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus patch - changelog
« on: October 14, 2011, 01:36:26 am »
The whole caravans and trading aspect might give some of the clanless guys a reason to take part in strat and a chance to earn infamy and gold as bandits. It might lead to guilds putting bounties on certain players, a bunch of these highwaymen using their gold to outfit a small army and taking over an isolated village or other stuff that might add a bit more depth to the game.

In the actual clan warfare stakes, it would make cutting off your enemies trade routes to starve them of cash a viable prospect.

Diplomacy / Re: regarding BIRD CLAN
« on: July 29, 2011, 10:05:06 pm »
Hmm... something about this VAG clan smells fishy

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