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Messages - Akubag

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Mount and Blade 2
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:57:26 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« on: July 23, 2011, 08:08:17 pm »
Well i will not play this mod until the upkeep is removed. Not just because i don't like the system, but because i can't play my characters, i would need to wear much worse items to be able to play and i don't want to do that. I thought the meaning of the mod was that you could design your own character out of hundreds of armors and weapons, but now i can only access the bottom half because the rest is too expensive and just breaks. And im not gonna run around as a peasant with a pitchfork for 12 hours just so i can play my knight for 2 hours... That's shitty game design.

Some people say that with the old system, everyone ran around in plate armor. This is not true. Although a lot of people did have plate, there was still many using mid tier armors, since plate has a huge disadvantage, you move much slower. And even in plate, a hammer to the head will in most cases kill you instantly. I don't really see the problem, why should people not be able to use the expensive items? The drawbacks are there, slower movespeed, higher riding requirement, horse moves slower, not to mention the initial cost requires a lot of grind just to get them in the first place.

I think the upkeep should be scrapped entirely, that's my opinion.

General Discussion / Re: How play with Plate armor?
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:52:20 pm »
Currently the easiest way is to not use it. Then sell your heirloom point when you retire. You could probably sell it for around 400k or so. Then next gen, wear all that stuff to your heart's content.

Nice tip, but you see i leveled up my archer, but for the knight i used "skip the fun" when he was lvl 15, now i cannot level him to 31  :cry: anyway guess i just cant play him for now.

General Discussion / How play with Plate armor?
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:41:01 pm »
Hi! i have two characters, one archer in medium armor and one knight with charger and full plate set. My archer i can play just fine, i earn a little more than my repair costs, but my knight is impossible to play. The repair costs are 2000 for one item and frequently break, and i do not earn anywhere near this much. How am i supposed to play plated warrior with these repair costs? I have not seen many knights except me, are plate armors even supposed to be used? If not why are they available for purchase?

//Savage the buttmad knight

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