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Messages - Answord

Pages: [1]
 I'm always trying to manipulate team if i see that situation is grim and we can be wiped out.Like i make some ladders to roofs or a bunker of siege shields  and ask "please use ladder" or "we need some stupid snipas and crazy paratroopers on da house".But this almost never works.
 Anyway,almost nobody will listen to you,even if you suggest a good plan.Even talking with CAPS and super simple orders like "all go left..left is like right ,but to the left" doesn't work..I think it's because half of playing people here are chineese bots and they just don't know such complicated english words.But maybe if u say to them "defend cookies in that boat",or "kill em all cause they stole our cookies" will work.

If u really want that friendly humanoids would listen to you and your orders for sure,the only way is to speak with them in Raspberry Language.

Closed Requests / Re: UNBAN request Answord_The_Engineer
« on: August 04, 2011, 07:17:20 am »
1. LoL ~.~

2. Promise me to don't tk again, report them instead with a screenshot -> 1 day ban is more effective then a simple TK coz it pisses them off more :P
I promise to You good Sir not to kill friendly ladder brakers(and siege shield brakers),instead i will summon greater power on forum with screenshots to ban em for entire day.
But anyway i will tell em how bad they were :twisted:
Thank You.

Closed Requests / UNBAN request Answord_The_Engineer
« on: August 03, 2011, 05:03:29 pm »
Greetings to you good people.
Can i ask why i'm banned on all EU(Official) servers?
Please unban me,and i will continue my hard engineering works to put some stupid snipers on da houses and i'll continue to teamkill destroyers of my ladders and siege shields cause they are braking a true work of art.
But before i kill em,i'll say to them how bad they were 4 times:on russian,english,chineese and isralian languages.
Thank you for your attention.
With all my respect,
Answord The Engineer.

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