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Messages - SteelFalcon

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cRPG Technical problems / Old Player, New Warband Copy
« on: January 30, 2016, 12:46:16 am »
Hello. I'm an old player from like... 4 years ago? anyways I quit playing for a while and ended up getting a different steam account and thus have a new copy of warband. I'd love to link my cRPG account to my new serial key if that's at all possible. Thanks!

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA Melee Duel Tournament
« on: June 21, 2014, 06:18:55 am »
Contact: Steam SteelFalcon or

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - NA
« on: November 23, 2013, 02:39:47 am »
I don't mean to distract from the discussion of ping, but I do have a build question to put forth to you guys actually. For a long time I was planning on 21/21 at 33 with maxed points but 5 IF and then finishing off the IF at level 34 and getting 1 shield skill to help climb ladders. But I was talking to Mazrim the other day and he said he was 24/21 and that seems to work really well for him and the extra PS would make my claymore (or soon possibly my flambard) do a LOT of damage. So my question is this 0 IF and more PS or agi? or 7 IF and 1 shield? Based on the fact that I usually play siege (if its got peeps) and that footwork is my main asset, though I am getting to be a better blocker/chamberer.

I'll give you 2 LP's and 100k for any of the 1h's listed on the first page
PM me your reply

Sell/Trade / Re: DeKarns Looms! 6 Masterworks inside
« on: July 04, 2013, 02:38:41 am »
I'll give you 2 LP's and 100k for one of the 1h's

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - NA
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:19:10 am »
Oda walked through the streets of Himmelsberg Monastery. Its once bustling alleys held nothing but frost and swirling eddies of wind. Snow blasted in from the high mountains and the elements themselves seemed to conspire to bring down the now desolate home. The Archon had gone into retreat in the icy mountains.  All the men and women of the guard were out in the world, doing good works and building something new. Only he and a few others, his dear Eastern friend Tojo, the fearsome but slightly mad brothers Eryalus and Draeth (inseparable yet always quarreling), and the mighty Killiam remained to maintain the monastery. Despite a helping hand from the oftimes visiting historian general, Hamilcar, and the new founded alliance with the men of the valleys (free men fighting impossible odds), Himmelsberg still seemed an empty husk compared to the liveliness it had once known.

As Oda strolled up onto the rampart he heard a familiar but long since lost noise: the rasp of leather on steel. Could it be an assassin? An enemy who had snuck into the keep? Whirling he drew his hand forged sword from its sheath on his hip and prepared himself for a  fight. A sword flashed down in a heavy overhead stroke and he barely managed to block it, all thoughts but survival left him immediately. He twisted his body in towards the wall on the stair, sliding his sword's blade into the crossguard of his opponent kicking out with his right foot and slapping aside the blade of his foe with a gauntleted hand he strove to drive his opponent down off the stairs. Seemingly impossibly his opponent dodged backward and used his free hand to slug Oda in the head, outreaching his leg and striking a heavy blow against his nose. Dazed and blinded by pain, Oda fell back against the stairs and, having dropped his sword, drew his razor sharp dagger, preparing to meet the end he know was coming. As he waited for the finishing blow he heard a low and familiar chuckle.

"Caught you off guard again old friend?" said the voice as the figure proffered a helping hand, a voice Oda now knew very well. Sheathing his dagger and spitting out  an oath, Oda grasped the proffered hand and pulled himself to his feet. "I do believe you're losing your edge!" said the man, and what a man he was! Tall and strong with a healthy and hearty face that beamed friendliness and yet somehow remained stern, the man was dressed in scale plated armor that clinked and rustled as he moved. The man sheathed his glowing sword and laughed heartily, "Its good to be back!" Oda smiled through his throbbing nose and said, "its good to have you back archon!"

Faction Halls / Re: Red Lotus (RL)
« on: April 26, 2013, 10:29:00 pm »
Id roll with you guys a lot, unfortunately it would only be an alt but HG plays so little that I'd be with you quite a bit lol.

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard
« on: January 26, 2013, 02:57:52 am »
As the battle-weary men of the Guard returned from a far-off battle, Oda Nobunaga, who had stayed back to recover from his long captivity, only recently escaped, strode deliberately to the walls of Himmelsberg Monastery. Looking out he felt the usual pang of regret from having missed the opportunity to fight alongside his friends, for his life was long, and his woes had been many. His salt-and-pepper hair, looking more salt and less pepper these days, drifted in the breeze as his topknot swayed in the icy wind. He saw two corpses, friends hardly known, being borne into the gates. Looking out he saw a face long-recognized but utterly unexpected. Dropping his helm he bounded down the stairs with the strength and vigor of a younger man.

"Phew! Is that really you?" he cried as the man stepped forward.  The man standing before him was battle-hardened and hearty, a heavy shield was slung across his back and a large satchel of razor-sharp perfectly-balanced axes hung at his side. sticking out of his pack was the many-notched hilt of a fearsome cleaver. The man replied, "Yes." Oda knew this man from long experience, hardly speaking, but always lethally prepared for battle. They had fought against one another in the fields of battle prior to this meeting, and more than a few of Oda's scars were dealt from that wicked-sharp piece of steel sticking out of the pack. They had fought out of necessity however, not animosity, and respected each other as fellow soldiers and fellow men. Oda spoke again, "I am glad to see you wearing the colors of our order Phew. Too long have we stood against each other unnecessarily. I am sure you will find the guards to be as friendly and companionable as I have. This land, these men, they will quick become your home and family. Welcome home!"

