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Messages - Leithlen

Pages: [1]
Diplomacy / Re: Free Lands of the Tundra
« on: February 13, 2013, 10:56:49 pm »
Welcome GoW.  Great to have our first trader clan join us!  We hope to continue to be a vibrant trading community.

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard
« on: January 25, 2013, 06:11:09 pm »
Welcome Phew!

We have always been most active in siege, but I have recently been urging some excursion into battle as I think it offers an alternative play-style that provides for a different level of involved teamwork experiences that can be difficult to perform as regularly in the chaos of siege.  However, so far I've found that when we approach battle as a teamwork experience, members that have previously stuck to siege only enjoy themselves immensely.

Also, please do join us in TS as often as possible, even/especially if it's only to listen.  It will enhance your enjoyment of the group greatly and it will help you coordinate with us at an even greater level.  Most of the communication is done by whoever is leading the group effort, and that is most easily done via voice.  Responses do not need to be as detailed (or even done at all), so most of the effectiveness of voice communication for purposes of coordination and teamwork can be conducted just by being able to listen in.  Elindor and I have been leading a guild online in many games since 2003, and while we have always stressed the use of voice servers in order to coordinate better and more easily, we have always had a few members who listen only, and we have always embraced and encouraged that.

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard
« on: January 14, 2013, 09:13:20 pm »
It's good to be back.  I've missed the excitement of battle and the strategy involved in how to deploy too few troops to guard so many entrances.  I hope to help Elindor continue to train the Holy Guard into a capable and respected fighting force.

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard
« on: January 07, 2013, 07:57:42 pm »
Was that Hindel's first post on these forums?  Then again, this my first in a long while!  :o

Beginner's Help and Guides / Arrow Opinions
« on: July 26, 2011, 07:32:03 pm »
Question for anyone understanding the damage calculations for bows & arrows:

With most bows now doing cut damage (exception being the longbow with peirce) and arrows doing all pierce damage, am I correct in my understanding that the arrow damage VALUE is added to the bow damage VALUE , but the damage TYPE type is governed by the bow?  (i.e. a Horn Bow with Barbed Arrows would do 24 cut + 4 = 28 cut and Long Bow with Barbed Arrows would do 26 pierce + 4 = 30 pierce)

Question for the experienced archers out there:
To what extend is the extra damage worth the cost?  Regular arrows only add 2, but barbed add 4 (double, but still a small % compared to the bow), but at a 1,500 gold cost increase (3,000 gold difference in terms of repair cost due to extra break %).  Tatar arrows add 1 damage for nearly double the cost of Barbed and Bodkins add another 1 damage for nearly double the cost of Tatar.  Which do you find worth the cost.  (I've been using Tatar myself as the Bodkins just became too expensive after the last patch to carry 2 quivers around.  The extra 3 arrows per quiver has been nice as well.)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery Nerfed
« on: July 12, 2011, 10:24:25 pm »
Agreed.  A longbow should not fire an arrow slower than a light crossbow.  It should be about mid-range for a crossbow (maybe 50 missle speed).

I'm still not sure why arrow speed was reduced so drastically (or even adjusted at all).  It's not like archers were tearing up seige and battle.  If the longbow was too fast, it could have been reduced to 50 and been in line with everything else.

I don't know the speed thing exactly, but as of the last patch I don't even bother to shoot at anything over about 30-40 yards because by then I'm just lobbing an arrow at someone that won't still be there when the arrow gets there anyway and it seems to be a waste of an arrow.  Also, shooting at defending archers from below the walls is now nearly impossible.  It's great on defense because you can just drop arrows on people without fear of retribution, but on offense you have to try to lob the arrow ABOVE the defending archer and have it fall down on them in order to score a hit.  Otherwise you just end up dropping into the wall.

I'm still not sure why arrow speed was reduced so drastically (or even adjusted at all).  Archers were already very minimal on most servers and only the REALLY good ones had any sort of impact in a battle.  A longbow should not fire an arrow slower than a light crossbow.  It should be about mid-range for a crossbow (maybe 50 missle speed).  I have been using a strong/horn bow and may have to switch to longbow just in the hopes of being able to fire UPWARD at a defender on a wall.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.232
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:13:40 pm »
I haven't played DTV since before 0.230, but I remember those peasants taking about 3 arrows as well.  They have very little armor, but seem to have a rediculous amount of health.

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 12, 2011, 06:18:00 pm »
+ extremely fast response in hotfixing initial changes
+ armor absorption/protection changes
+ upkeep raised a bit; most of the people I play with were going 100k positive first-gen
- upkeep made more random; why not just make it a fixed % per tick and remove the random factor entirely?
- archery missle speed is completely out of whack;
It's currently closer to thrown weapons than crossbows.  A longbow should have the missle speed of a low-mid crossbow, with the warbow having the missle speed of a light crossbow.  Bows below that should lose missle speed from there.  As it is now, shooting up at a wall is nearly impossible due to the slow speed and excessive drop and any shooting past 30 yards/meters is basically aiming at a place you expect a player might in 3 seconds.  I'm not sure what the objective of the archery changes were though so it's hard to judge whether the desired affect was achieved.  Currently though, range seems to be greatly reduced with some increase in damage, making archers into extra throwers.  If trajectory was just too flat before (and the changes were to create a more realistic arc) then maybe arrow weight needed to be increased so it would drop more accuratelly without such a massive reduction in flight speed?

Announcements / Re: Version 0.231
« on: July 11, 2011, 10:48:19 pm »
Great work on the quick hotfix developers.

Some of you complain and freak out FAR too much...  This is a free-to-play mod for a niche game developed by a few people in their spare time and yet the game is more balanced and the developer group has responded faster with a hotfix than just about any large MMORPG that I've ever played.  The patch was released yesterday and they've already tweaked half of it today.  What the hell more do you want?  Seriously - chill out, get a beer, get a life, get a girl (or boy, whichever) and take a night off if you're so upset about a few changes.  If a night (or hell, even a week/month) away from C-RPG is that terrible for you to even consider, then you really need to take a good look at your life and your priorities...  No one wants to see C-RPG suffer a loss of players, least of all the guys working thanklessly for hours on the code.  It's not like they're getting paid for this.

So, feel free to state what you do or don't like about changes, but for the sake of sanity, make sure that you state WHY (see Keshian's post on Bow Changes -,10122.0.html) and, also, realize that changes aren't always going to be instantanious.  Give the guys a few weeks.  Not everything that gets changed is going to make sense to everyone and there are probably many bugs and unintended consequences with every patch, but seriously, there has been far too much outcry on these forums for 1 day after a patch.  I fully expected to see a lot of "don't like this" or "this went too far" posts today, as I personally feel that a lot of the changes went a bit too far, but I'm really suprised to see so many people having emotional fits over a change to a free mod...

Here's hoping that the hotfix changes cool down a few hot heads and that the remaining things can be tweaked into intended ranges.

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