Suggestions Corner / New Saxon-Viking Armor
« on: August 20, 2012, 08:38:18 pm »
So, those of us who like the Dane and Saxon gear think it would be epic and just all around kickass if there was new armor, new helmets and torso armor specifically. Maybe use something like the Sutton Hoo helmet http://unusualhistoricals.blogspot.com/2009/01/professions-anglo-saxon-warrior.html or like the Coppergate helm http://www.yorkarchaeology.co.uk/artefacts/copphelm1.htm . Here's another one, http://www.photographersdirect.com/buyers/stockphoto.asp?imageid=2879707. For a weapon, how about a langseax, http://dartkaci.free.fr/dkeng/seaxs.html. I just think they'd make some amazing additions.