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« on: November 16, 2012, 06:06:00 am »
Remembering his own initiation, Guiscard paused and turned away from his quest for just a moment, going to congratulate the newest arrival to the family. Catching sight of him in the halls, Guiscard steps forward and grasps his shoulder. He looks him in the eye and says with sincerity, "Welcome Ragnar! It is good to have a new addition to our family here! I hope to fight at your side soon, though I regret to say that first I have business far afield that I must attend. I wish you luck in the coming days, keep vigilant and keep hope. These men are good men, while some may not seem overjoyed to see you, may even seem annoyed that you are here, fear not, for they are kindly inside and will welcome you with open arms in the coming days. I hope that you find this to be as good a home as I have, for there is no place like it."
With this greeting, Guiscard continued his trek to the Archon's rooms.

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« on: November 16, 2012, 06:00:06 am »
Guiscard slowly strode out into the courtyard. He had heard the news of Dalfador's death and had come to see the interment of the body. Though he was relatively new to the Guard his father had known him quite well. Guiscard remembered the stories Oda had told him when he was just a boy, stories of campaigns long past, stories of men wearing white and gold, fighting for God and honor.  Oda was known under a different name, but the man was the same. Prominent among these stories were the tales of cooperation, comradeship, and crisis between himself and a man who fought with fire and vigor, wielding his spear as an extension of his soul. The two had had their times of discord, their difficulties, and the times of troubles when each helped each other.  These two men had not always been the best of friends, but they were always brothers-in-arms.  Until this moment, seeing Dalfador with his honorary Holy Guard array and a memorial of white and gold beside him in his coffin, that these two men, his friend and mentor and his father's comrade from early days, were one and the same.  Stricken with this realization Guiscard dropped to his knees, awed at the connection that until this moment he had missed. Realizing what could have been, and realizing that it now could never be, he began to weep. Looking up through his tears he glimpsed the look of peace on the old soldier's face.  Suddenly a single piece of his father's stories clicks in, this man had always been searching for, and never finding, peace. As his tears slowly dried, Guiscard smiled sadly.  A great man had passed this day, but he had found what he was looking for.
   Rising slowly, Guiscard felt inspiration. This man's age was only 5 years past that of his father. With a sudden jolt, the man stretched before him shifted from Dalfador into an image of his father.  Suddenly terrified for his father's life, Guiscard turned and fled into his rooms, emerging a few moments later with his armor strapped on and his traveling equipment in tow. He strode determinedly toward the stairs to the Archon's office. It was time.

