« on: July 25, 2011, 09:40:36 pm »
Taking responsibility for Yourself
We humans live in a complex world where we are all held accountable for our actions. The things you do affect not only yourself but everyone around you, your actions ripple across time and space and effect an untold amount of people
They have an unknown profound effect on an unknown amount of lives. A simple few words that spew out of your mouth can in theory change the direction of our world; they can build cities and destroy countries. Look for example at Karl Marx with his words theorys and ideas he created communism, because of communism Vladimir Lenin took control of Russia then eventually his party was replaced by the Russian Maximist party which installed a famous man Joseph Stalin (USSR, 1932-39). Stalin is by far one of the most notorious people on the planet; he led the second largest genocide on the planet killing Twenty three Million people in the great purge (including Ukraine Famine). Because of Communism Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69) took power and with his failed policies caused the death of (flexible numbers) over one hundred Million people (excluding the war before his taking of power). Because of Karl Marx ideas his simple words and actions echoed across time and killed Millions of people with tyrannical regimes Making Marx; a man who had a simple idea, one of the worlds most infamous Murderers.
We still live in an era where simple ideas can cause immense damage, we in fact as 21st century humans live in a time where anyone has the ability to become Marx, we live in the Internet age. The internet (which I refuse to explain seeing as its a prerequisite to even be reading this) empowers every person with nearly unlimited power. We the internet(ians?) have the power to do anything from planning a family reunion to rebelling and expelling corrupt regimes like the one in Libya (The rebellion all started over Facebook, they also an Arabic dating site to coordinate their attacks with code words, it is very funny if you read code names ect.)
But with this power we also can make mistakes, in a moment of rage we can yell out yell out hatred and post hatful things in our blogs; however, the internet isn't writen in pencil it's written in ink "social Network 2010" and the things we do can't be taken away. In Mount and Blade a few nights ago I empowered someone to play this game, I gave someone the power to represent themselves as me. Those who play under my account are representatives of me and their actions become my actions. When it comes to actions of any kind giving someone the ability to represent you holds you accountable for any thing they commit however atrocious, malevolent or Diabolical. When someone sees me play a game they are going to look at me and say theres that guy who was banned for exploiting. Some people might not care sadly some might congratulate me on fighting the power. While others (the most important of others) will call me a cheat, liar, hacker, exploiter the list goes on and on. The person they yell at is effected not just by his actions but by anyone who they are represented by. Take for example a clan, if a few members start doing horrible things than most people will perceive the entire clan to be full of horrible people. (This is unrelated but this is how racism and stereotypes start, one person will be angry and say or do something that creates hostility, and from there it goes like dominoes) which also reminds me to apologize to my clan for such actions.
I have learned what I did was bad, I cant promise you something like a exploitation of the game wont happened again because its not in my power. But I can promise you that I will never let myself (including my account) ever partake of that or anything like it again. I again apologize to the C-RPG team and anyone who I have offended.
(I am free to discuss more on this matter in a private P.M if you have any questions)