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« on: November 03, 2012, 07:12:27 pm »
   The Himmelsberg Monastery, home to the noble Holy Guards, stood on a steep-faced mountain, overlooking the countryside with a watchful yet calming air. This legendary monastery was unconquered and defended by the most noble and holy men that could be found, a band of brothers united by sacred trust and an iron resolve to protect those weaker than themselves. The monastery was obviously built to last, and glistened as a beacon of safety and indomitable security to weary travelers and holy knights alike who traveled in the icy and dangerous land it watched over.  The massive wooden gates, with their overarching parapet and the intricate etchings of illuminated and holy scenes graven into the wood yet surrounded by scuffs, dents, and scratches of a gate that had obviously withstood the turmoils of war, were awe-inspiring and magnificent in the early morning light. The Guardsmen watching over the gate were relaxed yet still poised with a deadly efficiency and grace on the parapet above the gate and bridge across the chasm that separated the Monastery from the surrounding mountains.  Their crossbows, master-crafted and lethal yet still elegant and beautiful, were strung and ready at their waists as they cautiously watched the man they saw coming towards their gates. As he drew nearer, their hails and calls for him to halt died on their lips, they found their mouths had a will of their own, dropping slightly open, and their eyes widened as they were drawn to a certain deadly adornment attached to the waist of the traveler.
   The morning sun shone brightly over the gloriously shining snowy hills as a weary and sad-faced traveler approached the Himmelsberg gates. He was young, perhaps not yet seeing his twenty-fifth winter, but his eyes had the depth of a much older man. His travel-stained cloak swirled in the wind that drew up eddies of snow from the mountainside as he strode onward. There was a natural grace to his movements and yet a tension similar to a coiled spring. His armor was battered but still shone in the sun, his face was haggard with the growth of a beard several weeks in the making but still maintained an air of dignity, his equipment jingled as he walked but somehow he seemed as silent as a shadow thrown across a sunny floor.  Strapped across his back was a monstrous sword, obviously well-made and in good condition, he wore it well and looked as if he knew how to use it. This was, however, not what drew the attention and surprise of the guards. Hanging from the young man's waist, though seeming more like an extension of his heart and soul rather than a tool, was a magnificent blade that glistened and shone with a light of its own as he drew it from its heavy, lacquered, and engraved sheath. The etchings gleamed with an inner fire as he gracefully twirled it out into a flawless salute to where it sang and hummed in the air before him.
   “I am Guiscard, son of Oda Nobunaga, warrior of the far Eastern shores.” His voice resounded in the hills, harmonizing with the deep and resonant ring of his elegant blade. He continued, “My father has fallen to the wiles and machinations of the Shinobu sent west to hunt him down by the treacherous dogs responsible for the collapse of our land. He lives yet as a prisoner to those distant adversaries. He spoke well of the Holy Guard to me throughout our time together, and he was a man to whom compliments did not come easily.” The young man's face seems to darken slightly and take on a bitter aspect for just a moment as he finishes, his voice faltering ever so slightly, almost as if reliving a sharp pain or a grim memory. The look passes in a flash fast enough that anyone watching would have had a hard time believing that it had ever been there. Stoic and dignified posture resumed, he raised his voice in a tone designed to carry his voice to any ears within the Monastery, once again perfectly accompanying the persistent and melodic ring of his Katana, “I am here to pledge my allegiance to your cause, and by so doing remind you of the brotherhood you and my father once shared. To request, nay demand, that you follow your honor to come to his aide in his time of troubles.” As the ringing of the sword reluctantly  drew to an end, he twirled it once more and slammed it into the icy ground at his feet and knelt, both hands on the hilt, peering up into the parapet now full of onlookers. The Archon stepped forward from the crowd and looked down upon him. The silence was broken as the young man spoke quietly, just loud enough to be heard from the ramparts but increasing slowly in volume with each word, “I pledge myself to your cause. Let your enemies be my enemies, let your friends be my allies, let you be my brothers whom I would die to protect,” his voice rose to a crescendo, “Let us serve God together, Let us combat the enemies of peace, justice, and freedom, Let us present to them a united front, Let us fight, let us live, let us protect the weak and uphold right!” In the ensuing silence his voice spoke, barely more than a whisper but audible to all, “With this oath, I pledge my sword, my father's sword, to God and His servants the Holy Guard. We will serve you until the end, with every drop of blood.”
   The figure rose, the wind's woeful moaning began in earnest, sending the snow and ice encrusted on his knees swirling off into the distance. He sheathed his sword. Guiscard, son of Oda Nobunaga, servant of God, trained by his father in the ways of nobility and swordcraft, stood and walked into the now open gates of Himmelsberg Monastery. He felt a sensation that was new, something that he had never felt in his long years of travel both alone and with his father. He felt peace. He felt comfort. He was home.

Faction Halls / Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« on: November 02, 2012, 05:14:55 am »
While I am greatly saddened to have witnessed the death of Red Lotus, I am overjoyed that I have been accepted into this new brotherhood. Guiscard son of Oda is ready to fight, and die, beside this Order.

Faction Halls / Re: Red Lotus (RL)
« on: October 23, 2012, 05:06:45 pm »
I think Mori is our best bet at this point. I unfortunately have some serious business happening in real life right now... I'll try and get a hold of Mori or maybe organize the remainder of the faction enough that we can select a leader who has the time, energy, capability, and dedication to lead...

I'd donate, I don't have much, but it would be worth it... I've done things like this (nothing nearly to this high of a level) in cRPG and in other games before... I know the frustration that it causes and I think it'd be a real shame to lose such an awesome player to a build calculation issue... I'd say that helping a friend is certainly worth a few hundred thousand (all it would take if we got like 20-30 people) in the long run... I'm all for the donation, I'll even try to organize one if you like, there's certainly no shortage of people who love Artie...

Faction Halls / Re: Red Lotus (RL)
« on: October 14, 2012, 11:02:27 pm »
I'll take some responsibility, I was offered an officer role, and would have gladly been the liaison between RL and the shogunate... unfortunately real life got in the way... It leaves me deeply saddened to see what has happened to my beloved Red Lotus... I don't know where the blame goes, its a disappointing end, I don't know that blame really needs to be assigned.  I do know that there are still some great people involved in this... I also know the frustration of putting so much into something then seeing it fall and being blamed. I also know that I'm still really fuzzy on what happened in strat... I was very active for several months during which we had several active officers, we were growing everyday, and were dominating siege in groups of 5-15, I left for two weeks and returned to find a clan that had fallen apart, leadership resigning, officers and soldiers inactive or quitting, and the shogunate in ruins, due mostly to the inactivity of the mid-grade officers... The fact is that because of the lack of mid-grade officers, recruitment fell apart and there was little to no communication between the lower ranks and the two most active leaders... For example... I, being in TS nearly everyday, was not aware that we were even at war until a week into it and talked to almost all the lower level red lotus members who also knew nothing about it... I know how much effort Auphilia and Nomin put into this and I think that if we're to blame anyone, its the officers who were supposed to take the info from the leaders to the lower grades and, once again, the lack of active officers in Red Lotus (to a large degree because of real life issues).
I don't know where we're going from here. If this is it then so be it, but I won't just forget the times we had together. So, someone please keep all of us commoners informed as to the next step, are we done? or are we going to, as Churchill put it, "Keep buggering on."?

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